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Breeding Blitz (24/03/04)

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Breeding Blitz Event Generic Promotion.jpg
During the event, you can get the awesome DARK SENTINEL DRAGON by using its parents in the Breeding Den!
Started: 4 March 2024
Ended: 12 March 2024
Duration: 8 days
Type: Chain Breeding
Prize: Dark Sentinel Dragon Icon.png Dark Sentinel Dragon

The event took place during the Rift: Re-Warped Divine event series. Chain Breeding Events are limited-time competitions in which Trainers participate individually. The objective is to breed pairs of Dragons together, sequentially, to obtain the prize Dragon at the end of the chain.


Repeated breedings may be required for any offspring, as outcomes are not guaranteed. Dragons already owned can be used for required breeding parents, they do not have to be bred again. Unlike other limited-time breeding events, Dragons made available through Chain Breeding Events are not typically available to purchase using Gems Icon.png Gems, breeding is the sole method of obtainment during the event.


The first pair of the chain requires breeding any two Dragons that together include Fire, Wind, Earth, and Energy Elements, to obtain the Golden Egg Dragon Icon.png Golden Egg Dragon. The second combination requires breeding the Golden Egg Dragon Icon.png Golden Egg Dragon with the Thor Dragon Icon.png Thor Dragon, the latter of which is obtained from the Castle Event (24/03/01) Event.

Once a successful breeding attempt is made, the Dark Sentinel Dragon Icon.png Dark Sentinel Dragon's egg appears between both parents in the Breeding Den. Hatching the prize Dragon is not required during the event, as the breeding result is determined when breeding begins.

Note: Although any combination of the required elements can be used, breeding a single-element Dragon with another that has the remainder of the required elements (and no extras/duplicates) can have better odds and/or fewer unintended outcomes.

Breeding Chain

Unknown 2 Dragon.png

Unknown Dragon
Fire (Element) Icon.png Wind (Element) Icon.png[1]

Golden Egg Dragon.png

Golden Egg Dragon
Dragon of the Month

Unknown 2 Dragon.png

Unknown Dragon
Earth (Element) Icon.png Energy (Element) Icon.png[1]

Dark Sentinel Dragon.png

Dark Sentinel Dragon
Breed External-link-ltr-icon.png

Thor Dragon.png

Thor Dragon
Castle Event (24/03/01)

  1. 1.0 1.1 See the Note section above for breeding odds increase information.
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