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Dragon Board (21/01/11)

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Dragon Board (21.01.11) Promotion.jpg
Roll your two dice and make your Dragon progress on the board. Roll pairs to make the story unfold. Collect keys to open chests with parts for different dragons.
Started: 11 January 2021
Ended: 21 January 2021
Duration: 10 Days
Type: Dragon Dice
Prize: Sixth Dragon Icon.png Sixth Dragon
Other Prizes:

Ticket(s): Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png
Occasion: Anniversary Events

This event was part of celebrating the 6th Anniversary of Dragon Mania Legends.

Dragon Dice events are limited-time competitions with individual goals and battle story content. Trainers roll two dice Double Dice Icon.png to move spaces on the game board, collecting keys to open chests for different rewards.


Trainers work individually, using Event Currency to buy the dice rolls required to move around the board, collecting Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces and other prizes from chests.

Event Currency

Lucky Stones Icon.png

Every 6 hour cycle (from event start) a set amount of currency, called Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones, is earned by doing various tasks. Each roll of the Double Dice Icon.png dice costs a number of Lucky Stones.


Earning Event Currency (no Limit).jpg

There are 6 different tasks that earn Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones. A limit of 200 can be earned per task within a 6-hour period, totaling 1,200 per pool.

Important Icon.png Note: Lucky Stones are earned by collecting Gold (only when the Gold Gold Notification Icon.png appears above a Habitat Icon.png Habitat), harvesting Food Icon.png Food from Farms Icon.png Farms (on collecting, not planting), Breeding Dragons (on pressing the Breed button, not on hatching), Feeding Dragons, winning Battles, and catching Flying Creatures. The i button provides information about each task.

# of Actions required to obtain Maximum Lucky Stones Icon.png per Cycle
Collect Gold Feed Dragons Win Battles Catch Creatures
50 Gold Notification Icon.png 25 Feeding Event Icon.png 8 Battle Icon.png 10 Flying Creature - Lucky Stone.png
Points for Collecting Food

The maximum amount of Lucky Stones that can be received from a task in this event is 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png, thus, no higher number can be obtained. Any values over 200 are merely representative.

Duration Food Lucky Stones Icon.png per Farm Lucky Stones Icon.png per 15 Farms Maximum Lucky Stones Icon.png per cycle[1]
30 seconds Spiky Cherry - Level 1 Farm 1 Lucky Stones Icon.png 15 Lucky Stones Icon.png 10,800 Lucky Stones Icon.png
5 minutes Purplemon - Level 1 Farm 1 Lucky Stones Icon.png 15 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,080 Lucky Stones Icon.png
30 minutes Sour Cone - Level 1 Farm 7 Lucky Stones Icon.png 105 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,260 Lucky Stones Icon.png
1 hour Spring Cherry - Level 3 Farm 15 Lucky Stones Icon.png 225 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,350 Lucky Stones Icon.png
2 hours Blue Hazel - Level 2 Farm 31 Lucky Stones Icon.png 465 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,395 Lucky Stones Icon.png
6 hours Dragonscale - Level 2 Farm Squarey Berry - Level 4 Farm 93 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,395 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,395 Lucky Stones Icon.png
12 hours Dragolandic Berry - Level 2 Farm 187 Lucky Stones Icon.png 2,805 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,402.5 Lucky Stones Icon.png
1 day Star Fruit - Level 3 Farm Royal Fig - Level 4 Farm 375 Lucky Stones Icon.png 5,625 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,406.25 Lucky Stones Icon.png
2 days Sweetroot - Level 3 Farm Candied Pear - Level 4 Farm 750 Lucky Stones Icon.png 11,250 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1,406.25 Lucky Stones Icon.png
  1. These values are calculated based on perfect cycles, assuming that there is no loss of time in between re-planting Food. However, one must take into account that collecting and planting Food does consume a certain amount of time, which depends on the Trainer's speed, therefore, the amounts will vary (lower than shown).
Points for Breeding Dragons

The maximum amount of Lucky Stones that can be received from a task in this event is 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png, thus, no higher number can be obtained. Any values over 200 are merely representative.

The listed Dragons are maximum two examples for breeding - there may be more than two available breeding options.
If only one Dragon is listed, this is the only option.

