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Enchantment League-Pre 6.2

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Sticker - Cry.png
Enchantment League-Pre 6.2 was merged with Dragon League. This information is no longer valid, but is kept for historical purposes. See Enchantment System.
Enchantment League Button.png

The Enchantment League is a unique style of competitive setting for Trainers to face each other in battle and win materials needed for enchanting. The Enchantment League is unlocked once the Trainer has at least three Level 16 Dragons. It can then be accessed by pressing the Battle Button.png in the bottom-left corner of the main screen, then selecting the Enchantment League option.


League Button-Pre 6.2.png

In the Enchantment League, Trainers compete against one another by attacking and defending their home bases to win exclusive prizes and materials used to enchant Dragons.

The Trainer selects the Dragons and potions they wish to take into battle, while being able to view limited information about their opponent. If the Trainer wishes not to battle the offered opponent, they may pay a fee to refresh to a new opponent. The fee charged for refreshing is based on the level of the league the Trainer is currently in.


In the pre-battle screen, the Trainer can see their opponent as well as the opponent's strongest Dragon. Next to the opponent's name, under "Win/Loss", the number of trophies Golden Trophy Icon.png the Trainer receives if the battle is won is shown on the left while the number of trophies the Trainer loses if defeated in the battle is shown on the right. This "Win/Loss" ratio is based on the Elo rating system. Typically, the more trophies a Trainer receives, the more difficult the opponent is. Contrarily, the fewer trophies obtainable, the easier the opposing Trainer is to defeat.

If the Trainer wishes to face another opponent than the current one, they can choose another opponent by pressing the Refresh Icon.png button and paying the necessary Gold cost. Thereafter, the Trainer can change their team by pressing the Change button on the snapshot of the Dragon they wish to change. From the next screen, the Trainer can filter the Dragons to either show all of them or sorted by a specific Element. Dragons that are not enchanted cannot be taken into battle. The Enchant button appears under their snapshot, giving the Trainer the option to press it and proceed with enchanting the desired Dragon. In the same menu, Dragons whose health has not fully recovered from the previous battle have the Revive button under their snapshot, pressing gives the Trainer the option to speed up the recovery time through the use of Gems.

The Trainer can also take potions into the battle by pressing any empty slot, selecting a potion, then confirming the choice through the Assign option. If the Trainer does not have a specific potion, the Get More! option appears under its image, pressing it takes the Trainer to the Cauldron Shop. Once this is done, the Trainer can choose to refill the number of keys they have by pressing the + button, or they can proceed into the battle through the Let's Battle! option. If the Trainer has no keys before engaging the battle, a window appears informing the Trainer and giving them the option to proceed into the battle without refilling Battle Anyway or to purchase all available keys.

Defeated Dragons Information.png

Each battle can only last a maximum of 10 minutes and if the attacking Trainer fails to end the battle before the time runs out, they are declared the loser. Once the battle has started, the Trainer can use one or more instant potions, or can assign a potion to the active fort before initiating the fight with it. Once the desired Dragon is chosen to take on the fort, the Attack! button must be pressed to start the fight. The Trainer can also tick the Auto-Select option to have the game automatically choose the strongest Dragon before attacking the fort.

Dragons battling in the Enchantment League never miss and always land at least one strike. Each of the two Dragons has one attack per turn. The Dragon with the lowest health available or lower chance of winning attacks first. The outcome of the fight is affected by potions, Enchantment Level, Element strengths and weaknesses, and training. Skills have no impact on the fight. Dragons can sometimes knock each other out. This is always the case when two equally leveled Dragons that are both at full health, having no strong or weak attack against one another, and with the same Enchantment Level face each other in battle. Knocked-out Dragons on the attacker's side can be revived by pressing the button under their grayed-out snapshot and paying the necessary number of Gems. If all Dragons on the attacker's side are knocked out, a screen pops up where the Trainer can choose to continue the battle and revive any fainted Dragon or end the battle and be declared the loser.

