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Dragon Grid (22/12/19)

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Dragon Grid (22.12.19) Promotion.jpg
Move your Dragon avatar around the 3x3 grid, collect Tyrant Tickets and other rewards while trying to survive as long as possible.
Started: 19 December 2022
Ended: 26 December 2022
Duration: 7 Days
Type: Dragon Grid
Ticket(s): Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png

The event took place during the Prisoners of the Northern Lights Tyrant event series.

Dragon Grid Events are limited-time competitions in which the Trainer moves their Dragon avatar around the 3×3 grid, attempting to collect Tyrant Tickets and other rewards, while minimizing damaged received to survive as long as possible.

Dragon Avatar

A Dragon avatar, representing the Trainer, appears initially at the center of the game board to be moved where desired. The avatar is controlled by either tapping on, or swiping in, the desired direction. The avatar can also be replaced by the current week's Bottomless Dungeon Guaranteed Dragon, if that dragon is obtained (or re-obtained) during the event. Once obtained, the Dungeon dragon affects the Trainer's starting and maximum Power capacity.

Harmful Tiles

Dragon Grid 3 Background.jpg

Harmful tiles are tiles that may reduce the Trainer's power, by the amount displayed at the top-right of the tile, when landed on:

  • Damage tiles (represented by other Dragons) – Reduce the current power number.
  • Trap tiles (represented by boards/saws) – Reduce the current power only if the trap is active when landed on. Trap tiles alternate between their active (saw up) or inactive (saw down) states as moves are made, and are only safe to land on (giving no damage) when inactive.

Beneficial Tiles

Image Tile Description
Food Icon.png Food Heals lost power in the amount displayed in their top-right corner, but cannot heal power over the Trainer's maximum amount.
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Ticket Each level has a set number to find, and once all are found, the level ends. Ticket color changes depending on the chapter (1-4) of the event.
Dragon Grid Chest.png Chest Unlocked once the level is completed and gives bonus rewards.


Every chapter, the Trainer begins with one Shield Potion Icon.png Shield in inventory, the current inventory count appears at the right of the screen. When used, a Shield completely negates the damage received from one harmful tile. Additional shields can be won by opening chests, though their appearance in chests is rare. Shields can also be purchased for 15 Gems Icon.png Gems.


Each level contains a pool of harmful or beneficial tiles. As the Trainer progresses through the levels, the chances of the type of tile appearing in the grid changes. If a level is failed, it must be restarted using Energy, which regenerates over time. Completing a certain number of levels is also necessary to unlock the Dragons in the Event's Shop.

Energy (level attempts)

Energy (Purple) Icon.png

Each weekly grid iteration has a starting Grid Energy capacity of 2. The cost to begin a level attempt is 1 Energy. The Energy count appears at the top-right, and automatically regenerates over time. As the level increases, the energy held increases up to a maximum cap. Higher capacity amounts are unlocked at grid level 10, 20, 50, 80, 120, 160, and 200.

Unlock Level Energy Pool Minutes per Energy
0 2 Energy (Purple) Icon.png 30
10 4 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
20 6 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
50 8 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
80 10 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
120 12 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
160 14 Energy (Purple) Icon.png
200 16 Energy (Purple) Icon.png


Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png

A set number of Tickets are available in each Level, and must be found to progress to the next level. At the left of the interface, beside an image of the ticket for that level, appears a current ticket count. The count's first number represents the number of tickets already collected, separated by a slash from the total number of tickets to be collected.


Grid Content

Level Cost Tickets Chests Probabilities of appearance
Enemies Traps Food
1-2 1 1 1 50% 0% 50%
3 40% 20% 40%
4-7 2 2 38% 38% 25%
8 3 0% 60% 40%
9-10 2 42% 35% 23%
11-14 38% 33% 29%
15-18 40% 32% 28%
19 5 0% 78% 22%
20 2 40% 32% 28%
21-23 41% 31% 28%
24-28 3 3 45% 23% 32%
29 5 0% 78% 22%
30 2 45% 23% 32%
31-35 44% 22% 34%
36-40 43% 21% 36%
41 5 0% 80% 20%
42-45 2 42% 20% 38%
46-50 3 42% 22% 36%
Repeating Levels
1x 3 3 7 0% 86% 14%
5x 3 42% 22% 36%

Shop Dragons

Tyrant Altar (22.12.05) Promotion.jpg

Talismans are a form of currency that can be spent only in the Shop's Dragons section, in exchange for Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces. Each Dragon's pieces can be obtained by pressing the Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button on the snapshot of the desired Dragon.

The Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button provides a place to "trade in" talismans for Dragon pieces, without the use of a physical altar.

Tyrant Shop, unlocks after Dragon Cost Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1x Dragon Pieces Icon.png Cost Amount needed
Unlocked Icon.png 5 Grids cleared Armored Phasm Dragon Icon.png Armored Phasm Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 35 Grids cleared Daemonia Dragon Icon.png Daemonia Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 70 Grids cleared Prisma Dragon Icon.png Prisma Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 120 Grids cleared Aureum Lumen Dragon Icon.png Aureum Lumen Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (Tyrant Light) Icon.png

Grid Chest Content

Item Chance
VIP Ticket Icon.png 1 5%
Shield Potion Icon.png 1 1%
Portal Energy Icon.png 3 10%
Portal Energy Icon.png 5 5.5%
Arena Energy Icon.png 1 8%
Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 1 6%
Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 2 2%
Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 3 1%
Scrolls Icon.png 3 8%
Scrolls Icon.png 5 5%
Gems Icon.png 1 9%
Gems Icon.png 5 1.1%
Gems Icon.png 50 0.2%
Gems Icon.png 100 0.1%
Energy (Purple) Icon.png 1 7.2%
Energy (Purple) Icon.png 5 1%
Energy (Purple) Icon.png 10 0.5%
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png 1 9.5%
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png 5 3%
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png 100 0.2%
Extraordinary Materials - Tyrant.png 2 7%
Excellent Materials - Tyrant.png 5 9.7%


Arya.png Wow... This place is beautiful! But more than that, it's HUGE. Did the Vikings really have no idea a cavern like this existed?
Portia Penanze.png I believe secrecy is the point. Somebody, long ago, wanted to keep these dragons hidden away.
Portia Penanze.png And if those "somebodies" were ancient Vikings, well... that would be in character for thoughtless conquerors, wouldn't it?
Eliza the Masculine.png Feh! Thoughtless? One does not conquer the entire Dragolandian archipelago without using their brains! Tell her, Dunky!
Dunkelviking.png Huh? Listen, sister, I'm not interested in arguing with the Hero of Numa -- I'm too busy enjoying the acoustics of this cavern...!
Dunkelviking.png FA LA LA LA LA~!
Prisma Dragon Icon.png !!!
Portia Penanze.png Oho! Perhaps I've underestimated you people -- I'd no idea the Dunkelviking indulged in opera. Dragon-approved, no less! I think you've just discovered our way forward.
Dunkelviking.png We've gotten a bit more complicated than you may remember, Portia Penanze!

Read the full story on the Event Dialogues page.

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