Breed Time VIP Breed Lucky Stones Icon.png per Breed Recommended Offspring[1] Parent
Other Dragon(s)[2]
30 seconds 24 seconds 1 Lucky Stones Icon.png Fire Dragon Icon.png
Wind Dragon Icon.png
Fire (Element) Icon.png + (Fire (Element) Icon.pngPlant (Element) Icon.png)
Wind (Element) Icon.png + (Wind (Element) Icon.pngEnergy (Element) Icon.png)
1 minute 48 seconds 1 Lucky Stones Icon.png Earth Dragon Icon.png Earth (Element) Icon.png + (Earth (Element) Icon.pngVoid (Element) Icon.png) -
5 minutes 4 minutes 2 Lucky Stones Icon.png Water Dragon Icon.png Water (Element) Icon.png + (Water (Element) Icon.pngMetal (Element) Icon.png) -
30 minutes 26 minutes 16 Lucky Stones Icon.png - Smoke Dragon Icon.png
45 minutes 36 minutes 25 Lucky Stones Icon.png - Bee Dragon Icon.png
1 hour 48 minutes 33 Lucky Stones Icon.png Plant Dragon Icon.png Plant (Element) Icon.png + (Plant (Element) Icon.pngFire (Element) Icon.png) Lava Dragon Icon.png
1h 30m 1h 12m 50 Lucky Stones Icon.png Metal Dragon Icon.png Metal (Element) Icon.png + (Metal (Element) Icon.pngWater (Element) Icon.png) Tribal Dragon Icon.png
Elephant Dragon Icon.png
2 hours 1h 36m 66 Lucky Stones Icon.png Energy Dragon Icon.png Energy (Element) Icon.png + (Energy (Element) Icon.pngWind (Element) Icon.png) Dust Dragon Icon.png
3 hours 2h 24m 100 Lucky Stones Icon.png Void Dragon Icon.png Void (Element) Icon.png + (Void (Element) Icon.pngEarth (Element) Icon.png) -
4 hours 3h 12m 133 Lucky Stones Icon.png - Breeze Rock Dragon Icon.png
Elemental Dragon Icon.png
6 hours 4h 48m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png War Dragon Icon.png Fire (Element) Icon.png + Metal (Element) Icon.png Seed Dragon Icon.png
Tree Dragon Icon.png
The breedings below give only 200 points while taking longer.
8 hours 6h 24m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png Lumino Dragon Icon.png
Mist Dragon Icon.png
Fire (Element) Icon.png + Void (Element) Icon.png
Wind (Element) Icon.png + Void (Element) Icon.png
Leaf Dragon Icon.png
Armored Dragon Icon.png
10 hours 8 hours 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png Shard Dragon Icon.png
Solar Dragon Icon.png
Metal (Element) Icon.png + Void (Element) Icon.png
Fire (Element) Icon.png + Light (Element) Icon.png
Brick Dragon Icon.png
Nightshade Dragon Icon.png
12 hours 9h 36m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png Jungle Dragon Icon.png
Reaper Dragon Icon.png
Plant (Element) Icon.png + Light (Element) Icon.png
Metal (Element) Icon.png + Shadow (Element) Icon.png
Prickly Dragon Icon.png
UV Dragon Icon.png
14 hours 11h 12m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png Missile Dragon Icon.png
Nightmare Dragon Icon.png
Energy (Element) Icon.png + Light (Element) Icon.png
Void (Element) Icon.png + Shadow (Element) Icon.png
Lightning Dragon Icon.png
Rust Dragon Icon.png
16 hours 12h 48m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png - Orange Dragon Icon.png
Black Armor Dragon Icon.png
18 hours 14h 24m 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png - Coral Dragon Icon.png
Blueflame Dragon Icon.png
  1. Recommended Offspring indicates those Normally-Breedable Dragons with guaranteed combinations as well as Base Dragons that share the specified breeding time. It is suggested to breed these to obtain Lucky Stones Icon.png because there is at least one combination that will result only in the desired outcome, avoiding unwanted offspring with breeding times different than the one looked after.
  2. Other Dragons include Normally-Breedable Dragons that share the specified breeding time with the exception of Dragons with guaranteed combinations and Base Dragons. Dragons with breeding times over 18 hours non-VIP are not shown, as obtaining them will award the maximum of 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png within the highest level. They take longer to breed, but yield the same amount of Lucky Stones Icon.png as shorter options, making them a less efficient alternative.


Dragon Dice Board (Generic).jpg

Rolling the dice costs a set amount of Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones, and both dice are rolled together. With each roll, the Trainer selects which one (die) of the two outcomes to use first, to progress around the game board. The second die roll can then be used to move again.

Tile & Key Types

The goal is to land on specific colored tiles that give the matching Key type. When 3 of the same color Keys are collected, it opens the matching chest type.

Type Tile Key Chest
Rare (classification) Icon.png Rare Rare Tile Icon.png Rare Key Icon.png Rare Board Chest Icon.png
Epic (classification) Icon.png Epic Epic Tile Icon.png Epic Key Icon.png Epic Board Chest Icon.png
Ancient (classification) Icon.png Ancient Ancient Tile Icon.png Ancient Key Icon.png Ancient Board Chest Icon.png

Additionally, there are 3 checkpoints across the board that, when passed through, trade all unused Keys accumulated for Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones. However, landing on a checkpoint first awards the Key of the Trainer's choice, then converts the leftover Keys into Event Currency. Completing one full lap of the Dragon Dice Board awards 1 of each chest type for free, and gives 3 (single) die rerolls to use any time within the duration of the next lap.

