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Dragon League

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

The Dragon League, part of the Battle System, is a battling competition between dragons hosted in the Arena building. It is is unlocked at Trainer Level 11, and requires at least 3 adult Dragons to participate. Competition in the Dragon League occurs through the month and runs on a global leaderboard for 4 weeks, referred to as an Arena Season. Four weekly Arena Events occur in this time, allowing Leaderboard Prizes to be won.


The Dragon League is accessed by pressing the:

  • Dragon League Button.png 30 button, (appears before Player Level 16).
  • Battle Button.png 30 button, (appears after Player Level 16), and then pressing the Arena button.
  • Arena the physical Building.


See Battle for complete details about the battle interface.

League Button.png Promotion Prize Button.png Win Streak Button.png
Arena Event Button.png League Battle Button.png

The Arena screen is broken into distinct buttons or sections that can be interacted with:

  1. League – The current league, and if pressed, lists all leagues.
  2. Promotion Prize – The current league's promotion prize.
  3. Win Streak – See Win Streak for information.
  4. Arena Event – The current week's Arena Event in the 4 week Arena Season.
  5. Battle – The Battle selection screen, with options to view Win Streak bonuses, Element Bonus (if applicable), and Refresh options (either a free refresh or paid refreshes).

Above and below the main interface items appears the:

  • Arena Energy Icon.png Arena Energy count.
  • Arena Season number.
  • ? button, which provides help/tutorial information panels.
  • x button, which closes the interface.
  • Leaderboard, which shows prizes gained for placing on the leaderboard.


League Button.png

The League button displays the current league, shield, name, Trophy Icon.png Trophy count separated by a slash from trophies to next league, and the Element Bonus (if applicable).

Pressing the League button opens a list of all leagues, their Trophy requirements, promotion prizes, a Reward Chests button displaying each league chest, and an i button to display the Dragon's Codex entry. A Ranking Icon.png button also displays the Trophy Leaderboard, which serves no other purpose than to compare the number of Trophies Icon.png Trophies obtained by Trainers that are on the same platform and server. The ••• button next to any Trainer's name can be pressed to bring up the Visit option (used for visiting that Trainer's island).


The Trainer selects three Dragons to fight another Trainer's Dragons in an attempt to gain Battle Points and Trophies. When in battle, the attacking Trainer faces the Dragons of other Trainers, though these Dragons are operated by the game AI instead of the opposing Trainer themselves. Trainers are awarded accumulative points after each battle, and, when applicable, rewards for win streaks.

At the end of the arena season, Trainers receive league rewards based on their current league, Trainer Level (modifiers), and the number of points they have accumulated compared to other Trainers.

Each battle costs one Arena Energy Icon.png Arena Energy for a normal attack, or two for a Focus Attack which increases the damage inflicted by allied Dragons by 50%. one energy automatically regenerates every 1 hour and 30 minutes, until a Trainer's maximum limit is reached. Energy can be replenished at a cost of 25 Gems Icon.png Gems per energy, up to the maximum limit. Trainers with active VIP Status Icon.png VIP Status have a limit of 7 energy units, and non-VIP Trainers have a limit of 4. The list of available opponents can be refreshed for free once every 24 hours, and thereafter costs Gems:

Refresh Refresh Cost
1st Free
2nd Gems Icon.png 5
3rd Gems Icon.png 7
4th Gems Icon.png 10
5th + Gems Icon.png 15


The Dragon League is tiered into 13 different leagues, each themed on one of the game's Elements. Progressing through leagues unlocks Promotion Prizes.

Level Requirements

A Trainer's Dragons must meet Dragon Leveling requirements to play in each League. Dragons cannot be used in battle without reaching adulthood, which occurs at level 4. At this time, Trainers may access the League of Fire and League of Wind only. Thereafter, a Trainer must continue to level their fighting Dragons to progress to higher leagues.

