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Boss Challenge (18/08/13)

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Boss Challenge (18.08.13) Promotion.jpg
Beat all the celestial Bosses to complete rounds!
Started: 13 August 2018
Ended: 20 August 2018
Duration: 7 Days
Type: Relay
Prize: Ceramic Dragon Icon.png Ceramic Dragon
Ticket(s): Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png

The event took place during the Golden Pyramid Divine event series. Relay Events are limited-time competitions in which each Trainer participates individually. These events follow a single path made from a series of tiles, each containing a different, restrictive battle.


The main reward is earned by beating a series of Boss-like Dragons. A Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png Ticket is given for any defeated Boss-like Dragon, regardless of the battle or lap. Regular Dragons appear between bosses, and when defeated award smaller rewards such as Food Icon.png Food, Scrolls Icon.png Scrolls, or Gold Icon.png Gold, based on Level Modifier. Enemy Dragons, apart from the Boss-like Dragons, are usually random, thus not all Trainers face the same Dragons. The levels of all opposing Dragons are in relation to the levels of the Trainer's own Dragons at the moment the Boss Challenge started.

Element Restrictions

The Elements used in Boss Battles are gradually restricted, with all Elements allowed for the first battles. Defeating a Boss-like Dragon reduces the allowed Elements by 1 random Element, making the restrictions more severe after each Dragon. A maximum of 6 are restricted in the hardest battles, leaving only the highest 4 Elements allowed in all battles. The remaining 2 Elements are random, and change each time a Boss Battle is won. Element restrictions can be refreshed, but a waiting period is required before the next fight is started, and it only lasts until the next Boss is defeated. Every battle also requires a cooldown period before the next battle is started, though any waiting period may be skipped using Gems Icon.png Gems.


When a lap is finished, a Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png Ticket is given and the map resets with a new set of battles. The main prize Dragon is awarded once the 4th lap is complete. Any subsequent lap after the fourth offers a repeatable reward consisting of 15 Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png Tickets. Laps are usually unlimited with infinite rounds.


The amount of Food or Gold awarded depends on Trainer Level, the highest Level Modifier amount is displayed.

Tier Reward
Lap 1 Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png 15
Lap 2 Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png 15
Lap 3 Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png 15
Lap 4 Ceramic Dragon Icon.png Ceramic Dragon
Lap 5+ Divine Ticket (Moon Golden Pyramid) Icon.png 15


Professor Hogwin.png Arya, what a fascinating place you've discovered! I can hardly wait to observe and research these ancient dragons!
Arya.png Just be polite, Professor -- they've been nice enough to allow us to stick around and play before they send us home!
Arya.png The dragons here really love to battle -- just like me! I bet we can befriend them if we show them a good time!
Eliza the Masculine.png Er... Can I come along, too...?

Read the full story on the Event Dialogues page.

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