Post-Battle Recovery

After a battle has ended, there is a cooldown period for the attacking Dragons to regain their health based upon how much health they have remaining. The time can be sped up in exchange for Gems. Inside a battle, the cost to speed up the regeneration is always be 5 Gems more than the number of Gems needed to regenerate the Dragon from the pre-battle interface. Thus, for example, in the pre-battle interface, a Trainer needs to pay 20 Gems to instantly regenerate a Dragon with 0%, whereas for the same Dragon, the Trainer needs to pay 25 Gems during the battle.

Remaining Health (%) Cooldown
100 No Cooldown
99 5 minutes
90 15 minutes
80 25 minutes
70 35 minutes
60 50 minutes
50 1h 5m
40 1h 20m
30 1h 35m
20 1h 50m
10 2h 5m
0 2h 30m

Promotion & Demotion

Whenever a Trainer is promoted to a higher league, they receive either an exclusive decoration or Dragon. Each reward may only be received once. Trainers are not demoted as soon as they fall under the amount necessary for promotion, but rather whenever they fall 20 trophies below it. For example, a Trainer in League 4 only gets demoted to League 3 if they have 580 trophies or fewer. The number of Dragons a Trainer can take into the battle depends upon the highest league they were promoted to. Extra slots for Dragons are unlocked whenever the Trainer is promoted to certain leagues, and remain unlocked even if the Trainer gets demoted to a league before the one where an extra slot was given.

Leagues Overview

League Banner Trophies Needed Promotion Reward Chest Reward Refresh Cost Dragon Slots
1 League 1 Shield.png 0+ No reward
Starting League
League 1 Chest.png 1,000 Gold Icon.png 3
2 League 2 Shield.png 100+ Emblem of Grace

Decoration - Emblem of Grace.png

League 2 Chest.png 2,500 Gold Icon.png 4
3 League 3 Shield.png 300+ Armadillo Dragon

Armadillo Dragon.png

League 3 Chest.png 5,000 Gold Icon.png 5
4 League 4 Shield.png 600+ Emblem of Chivalry

Decoration - Emblem of Chivalry.png

League 4 Chest.png 15,000 Gold Icon.png 6
5 League 5 Shield.png 1,000+ Wolf Dragon

Wolf Dragon.png

League 5 Chest.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png
6 League 6 Shield.png 1,400+ Emblem of Might

Decoration - Emblem of Might.png

League 6 Chest.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png
7 League 7 Shield.png 2,000+ Sumo Dragon

Sumo Dragon.png

League 7 Chest.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png


Defenders Button.png

Selecting this option allows Trainers to select which of their Dragons, enchanted or not, will defend their home base against attacks from other Trainers. Here, the Trainer can see how many defenders they can assign to protect their base, as well as the banner of their current league and the rewards received from it. The number of defenders a Trainer can have depends upon the highest league they were promoted to.

  • Extra forts get unlocked whenever the Trainer is promoted to certain leagues, and remain unlocked even if the Trainer gets demoted to a league before the one where an extra fort was given.
  • Forts having a Unassigned Defender Notification Icon.png icon atop them indicate that they are undefended. To assign a Dragon to an undefended fort, the fort must be selected, the Assign button must be pressed and, from the given list, a Dragon must be chosen. The desired Dragon can be found either through scrolling through the list, through the Search Icon.png button to filter the list by its Element, or through the Text Icon.png button to search by its name.
  • If the Trainer wishes to remove a Dragon from a fort, the desired fort must be selected, then the Remove button must be pressed, and a window pops up, informing the Trainer that changing defenders resets the timer of the Enchantment Cauldron. From here, if the Trainer still wishes to proceed with removing the Dragon, the   Ok  option must be chosen. If the Trainer tries removing a defender while there are available potions to be claimed, a window appears with the option to claim them.
  • Forts cannot be left undefended Broken Shield Icon.png; thus, if the Trainer tries to close the Defenders menu without assigning defenders to forts, the game automatically selects any of the Trainer's top Dragons and presents them to the Trainer who has the option to either press the Accept button or close the window and select other defenders.

