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Enchantment Altar

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Enchantment Altar.png
By Ascending a dragon, you can send it back to its origins. In return, the Divines will grant you some enchantment materials! You can only ascend duplicate dragons!
Enables dragon Enchantment, Enchantment Material Fusion, and Ascension.

Cost: Free
Requirements: None except for Ascension requirements.
Upgradable: No
Can go in Inventory: No

4 x 4

The Enchantment Altar is a building and part of the Enchantment System. The Altar is located on the side of Main Island's mountain, below and to the left of Chronos Icon.png Chronos.

Visual Description

The altar sits upon a circular platform of stone tiles. A row of tiles lines its edge, and in the center is a larger, circular tile carved with a Viking tribal symbol. The altar itself consists of a blue glowing stone basin with upturned feet, flanked on either side by two yellow Dragon statues akin to Chinese dragons. Floating between the statues and above the basin is a large circular display of two disjointed rings; one large gold ring rotates slowly clockwise and a smaller teal ring, floating inside of it, rotating counter-clockwise.

Building Functions

The following function buttons appear when the building is selected:

  1. Ascension Button.png Ascend – to trade Dragons for Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials (appears at Player Level 50, when ascension is not in progress).
  2. Fusion Button.png Fuse – to fuse lower to better quality materials.
  3. Enchant Button.png Enchant – to access the Enchantment screen.
  4. Speed-Up Button.png Speed-Up – to speed ascension (appears when ascension is in progress).


Unlocked at Player Level 50, the Enchantment Altar is the only place Dragons can be ascended. Ascension is a process used to permanently "send back" or trade a duplicate Dragon in exchange for Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials. The process of ascension is performed by pressing the Ascension Button.png Ascension button, the Ascend Dragon! button, selecting a Dragon to ascend, and then either pressing the No, I want to keep it! button to cancel, or the Yes! Ascend dragon! button to confirm. After confirmation, the ascension process begins immediately and takes 24 hours to complete, though it can be sped up using Gems.

During ascension, the Enchantment Altar can be used to fuse materials and enchant Dragons, which can also be accessed through the Enchantment System. Simplified rules for ascension are accessed by pressing the ? button.



Only duplicate Dragons can be ascended. One Dragon can be selected from all duplicates currently housed on islands or stored in the Dragon Vault. Duplicates (as determined by the game) always feature those with the lowest Dragon Level and Enchantment Level, the only two factors considered. When two or more duplicates have the same level, the displayed one is always given at random. Duplicates in Inventory Icon.png Inventory must first be hatched to appear in the selection screen. Dragons that are busy with tasks such as Breeding Icon.png Breeding, skill training in the Academy, Element Awakening and so on, appear in the selection screen but are not eligible for ascension until free.

Since ascending a Dragon is an irreversible process, the same as Selling Icon.png selling, the ascended Dragon is permanently removed from the Trainer's game.


Ascension Reward Chest Icon.png

The materials given match the Elements of the ascended duplicate.

When ascension finishes, an Ascension Notification Icon.png Ascension Notification appears above the Enchantment Altar. Selecting the altar provides a reward chest Ascension Reward Chest Icon.png Ascension Reward Chest containing between one and three Materials Card Back.png Material Cards. In the case of some Special Element Dragons, a separate material card (Primal Materials Card Back.png Divine Materials Card Back.png Ancient Materials Card Back.png Tyrant Materials Card Back.png) is given.

The number of material cards, and the quantity of Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials depends solely on the Rarity Icon.png Rarity of the Dragon, and whether it is marked with Full Set Icon.png Full Set in the selection screen. No other factors are considered. The rarer a Dragon is, the higher the chance that more and higher-quality materials are given.

Full Set

Dragons not marked Full Set give only one material card, for one Element, chosen at random. Dragons marked full set give one material card for each Element the ascended Dragon possesses. In the majority of cases, only Limited-Time Dragons Icon.png Limited-Time Dragons bear the Full Set Icon.png Full Set mark. Dragons with inactive Elements do not have to have their secondary Elements awoken to count for ascension.