Icon Checkpoint Description
Start Tile Icon.png Start, Lap, and Trade-in checkpoint
Checkpoint Tile Icon.png Trade-in checkpoint

Chest Types

The 3 chest types contain content relevant to their type (see Chest Rewards). The chest rewards themselves are represented by prize cards that flip over, revealing their prizes. Regular Chest Card Back.png cards award Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones or Silver Horns Icon.png Silver Horns, Dragon cards Uncommon Card Back.png Rare Card Back.png Epic Card Back.png Legendary Card Back.png Ancient Card Back.png Tyrant Card Back.png award Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces, and Material Cards Materials Card Back.png Ancient Materials Card Back.png award Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials. Once all pieces for a Dragon are collected, the chests providing these offer alternate prizes.

Rolls and Rerolls

A die can be rerolled, for free, up to 3 times in each lap. After using up the 3 free rerolls, each subsequent reroll costs Event Currency. Most importantly, using a die value of six gives 2 Keys of the tile type landing on, including checkpoint tiles, which would give 2 Keys of the Trainer's choice.

Double Dice
Double Dice Icon.png

Double Dice Meter Example.png

When two dice of the same value (doubles) are rolled, a Double Dice point is given. Each roll of doubles accumulates in the Double Dice meter, until the Trainer is eligible to enter combat in the battle story. The Double Dice meter count is reset to a new goal only after the battle is won.

Battle Story

Upon filling the Double Dice Meter, reaching the level's required amount, the Trainer is prompted to enter a Double Trouble battle. Completing such battles awards event Tickets and unfolds the Battle Story, which usually ends with obtaining a unique Dragon or Badge Icon.png Badge. Skipping the battle in exchange for Lucky Stones Icon.png Lucky Stones is also possible.

Opponents and Milestones
Chapter Opponent Reward Element restriction Num Double
Dices needed
1 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 All Icon.png 1
2 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 2 All Icon.png 2
3 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 3 All Icon.png 3
4 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 3 Fire (Element) Icon.png Earth (Element) Icon.png Plant (Element) Icon.png Metal (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 3
5 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 5 Fire (Element) Icon.png Water (Element) Icon.png Metal (Element) Icon.png Void (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 5
6 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 50% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 5 Wind (Element) Icon.png Water (Element) Icon.png Energy (Element) Icon.png Void (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 5
7 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 60% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 10 Earth (Element) Icon.png Void (Element) Icon.png Energy (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 10
8 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 60% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 10 Water (Element) Icon.png Plant (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 10
9 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 60% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 10 Energy (Element) Icon.png Plant (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 10
10 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 70% Fifth Dragon Icon.png Fifth Dragon Void (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png 10
11 Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 70% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 40 All Icon.png 25
12+ Unknown Dragon Icon.png lvl. 70% Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 15 All Icon.png 10


In addition to the Double Dice rewards above, the board Chests also provide rewards.

Chest Rewards

Chest Type Dragon Dice Chest (Rare).png
Dragon Dice Chest (Epic).png
Dragon Dice Chest (Ancient).png
1 Chest Gives 1 - 40 Dragon Pieces Icon.png
Runic Dragon Icon.png Runic Dragon
1 - 80 Dragon Pieces Icon.png
Sunset Dragon Icon.png Sunset Dragon
1 - 100 Dragon Pieces Icon.png
Sixth Dragon Icon.png Sixth Dragon
Replacement After All Dragon Pieces Icon.png Collected 50 - 200 Lucky Stones Icon.png 1 out of:
3 - 20 Good Materials - Fire.png
2 - 15 Excellent Materials - Fire.png
1 - 10 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png
5 - 30 Fair Materials - Energy.png
2 - 15 Average Materials - Energy.png
2 - 20 Average Materials - Light.png
3 - 30 Good Materials - Light.png
2 - 15 Excellent Materials - Light.png
3 - 20 Good Materials - Divine.png
2 - 15 Excellent Materials - Divine.png
1 - 10 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png
1 - 4 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png
Guaranteed Dragon After Opening 60 Chests 90 Chests 100 Chests

Bingo Card

Bingo Card Icon.png
11-21 January 2021
Row/Column Diagonal Blackout
1 Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Food Icon.png 750,000
2 Lucky Stones Icon.png 50 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Gold Icon.png 7.5M
3 Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 5
4 Lucky Stones Icon.png 50 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Season Points Icon.png 500
5 Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Enchantment Tickets Icon.png 5
6 Lucky Stones Icon.png 50 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Lucky Stones Icon.png 750
7 Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Dragon Piece Tickets Icon.png 5
8 Lucky Stones Icon.png 50 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 5
9 Divine Ticket (Fortune) Icon.png 1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png 10 for Dile Dragon Icon.png
10 Lucky Stones Icon.png 50 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png 2 for Snow Globe Dragon Icon.png