Furthermore, in this section, there is a small floating window showing the current level of the cauldron, as well as the average level of the defenders. Next to the level of the cauldron, the i option can be chosen to see information about the cauldrons. If the Trainer's cauldron has finished brewing potions, the Claim button is made available under the cauldron, and pressing it takes the Trainer to the Cauldron Shop from where they can press the button again to claim the brewed potions or buy any of the other two cauldrons. If there are no available potions, the shop button is shown instead of the aforementioned button, and pressing it takes the Trainer to the same shop.


Ranking Icon.png

The Enchantment League rankings serve no other purpose than to compare the number of trophies Golden Trophy Icon.png obtained by Trainers that are on the same platform and server. Once 75 trophies are attained, the Trainer can no longer drop below this amount, regardless of how many battles they lose. After reaching League 7, having obtained 2,000 trophies, no further rewards are given to Trainers.

The Trainer has three different ways to compare their trophies to other Trainer:

  • The first tab Friends is to compare their trophies to those of the Trainers from their friends list
  • The second tab   Global  is to compare their trophies to all the other Trainers on the same platform and server
  • The last tab Competitors is to compare their trophies to Trainers who are near the Trainer in the rankings.

In any of the tabs, the ••• button next to any Trainer's name can be pressed to bring up the Visit option (used for visiting that Trainer's island) or the Check Clan option (to see the current Clan that Trainer is part of).

Battle Log

Battle Log Button.png

The Battle Log shows a chronological accounting of the twenty most recent battles, whether initiated by the Trainer or opponent. Once the Battle Log is accessed, the recent battles and a brief information account is listed. This list gives the outcome, battle stance, opponent, local date/time of battle, and the number of trophy points awarded or lost.

The icon shown next to the battle outcome indicates the Trainer's battle stance; the Battle (Old) Icon.png icon indicates they initiated the attack, while the Item - Shield.png icon indicates they defended against an attacker.

Battle Log List.jpg

Choosing the Forward Icon.png button to the right of a specific battle brings up a more detailed account of that battle (the number of trophies each Trainer had at the time of the battle, the Dragons used on both sides and those who were defeated, and the types of potions the attacking Trainer used against which of the defending Dragons).

Important Icon.png If the Trainer chooses to retreat before initiating the battle, they lose no trophies. The battle does not show up on the Battle Log, even though the post-battle screen declares the retreating Trainer as the loser.

Enchantment Tickets

Enchantment Tickets Enchantment Ticket Icon.png are used to purchase cauldrons and chests of the highest rarity. Enchantment Tickets can be bought individually or in a bundle in exchange for Gems. Purchasing these tickets activates a confirmation window pop-up, and the Trainer has to confirm the choice by pressing the   OK   button. These tickets can also be obtained through the Whale-Mart, Dragon League and Dragon Collector Leaderboard, or earned through various events, mainly Calendar Events, or other occasions.

Pile of Enchantment Tickets.png

Enchantment Ticket

Sack of Enchantment Tickets.png

Sack of Enchantment Tickets

Bucket of Enchantment Tickets.png

Bucket of Enchantment Tickets

Chest of Enchantment Tickets.png

Chest of Enchantment Tickets

Cave of Enchantment Tickets.png

Cave of Enchantment Tickets

Island of Enchantment Tickets.png

Island of Enchantment Tickets

1 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png for 25 Gems Icon.png 10 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png for 225 Gems Icon.png 45 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png for 999 Gems Icon.png 100 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png for 1,999 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered


Chests Button.png

Chests contain Enchantment Materials, Enchanted Trinkets and, in some cases, potions. Chests can be obtained by winning battles in the Enchantment League, purchasing them with Enchantment Tickets, and watching ads. Chests are also awarded as special prizes for quests or events. When the Trainer is on the last fort (the last opposing Dragon) and they are down to their last Dragon, if the two Dragons knock each other out, the Trainer is still be awarded with a chest.