Requirements League
League of Fire Icon.png League of Wind Icon.png League of Earth Icon.png League of Water Icon.png League of Plant Icon.png League of Metal Icon.png League of Energy Icon.png League of Void Icon.png League of Light Icon.png League of Shadow Icon.png Legendary League Icon.png Divine League Icon.png Ancient League Icon.png
Dragon Level 4 4 16 16 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 100
Trophies 0 500 1.2k 2.4k 3.6k 5k 6.4k 7.8k 9.2k 10.6k 12k 13.4k 14.8k

League Chests

League of Fire - Chests.jpg

League Chests are earned when a Trainer reaches a Battle Points Milestone. Chest contents depend on the League in which the Trainer is currently playing, and the number of chests opened. Each league has 3 types of chests, colored and typed per league, (for example, the League of Fire has three distinct League of Fire chests) that hold different contents based on if it is a Regular, Super, or Premium chest. Higher leagues grant more Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials and materials of a higher grade, where the lowest leagues (Fire and Wind) give Food Icon.png Food or Gold Icon.png Gold instead of materials. Pressing the i button on a chest displays its content information.

Chests that give Enchantment Materials give a certain number of Enchantment cards for materials of any Element. Each card has a certain percentage for the drop rate frequency of each Element, with lower Elements being more frequent than higher ones. The amounts, however, are the same for all the materials of any Element. The higher the League a Trainer is in, the more and better materials it gives.

Material Cards

Enchantment cards somewhat indicate the Rarity Icon.png Rarity of Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials provided, flipping over to reveal full quantity and type details. In Enchantment Chests, some Special Elements give one card, regardless of chest type; such cards have a 40% chance of appearing, and give average materials in Gift Chests Icon.png Gift Chests, and average or better in Rare Chests Icon.png Rare Chests or Epic Chests Icon.png Epic Chests.

Card Material Types
Materials Card Back.png Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind Water (Element) Icon.png Water
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy Void (Element) Icon.png Void Light (Element) Icon.png Light
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary
Special Materials
Primal Materials Card Back.png Primal (Element) Icon.png Primal
Divine Materials Card Back.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Divine
Ancient Materials Card Back.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png Ancient
Tyrant Materials Card Back.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png Tyrant
Chest Rewards
Chest Rewards
Rewards League of Fire League of Wind League of Earth League of Water League of Plant League of Metal League of Energy League of Void League of Light League of Shadow Legendary League Divine League Ancient League
league Fire Wind Earth Water Plant Metal Energy Void Light Shadow Legendary Divine Ancient
Number of Material Cards None 5 Materials Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Divine Materials Card Back.png Ancient Materials Card Back.png Tyrant Materials Card Back.png
Amount/Frequency (Percentage) per Card
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials None 1-5 1-6 2-6 4-6 5-8 6-12 6-14 6-15 10-20 10-20 10-20
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials None 1 1-2 1-3 1-3 4-6 5-10 5-12 5-15 8-16 8-20 8-20
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials None 1 1-3 1-3 1-4 1-6 3-6 3-8 5-16 5-18 5-20
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials None 1 1-5 2-5 2-6 3-6 4-6
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials None 1 1-2 1-3 1-4
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets None 15-25[1]
Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire None 9.28%
Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind None 12.28%
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth None 11.38%
Water (Element) Icon.png Water None
Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant None 10.48%
Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal None 9.82%
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy None
Void (Element) Icon.png Void None 10.48%
Light (Element) Icon.png Light None 6.29%
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow None
Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary None 3.59%
Primal (Element) Icon.png Primal None 1-3 Average Materials - Primal.png 5-10 Average Materials - Primal.png 2-5 Good Materials - Primal.png 1-2 Excellent Materials - Primal.png1 Extraordinary Materials - Primal.png 15-25 Average Materials - Primal.png 4-8 Good Materials - Primal.png 2-5 Excellent Materials - Primal.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Primal.png
Divine (Element) Icon.png Divine None 1-3 Average Materials - Divine.png 5-10 Average Materials - Divine.png 2-5 Good Materials - Divine.png 1-2 Excellent Materials - Divine.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png 15-25 Average Materials - Divine.png 4-8 Good Materials - Divine.png 2-5 Excellent Materials - Divine.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png
Ancient (Element) Icon.png Ancient None 1-3 Average Materials - Ancient.png 5-10 Average Materials - Ancient.png 2-5 Good Materials - Ancient.png 1-2 Excellent Materials - Ancient.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png 15-25 Average Materials - Ancient.png 4-8 Good Materials - Ancient.png 2-5 Excellent Materials - Ancient.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png
Tyrant (Element) Icon.png Tyrant None 1-3 Average Materials - Tyrant.png 5-10 Average Materials - Tyrant.png 2-5 Good Materials - Tyrant.png 1-2 Excellent Materials - Tyrant.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Tyrant.png 15-25 Average Materials - Tyrant.png 4-8 Good Materials - Tyrant.png 2-5 Excellent Materials - Tyrant.png 1 Extraordinary Materials - Tyrant.png
  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 Given each chest apart from the every forth or twenty-fifth.
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 Given every fourth chest.
  3. Given every twenty-fifth chest.
Arena Card Dragons
Rarity Dragon League
League of Fire Icon.png League of Wind Icon.png League of Earth Icon.png League of Water Icon.png League of Plant Icon.png League of Metal Icon.png League of Energy Icon.png League of Void Icon.png League of Light Icon.png League of Shadow Icon.png Legendary League Icon.png Divine League Icon.png Ancient League Icon.png
Rare (classification) Icon.png Gladiator Dragon Icon.png Gladiator Dragon x
Leviathan Dragon Icon.png Leviathan Dragon x
Heliotrope Dragon Icon.png Heliotrope Dragon x
Epic (classification) Icon.png Machine Snake Dragon Icon.png Machine Snake Dragon x
Golem Dragon Icon.png Golem Dragon x
Gryphon Dragon Icon.png Gryphon Dragon x
Legendary (classification) Icon.png Shinobi Dragon Icon.png Shinobi Dragon x