Given Materials
Rarity Minimum Maximum Chance
Common (classification) Icon.png 1 Fair Materials Icon.png 3 Fair Materials Icon.png 90%
1 Average Materials Icon.png 2 Average Materials Icon.png 9%
1 Good Materials Icon.png 1%
Uncommon (classification) Icon.png 5 Fair Materials Icon.png 15 Fair Materials Icon.png 50%
3 Average Materials Icon.png 10 Average Materials Icon.png 35%
1 Good Materials Icon.png 5 Good Materials Icon.png 15%
Rare (classification) Icon.png 5 Average Materials Icon.png 20 Average Materials Icon.png 60%
3 Good Materials Icon.png 15 Good Materials Icon.png 35%
1 Excellent Materials Icon.png 5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 5%
Epic (classification) Icon.png 10 Average Materials Icon.png 30 Average Materials Icon.png 60%
2 Good Materials Icon.png 10 Good Materials Icon.png 35%
1 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 5%
Legendary (classification) Icon.png 15 Good Materials Icon.png 40 Good Materials Icon.png 50%
5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 13 Excellent Materials Icon.png 35%
2 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 3 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 15%
Primal (classification) Icon.png 20 Good Materials Icon.png 45 Good Materials Icon.png 40%
5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 15 Excellent Materials Icon.png 30%
2 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 4 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 30%
Divine (classification) Icon.png 20 Good Materials Icon.png 45 Good Materials Icon.png 40%
5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 15 Excellent Materials Icon.png 30%
2 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 4 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 30%
Ancient (classification) Icon.png 20 Good Materials Icon.png 45 Good Materials Icon.png 40%
5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 15 Excellent Materials Icon.png 30%
2 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 4 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 30%
Tyrant (classification) Icon.png 20 Good Materials Icon.png 45 Good Materials Icon.png 40%
5 Excellent Materials Icon.png 15 Excellent Materials Icon.png 30%
2 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 4 Extraordinary Materials Icon.png 30%


Fusion is an irreversible process through which identical Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials of the same grade and Element are merged to obtain materials of a higher grade. A predetermined number of lower-grade materials and Enchanted Trinkets are necessary for fusing. The costs vary in accordance to material quality and Element.

See Materials Fusion for more information.


Enchantment is the process through which Dragons, Level 16 or higher, have their Attack Icon.png Attack and Health Icon.png Health stats increased, and is done through a combination of Enchantment Materials Icon.png Enchantment Materials and Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets. Enchantment also enables Enchanted Breeding to take place.

See Enchantment for more information.

Time Reduction

Ascension time can be reduced by selecting the Enchantment Altar, pressing the Speed-Up Button.png Speed-Up button, then pressing the Skip All Gems Icon.png button to pay the number of Gems Icon.png Gems required to skip the remaining time.

The Gem Icon.png Gem cost for skipping the ascension timer is calculated based upon the following formula: (TimeInSeconds ^ 0.45) * 0.15 and the final result is rounded up by 1 if it is between the 1-10 range, and by 5 if it is between the 10-100 range. For example, the cost to skip the initial ascension time (1 day) is: (86400 ^ 0.45) * 0.15 = 24.9—rounding by 5 applies, thus the cost to skip the timer is 25 Gems.

Outside the Altar, ascension time can also be reduced through forging Chronosian Seals or activating Chronos Icon.png Chronos's power, actions which reduce several timers in the game by 6 hours. Members of Clans can also use a Clan Fortress Power Icon.png Clan Fortress Power, which reduces the ascension timer in the Enchantment Altar, depending on Clan Fortress and Clan League level.

Moving, Storing, Selling

The Enchantment Altar is part of the mountain on the Main Island, as such, it cannot be moved, stored in Inventory Icon.png Inventory, or Sold Icon.png Sold.

See Also


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