Keys Key 2 Icon.png are required for opening chests after winning a battle in the Enchantment League. Each key opens one chest. The energy bar holds five keys. The amount is increased when the VIP Status is active. VIP levels 1-9 receive two additional keys, VIP levels 10-18 receive three keys and VIP levels 19-20 receive four keys; thus the Trainer can have a maximum of nine keys. Other than by having VIP membership, there is no other way to increase the maximum base number of keys. The keys automatically regenerate at one every 60 minutes, up to the maximum base amount. Keys can also be purchased instantly for 25 Gems each.

Chests & Key.png

If a battle is won and the Trainer has no keys, the Trainer receives league credit for the battle, but is not able to open the chest prize. If a chest is not opened at the time of awarding, it is permanently forfeited. When this occurs, the Trainer is given the option to purchase all the available keys at the end of the battle.

Enchantment Materials

Enchantment Treasury.png

Each chest gives a certain number of Materials Cards containing materials for all the Elements in the game. Each individual card has a certain percentage for the frequency of each Element that varies, with lower Elements being more frequent than higher ones. The amounts, however, are the same for all the materials of any Element. The better a chest is, the more and better materials it gives. All the materials in the game are represented by the Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png cards.

Important Icon.png Values marked with Plus Icon.png indicate those non-Divine amounts of Enchantment Materials that have a higher probability of being obtained, whereas values marked with Green Check.png symbolize those Enchantment Materials that are guaranteed to be obtained. As the percentages apply per card and not per the entire content of the chest, at least one non-Divine Material Card disregards the applicable percentages to guarantee the aforementioned types of materials.

Divine Material

The Divine Material has its own Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png card and a different awarding background with clouds. Additionally, this kind of material does not follow the amount and frequency listed in the tables of this section in this article. The Divine Material card has a 40% chance of appearing after the regular material and potion cards have been claimed. Only one Divine Material card is given, regardless of the chest, and its quality is always average in League Chests under the 5th tier of the Enchantment League and in Gift Chests and average or better in League Chests from the 5th tier and above and in Battle Chests, Rare Chests and Epic Chests.

Ancient Material

The Ancient Material has its own Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png card. This kind of material is still an unknown factor and follows different frequency and drop rates than other materials. Only one Ancient Material card is given at any time.

Chests Menu

Opening the Chests menu allows the Trainer to access options for acquiring chests immediately through three different methods:

  • Viewing a video for the Gift Chest (when available once every 6 hours)
  • Purchasing a Rare Chest for 6 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png
  • Purchasing an Epic Chest for 10 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png

Each chest has a i button in the top-right corner of its snapshot that is used to display the number of material cards and the frequency and amount of the materials obtained from that chest. Additionally, in the very same screen, there is another i button that, when pressed, brings up an official list of drop rates of materials by quality.