Ned.png Hey, Dad? It's great that you made Arya a cake to celebrate her sixth anniversary as a dragon trainer, but... what did you put in it, exactly?
Professor Hogwin.png Oh, dear. In my attempt to "spice things up" I may have added a hearty dose of some mysterious potion or another. But one must be daring in the kitchen!
Arya.png I get to spend my trainer-versary in the dream realm?! This is so cool -- thanks, Professor! I wonder what kind of stories the dragons want to hear this time?
Professor Hogwin.png Hmm... Judging by the looks of this hardboiled pair, perhaps they want tales of strife and adventure?
Arya.png Oh, I've got PLENTY of those. Remember all the times I had to track down and foil Viking plots across the archipelago?!

Ned.png Sheesh, sometimes I can't believe just how many nefarious schemes you had to squash, Arya... It's amazing.
Arya.png I couldn't have done any of it without your help, Ned. And other really strong Trainers helped me, too!
Arya.png In fact, these dragons remind me of some TRULY wild adventures that we went on together, Ned. To the far future, and distant past--
Ned.png Y-yep, yep, distant pastures! Sure saw a lot of cows there!
Arya.png Huh...? No, I mean when we saw the Ancient Water dragons, and--
Ned.png Shh! I don't want my dad knowing about that just yet...

Arya.png These dragons remind me of our adventures with the Divines -- especially our first couple, on Mount Dragolympus, and the Island of New Beginnings!
Arya.png Man, that trip to Dragolympus with the Professor is something I'll never forget. It was my first brush with Divine Dragons!
Arya.png And of course, taking down Eliza with Ned on the Island! We didn't have Hogwin's help on that one, so it was a little scary!
Arya.png I'm sure this battle will be another nice medley of scary AND fun.

Arya.png OoOoOoOoOo! Spooky dragons!
Professor Hogwin.png It's okay, Ned -- there's no shame in hiding behind your papa!
Ned.png ...
Arya.png We've had plenty of scary adventures, haven't we? Eliza and I even went to the underworld at the Golden Pyramid!
Arya.png And I can't forget my eerie strolls through the woods, or the times I thought I couldn't save the day.
Arya.png All in all, being scared isn't so bad -- especially when you're surrounded by loved ones, and loved dragons.

Arya.png Aww, these two dragons make me remember all the fun and happy times I've spent with everyone.
Arya.png I didn't have many friends back home on Crysto... But since meeting Hogwin and Ned here on Numa, I've gained more than I'd ever thought possible.
Arya.png I've befriended amazing Trainers, and even made friends with our enemies!
Arya.png I think I've laughed and smiled more in the past six years than I ever did when I was younger...
Arya.png I have all of you to thank for that!

Arya.png Oh, oh, these dragons remind me of the time I spent as a milkmaid on Numa, before I met you two!
Arya.png You should've seen me -- out wrangling cows in the fields, tripping over thorny bushes and chasing cattle thieves...
Arya.png Sometimes I think it was even harder than dragon training! It was definitely good practice, at least.

Arya.png Ha ha! These dragons remind me of LAST year's anniversary party. We danced around and sang songs -- and Ned even freestyled a couple verses!
Ned.png Um... I don't remember that at all.
Arya.png What?! Could it have been a dream? Or did I accidentally give you another potion last year?
Ned.png I mean... was I good at it?
Arya.png How strange... It felt so real...
Ned.png A-Arya? Hey, Arya, was I any good?

Arya.png These two remind me of listening to Hogwin's stories and eating snacks around the fire...
Arya.png No offense, Cookie Dragon -- we don't want to eat you!
Ned.png That WOULD be how the Cookie Dragon crumbles, wouldn't it? Ha ha!
Professor Hogwin.png That was insensitive, son...
Ned.png S-sorry...

Arya.png Heheh, these dragons remind me of how far I've come...
Arya.png I feel like I've done so much. I've become so much stronger, and learned so many new things.
Arya.png And I've had so many people help me along the way! I'd like to thank the Dragon Academy!
Ned.png Wrap up that speech, Arya -- these dragons want to battle!

Arya.png Now these dragons remind me of this little shindig right here -- the festive stroll down memory lane you arranged for me, Hogwin!
Ned.png Dad, please let me handle the baking next time.
Professor Hogwin.png Well, intentional or not, I think this has been a wonderful sixth trainer-versary indeed. And it appears these last two dragons are here for the festivities!
Arya.png Let's party!
Ned.png Happy anniversary, everyone!
Professor Hogwin.png We hope you'll party with us for many years to come!

Read the full story on the Event Dialogues page.

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