Promotion Prizes

Promotion Prize Button.png

The Promotion Prize button displays the current league's promotion prize Dragon, its image, elements, and name. Pressing the button displays the Dragons Codex Entry.

Trainers are promoted to higher leagues when they exceed the required Trophy Icon.png Trophy count, if their Dragons meet the level requirements for the next league. Once the Promotion prize Dragon is obtained for a league, Trainers who are demoted and then promoted back to the league do not receive the same prize again, the only rewards given are those from the leaderboard, win streak, and milestone rewards.

League League of Fire Icon.png
League of Fire
League of Wind Icon.png
League of Wind
League of Earth Icon.png
League of Earth
League of Water Icon.png
League of Water
League of Plant Icon.png
League of Plant
League of Metal Icon.png
League of Metal
League of Energy Icon.png
League of Energy
League of Void Icon.png
League of Void
League of Light Icon.png
League of Light
League of Shadow Icon.png
League of Shadow
Legendary League Icon.png
Legendary League
Divine League Icon.png
Divine League
Ancient League Icon.png
Ancient League
Trophy Range Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Trophy Icon.png
Agent Dragon.png
Lynx Dragon.png
Steel Dragon.png
Hammerhead Dragon.png
Armadillo Dragon.png
Torpedo Dragon.png
Cosplay Dragon.png
Wolf Dragon.png
Celestial Dragon.png
Legion Dragon.png
Cockatrice Dragon.png
Spectral Snake Dragon.png
Spectral Snake
Sumo Dragon.png

Win Streak

Win Streak Button.png

Each time a Dragon League match is won, a Win Streak is started or continued. A Win Streak is a series of unbroken or uninterrupted wins, without defeat or exiting mid-battle. If a match is won in the next 15 minutes, the streak continues. Every three consecutive victories, up to the 20th, in addition to the bonus to the battle score from next victories, a reward is earned, which depends on the current League.

  • The Arena Expert Badge.png Arena Expert badge is earned by achieving a win-streak of 20 for the first time.
Wins: 20 Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 3  Gems Icon.png 5  Scrolls Icon.png 10 +50% PTS
Wins: 18 Gems Icon.png 3  Food Icon.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png 240,000 + 40% PTS
Wins: 15 Arena Energy Icon.png 2  Dragon Fury Essence Icon.png 2  Food Icon.png 25,000 +30% PTS
Wins: 12 Gems Icon.png 1  Scrolls Icon.png 3  Gold Icon.png 200,000 +20% PTS
Wins: 9 Gems Icon.png 1  Arena Energy Icon.png 1 +15% PTS
Wins: 6 Scrolls Icon.png 2  Food Icon.png 12,000 +10% PTS
Wins: 3 Gold Icon.png 100,000 +5% PTS

Arena Event

Arena Event Button.png

The Arena Event button displays the time until the event ends, milestone amounts, current score, leaderboard position, and the Ranking Icon.png button for the Arena Leaderboard. Four weekly Arena Events occur during the month-long Arena Season. Arena Events start and end on Mondays at 12:00 UTC. Once the competition has finished, Leaderboard Prizes are given based on points compared to other Trainers, and Battle Points, Leaderboard position, and milestones are reset.