Rewards Battle Chest.png

Battle Chest

Rare Chest.png

Rare Chest

Epic Chest.png

Epic Chest

Number of Material Cards 5 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png
Amount/Frequency (Percentage) per Card
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials 20-40 (12.50%) 30-50 Green Check.png (20%) 60-100 Green Check.png (20%)
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials 20-35 (20%) 18-28 Plus Icon.png (22.50%) 36-56 Plus Icon.png (22.50%)
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials 6-15 Plus Icon.png (25%) 10-20 Plus Icon.png (22.50%) 20-40 Plus Icon.png (22.50%)
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials 3-11 Green Check.png (32.50%) 5-15 Green Check.png (15%) 10-30 Green Check.png (15%)
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials 1-4 (10%) 4-13 Plus Icon.png (20%) 8-26 Plus Icon.png (20%)
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets 165-265 500-900 1,000-1,800
Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire Materials 7.56%
Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind Materials 12.20%
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth Materials 9.27%
Water (Element) Icon.png Water Materials
Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant Materials 10.98%
Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal Materials 8.54%
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy Materials
Void (Element) Icon.png Void Materials 10.98%
Light (Element) Icon.png Light Materials 8.05%
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow Materials
Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 6.59%
Divine (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 15-55 Average Materials - Divine.png (46.05%) OR 10-15 Good Materials - Divine.png (32.89%)
OR 2-5 Excellent Materials - Divine.png (16.45%) OR 1 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png (4.61%)
100-150 Average Materials - Divine.png (43.75%) OR 16-45 Good Materials - Divine.png (31.25%)
OR 3-15 Excellent Materials - Divine.png (18.75%) OR 1-2 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png (6.25%)
200-300 Average Materials - Divine.png (43.75%) OR 32-90 Good Materials - Divine.png (31.25%)
OR 6-30 Excellent Materials - Divine.png (18.75%) OR 2-4 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png (6.25%)
Ancient (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 15-55 Average Materials - Ancient.png (46.05%) OR 10-15 Good Materials - Ancient.png (32.89%)
OR 2-5 Excellent Materials - Ancient.png (16.45%) OR 1 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png (4.61%)
100-150 Average Materials - Ancient.png (43.75%) OR 16-45 Good Materials - Ancient.png (31.25%)
OR 3-15 Excellent Materials - Ancient.png (18.75%) OR 1-2 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png (6.25%)
200-300 Average Materials - Ancient.png (43.75%) OR 32-90 Good Materials - Ancient.png (31.25%)
OR 6-30 Excellent Materials - Ancient.png (18.75%) OR 2-4 Extraordinary Materials - Ancient.png (6.25%)

Rare Chest

In addition to purchasing, Rare Chests can also be awarded randomly after a victory. The drop rate is random, and it is increasing the more victories are won, regardless of any losses between victories, where 20 wins guarantees a chest is awarded. The progress toward those victories is always carried over, even if the Trainer left the game at any point, up to the chest is awarded. The only condition is for the Trainer to have opened all chests won from those battles. After the chest is obtained, the drop rate is refreshed and there is no cooldown before it can be obtained again.

Battle Chest

This chest can only be obtained from League 4 (Golden Trophy Icon.png 600+) onward. It is awarded every time the Trainer wins five battles within a period of 24 hours, regardless of any losses between victories. After a chest is obtained, a period of 24 hours must pass before another chest can be obtained again. If a Trainer is demoted from League 4, they do not lose any progress toward the chest (and can win the remaining battles and chests) so long as they are promoted back to League 4 within 24 hours after the first victory.

Gift Chest

Gift Chests are chests that can be obtained every 6 hours by watching a video. They can also be obtained through events. Their contents vary in accordance to the league the Trainer is in.

Rewards Gift Chest.png
League 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Number of Material Cards 3 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png 4 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png
Amount/Frequency (Percentage) per Card
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials 2-5 Plus Icon.png (80%) 3-5 Plus Icon.png (75%) 3-6 Plus Icon.png (70%) 4-7 Plus Icon.png (60%)
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials 1-1 Green Check.png (16%) 1-2 Green Check.png (16%) 3-5 Plus Icon.png (16%) 4-7 (20%)
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials 1-1 (2.5%) 1-1 (5.50%) 1-2 (9%) 1-3 Green Check.png (12.50%)
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials 1-1 (1%) 1-1 (2.50%) 1-1 (3.50%) 1-2 (5%)
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials 1-1 (0.5%) 1-1 (1%) 1-1 (1.50%) 1-1 (2.50%)
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets 25-35 40-55 55-75 85-110
Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire Materials 12.20%
Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind Materials
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth Materials
Water (Element) Icon.png Water Materials
Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant Materials 10.42%
Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal Materials 9.82%
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy Materials
Void (Element) Icon.png Void Materials 10.42%
Light (Element) Icon.png Light Materials 4.17%
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow Materials
Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 2.38%
Divine (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 1-2 Average Materials - Divine.png 2-4 Average Materials - Divine.png

League Chests

Each tier in the league has a type of chest associated with it. Chests of higher tiers of the Enchantment League grant more Enchantment Materials and Enchantment Materials of a higher grade. Information about each chest, except the one from the first league, can be accessed through the  Chest Rewards  button after accessing the menu where the promotion prize for each league can be seen.

Important Icon.png The type of chest awarded after battling depends on the league the defeated opponent is in at the time of battle, rather than the Trainer's current league.

Rewards League 1

League 1

League 2

League 2

League 3

League 3

League 4

League 4

League 5

League 5

League 6

League 6

League 7

League 7

Number of Potion Cards (highest rarity) 1 (Potion Card Back - Common.png) 1 (Potion Card Back - Uncommon.png) 1 (Potion Card Back - Rare.png)
Number of Material Cards 3 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png 4 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png 5 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png
Amount/Frequency (Percentage) per Card
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials 3-9 Plus Icon.png (90%) 4-10 Plus Icon.png (65%) 4-11 Plus Icon.png (50%) 5-12 Plus Icon.png (30%) 5-13 (15%) 6-15 (15%) 8-20 (15%)
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials 1-2 Green Check.png (10%) 1-4 Green Check.png (30%) 1-1 (35%) 1-1 Plus Icon.png (40%) 1-3 Plus Icon.png (32.50%) 3-9 Plus Icon.png (25%) 5-15 Plus Icon.png (22.50%)
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials None 1-1 (5%) 1-1 Green Check.png (15%) 1-1 Green Check.png (27.50%) 1-2 Green Check.png (37.50%) 3-7 Plus Icon.png (32.50%) 4-9 Plus Icon.png (30%)
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials None 1-1 (2.50%) 1-2 (14%) 1-5 Green Check.png (25%) 2-5 Green Check.png (2.50%)
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials None 1-1 (1%) 1-1 (2.50%) 1-2 (5%)
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets 15-20 20-30 25-35 30-45 35-50 45-60 55-85
Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire Materials 9.28%
Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind Materials 12.28%
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth Materials 11.38%
Water (Element) Icon.png Water Materials
Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant Materials 10.48%
Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal Materials 9.82%
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy Materials
Void (Element) Icon.png Void Materials 10.48%
Light (Element) Icon.png Light Materials 6.29%
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow Materials
Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 3.59%
Divine (Element) Icon.png Divine Materials 1-3 Average Materials - Divine.png 3-4 Average Materials - Divine.png 5-20 Average Materials - Divine.png (51.85%) OR 1-5 Good Materials - Divine.png (37.04%) OR 1-3 Excellent Materials - Divine.png (7.41%) OR 1 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png (3.70%)
Ancient (Element) Icon.png Ancient Materials

Super League Chest

The Super League Chest is an enhanced version of the League Chest from the league the opposing Trainer is currently in. The Trainer receives the same number of material cards and potions as the current chest of the league of the opposing Trainer, but the quality of the materials tends to be higher. This chest has a chance of being awarded randomly after any victory, but the chance slightly increases after each battle won.