The Ranking Icon.png ranking button, serves no other purpose than to compare the number of battle points for the current Arena Event week obtained by Trainers that are on the same platform and server. The ••• button next to any Trainer's name can be pressed to bring up the Visit option (used for visiting that Trainer's island).

Leaderboard Prizes

Trainers get sorted into the weekly points Leaderboards of 100 participants. The Leaderboard contestants stay the same for the whole week, regardless of the current League the Trainers are in. The Dragon Breeding Token changes according to the Season, and also the League on the next weekly reset.
There is also a Trophy Icon.png Trophy Leaderboard which is reset at the end of the Arena Seasons. For the next Season, this will be considered when sorting the Trainer into the leagues again.

The amount of Food or Gold awarded depends on Trainer Level, the highest Level Modifier amount is displayed.

1-3 Breeding Token Icon.png for the featured Dragon
4-7 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png 10
8-10 Dragon Piece Ticket Icon.png 4
11-50 Gold Icon.png 375,000   Food Icon.png 30,000
51-100 Gold Icon.png 225,000   Food Icon.png 15,000

Season Rewards

The Dragon Breeding Token Icon.png Breeding Token awarded for earning a spot in the top 3 depends on Season and League:

Seasons League Position
Legendary League Icon.png
Divine League Icon.png
Ancient League Icon.png
1, 4, 7, ... Mech Dragon Icon.png Mech Dragon Herald Dragon Icon.png Herald Dragon Night Fairy Dragon Icon.png Night Fairy Dragon 1-3
2, 5, 8, ... Tsunami Dragon Icon.png Tsunami Dragon Warlord Dragon Icon.png Warlord Dragon Red Rib Dragon Icon.png Red Rib Dragon 1-3
3, 6, 9, ... Red Feather Dragon Icon.png Red Feather Dragon Merchant Dragon Icon.png Merchant Dragon Amazon Dragon Icon.png Amazon Dragon 1-3

The lower leagues award a Dragon Breeding Token Icon.png Breeding Token as prize for the top 3 Trainers depending on Season and League:

Seasons League Position
League of Plant Icon.png League of Metal Icon.png
Plant & Metal
League of Energy Icon.png League of Void Icon.png
Energy & Void
League of Light Icon.png League of Shadow Icon.png
Light & Shadow
1, 4, 7, ... Pulsar Dragon Icon.png Pulsar Dragon Arboreal Dragon Icon.png Arboreal Dragon Jester Dragon Icon.png Jester Dragon 1-3
2, 5, 8, ... Nurture Dragon Icon.png Nurture Dragon Lunar Dragon Icon.png Lunar Dragon Perfume Dragon Icon.png Perfume Dragon 1-3
3, 6, 9, ... Brunhilda Dragon Icon.png Brunhilda Dragon Mutant Dragon Icon.png Mutant Dragon Xuanzang Dragon Icon.png Xuanzang Dragon 1-3

Additionally, the following Badges Icon.png Badges can be earned for participation in an Arena Season:


League Battle Button.png

Selecting the Battle option proceeds to the battle selection screen, where three opponent teams are presented. If the Trainer does not want to face any of the opponent teams, the  Free Refresh  button may be pressed to refresh opponent teams for free, once every 24 hours. Additional refreshes may be purchased using the Refresh  5 Gems Icon.png button, in exchange for 5 Gems Icon.png Gems each.