Rewards Ascension Reward Chest.png
League 1 League 2 League 3 League 4 League 5 League 6 League 7
Number of Potion Cards (highest rarity) 1 (Potion Card Back - Common.png) 1 (Potion Card Back - Uncommon.png) 1 (Potion Card Back - Rare.png)
Number of Material Cards 3 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png 4 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png 5 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png Enchantment Materials - Ancient Card Back.png
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials 6-12 Plus Icon.png (80%) 8-16 Plus Icon.png (55%) 9-17 Plus Icon.png (40%) 10-19 Plus Icon.png (25%) 7-26 (15%) 15-35 (15%) 20-40 (12.50%)
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials 1-3 Green Check.png (20%) 2-5 Green Check.png (35%) 3-8 (35%) 5-12 Plus Icon.png (35%) 5-18 Plus Icon.png (22.50%) 15-30 Plus Icon.png (20%) 20-35 Plus Icon.png (20%)
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials None 1-1 (10%) 1-1 Green Check.png (25%) 1-3 Green Check.png (35%) 3-10 Green Check.png (40%) 6-10 Plus Icon.png (27.50%) 6-15 Plus Icon.png (25%)
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials None 1-1 (5%) 1-3 (20%) 1-6 Green Check.png (32.50%) 3-11 Green Check.png (32.50%)
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials None 1-1 (2.50%) 1-3 (5%) 1-4 (10%)
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets 55-90 70-115 85-140 100-165 115-180 140-235 165-265
Fire (Element) Icon.png Fire Materials 9.28%%
Wind (Element) Icon.png Wind Materials 12.28%
Earth (Element) Icon.png Earth Materials 11.38%
Water (Element) Icon.png Water Materials
Plant (Element) Icon.png Plant Materials 10.48%
Metal (Element) Icon.png Metal Materials 9.82%
Energy (Element) Icon.png Energy Materials
Void (Element) Icon.png Void Materials 10.48%
Light (Element) Icon.png Light Materials 6.29%
Shadow (Element) Icon.png Shadow Materials
Legendary (Element) Icon.png Legendary Materials 3.59%
Divine (Element) Icon.png Divine Materials 1-4 Average Materials - Divine.png 4-9 Average Materials - Divine.png 15-55 Average Materials - Divine.png (46.05%) OR 10-15 Good Materials - Divine.png (32.89%) OR 2-5 Excellent Materials - Divine.png (16.45%) OR 1 Extraordinary Materials - Divine.png (4.61%)
Ancient (Element) Icon.png Ancient Materials

Limited Chests

On some occasions, chests containing guaranteed materials for a certain type of material, either regarding quality or Element, can be made available in exchange for Enchantment Tickets. The Giant Starter Chest offers guaranteed low-quality materials and costs 4 tickets, while the Legendary Chest offers guaranteed Legendary Materials and costs 8 tickets.

Rewards Ascension Reward Chest.png

Limited Chests

Number of Material Cards 5 Enchantment Materials - Card Back.png, sometimes 1 Enchantment Materials - Divine Card Back.png
Amount Frequency
Fair Materials Icon.png Fair Materials 30-45 Green Check.png
Average Materials Icon.png Average Materials 18-26 Green Check.png
Good Materials Icon.png Good Materials 10-18 Green Check.png
Excellent Materials Icon.png Excellent Materials 5-13 Plus Icon.png
Extraordinary Materials Icon.png Extraordinary Materials 4-12 Plus Icon.png
Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png Enchanted Trinkets 450-750


Sticker - Cry.png
Enchantment League-Pre 6.2 was merged with Dragon League. This information is no longer valid, but is kept for historical purposes. See Enchantment System.
Cauldrons Button.png

Potions are items that offer various advantages to the Trainer when engaging in battles. To begin using these potions in battles, the tutorial for potions needs to be completed. This can be done by first visiting the Cauldron Shop, from where the game guides the Trainer through it.

Trainers can take a maximum of five potions into a battle, with VIP Trainers having an additional slot. Any potions that are not used during battle, or when a Trainer decides to quit midway through a battle, is not lost. However, using any potion counts as beginning a battle. Thus, if the Trainer decides to quit the battle after using their potion, they lose ranking.

Potion Types

There are two types of potions – Instant Potions and Assigned Potions.

Instant Potions can be used multiple times against the same fort, but only before initiating the fight against it.