Pressing the Battle (Old) Icon.png Challenge button on a battle opens the pre-battle screen with the option to:

  • Change a Dragon by pressing its snapshot.
  • View the Element Bonus if applicable.
  • Enable automatic battle by pressing the Battle (Old) Icon.png Auto Checkbox.png button.
  • Attack by pressing the Attack!  1 Arena Energy Icon.png button for a regular attack.
  • Perform a "focus attack" battle, with a 50% increase in the damage inflicted for the duration of the battle, by pressing the Focus Attack
    +50% DMG 2 Arena Energy Icon.png

Additionally, the following options can be found on the same screen:

If all 3 of a Trainer's Dragons are defeated in battle, the Trainer can choose to revive all 3 Dragons for a cost of 8 Gems Icon.png Gems by pressing Revive Gems Icon.png, or to conclude the battle by pressing the Give Up button. If the trainer opts to revive all 3 Dragons, the Dragons return to battle with 100% health.

Team Planner The DML Planner Team Planner provides a way to plan a Dragon Battle team that covers all or most Elements at least once. Doing this can provide a well-rounded battle team for the Dungeon, and may help reduce the difficulty encountered in Events that restrict Dragons used in battle by Element, such as in Castle Events, and Boss Challenge Events.

Read more about this sister project, the DML Planner made by Toomas, a DML community member.

Dragon League Battle.png


If a Trainer wins a match, they receive battle points and trophies. Battle points are calculated after a battle and are dependent on Element Bonus, difficulty, Dragons knocked out, and Win Streak Bonus. The number of trophies won or lost depends on the relation of the Trainer's to the opponent's number of trophies. If a Trainer loses the battle, they lose trophies but do not lose Battle Points, rather they still receive a Participation Bonus.

Losing a battle presents the Trainer with the opportunity to revive the battling Dragons and continue where the battle ended. The Player's Dragons return to the battlefield with full strength and without any effects, while the opponent's Dragons keep their current state. The costs of reviving are 8 Gems the first time, 10 Gems the second time, and 20 Gems for each following revival.

Additional Points

Battle Points.png

Battle Points (Loss).jpg

Bonus points are added based upon the difficulty of the battle, the level of the opposing Dragons and the Trainer's winning streak. Base points according to the league are given for winning a match.

Element Bonus - Dragons with an Element that corresponds to the Element of the current league (except Elite Leagues), for example a Dragon having the Plant Element in the League of Plant, receive a +20% boost to the damage dealt even by its other elements. Element bonus also increases the Battle Score earned, which is used to complete milestones to unlock chests.
The boosted Elements for the top Leagues do not align with the League, but are in a rotation instead.

Difficulty - Trainers are presented with three opponents; the battle difficulty is displayed upon the challenge snapshot of each opponent, along with the Dragons they will bring to the battle. The difficulty of an opponent is based on all Dragons in the Trainer's roster, in relation to the opponent's Dragons, and is not based on the Dragon team chosen for the battle. There are three possible levels of difficulty:

Bonus Points
Difficulty League of Fire Icon.png League of Wind Icon.png League of Earth Icon.png League of Water Icon.png League of Plant Icon.png League of Metal Icon.png League of Energy Icon.png League of Void Icon.png League of Light Icon.png League of Shadow Icon.png Legendary League Icon.png Divine League Icon.png Ancient League Icon.png
Medium 25 25 25 25 25 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 40
Hard 30 30 30 30 30 60 60 80 80 100 100 100 120
Element 5 5 5 5 5 10 10 15 15 20 20 25 30
Lose 20 20 25 25 25 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Dragons knocked out – Win Streak Bonus – Bonus points are given for defeating multiple opponents in a row within a given time frame. The bonus points increase with the Win Streak and are added to the Trainer's score.

Win Streak No Streak 3 Streak 6 Streak 9 Streak 12 Streak 15 Streak 18 Streak 20 Streak
Bonus +0% +5% +10% +15% +20% +30% +40% +50%

Information Button

The ? button, when pressed, provides the following information panels:



  • Update 7.1: Added Tyrant enchantment materials to league chest rewards.
  • Update 6.9: Fixed the team presets so that they could be tapped to swap.
  • Update 6.6: Made Battle teams able to be stored in 3 slots and selected from the pre-battle screen.
  • Update 6.2: Merged the Enchantment League-Pre 6.2 with the Dragon League-Pre 6.2.
    • Ran the first League iteration on 10 June 2021, though subsequent league iterations afterward conformed to Mondays, every 4 weeks, the second iteration occurring on 5 July 2021.

Bugs and Issues

  • Update 6.5: Resolved a bug where the free refresh timer reset when refreshing with Gems.

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