  • Potion - Knockout.png Minor Damage Rare (classification) Icon.png – The defender of the fort instantly loses 60% of its health.
  • Potion - Knockout.png Damage Epic (classification) Icon.png – The defender of the fort instantly loses 85% of its health.
  • Potion - Knockout.png Knockout Legendary (classification) Icon.png – The defender of the fort instantly loses 100% of its health.
  • Potion - Reveal All.png Reveal All Legendary (classification) Icon.png – Instantly reveals all defenders by showing them as well as their levels and Elements.

Assigned Potions can only be used on the enemy fort that is currently active. Only one potion can be assigned to one fort at a time, and that potion remains active until the enemy Dragon is defeated, regardless of how many Dragons benefit from it.

  • Potion - Curse.png Minor Curse Common (classification) Icon.png – Fort defender loses 20% of its health every turn.
  • Potion - Curse.png Major Curse Epic (classification) Icon.png – Fort defender loses 40% of its health every turn.
  • Potion - First Hit.png First Hit Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragon gets an extra preemptive attack that drains 20% of the defender's health.
  • Potion - First Hit.png Major First Hit Rare (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragon gets an extra preemptive attack that drains 40% of the defender's health.
  • Potion - Shield.png Minor Shield Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragon's received damage is reduced by 40%.
  • Potion - Shield.png Shield Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragon's received damage is reduced by 60%.
  • Potion - Shield.png Major Shield Rare (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragon's received damage is reduced by 70%.
  • Potion - Final Vengeance.png Final Vengeance Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – If the Trainer's attacker is defeated, the defender Dragon's health is reduced by 50%.
  • Potion - Rage.png Rage Epic (classification) Icon.png – 50% of the Trainer's Dragon's missing health converts to damage when it attacks.
  • Potion - Fire Damage Boost.png Fire Damage Boost Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Fire Element deals 2x damage.
  • Potion - Wind Damage Boost.png Wind Damage Boost Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Wind Element deals 2x damage.
  • Potion - Earth Damage Boost.png Earth Damage Boost Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Earth Element deals 2x damage.
  • Potion - Water Damage Boost.png Water Damage Boost Common (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Water Element deals 2x damage.
  • Potion - Plant Damage Boost.png Plant Damage Boost Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Plant Element deals 3x damage.
  • Potion - Metal Damage Boost.png Metal Damage Boost Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Metal Element deals 3x damage.
  • Potion - Energy Damage Boost.png Energy Damage Boost Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Energy Element deals 3x damage.
  • Potion - Void Damage Boost.png Void Damage Boost Uncommon (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Void Element deals 3x damage.
  • Potion - Light Damage Boost.png Light Damage Boost Rare (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Light Element deals 6x damage.
  • Potion - Shadow Damage Boost.png Shadow Damage Boost Rare (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Shadow Element deals 6x damage.
  • Potion - Legendary Damage Boost.png Legendary Damage Boost Epic (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons with the Legendary Element deals 7x damage. This does NOT apply to Divine or Ancient Dragons!
  • Potion - Damage Boost.png Damage Boost Legendary (classification) Icon.png – The Trainer's Dragons deal 21x damage.

Obtaining Potions

Once the tutorial is complete, potions can be obtained through chests by winning battles, brewing them in Enchantment Cauldrons, or purchasing cauldrons with Enchantment Tickets.


Once defenses are set in the Enchantment League, potions begin brewing and can be collected once every 3 hours. The time needed to brew potions cannot be sped-up in any way whatsoever.

Only the average level of Dragons set to defend influences the brewing of the potions. No other factors are considered. The average level of the defender Dragons determines the rarity of the potions that are given; the higher the average, the rarer the potion. The level of the cauldron determines the number of potions that are received. Cauldron Levels 1-4 give three potions, while a Level 5 cauldron gives four potions. The other two remaining cauldrons can only be purchased in exchange for Enchantment Tickets and one gives six potions while the other gives twelve potions.

Cauldron & Potions.png

The Cauldron Shop can also be accessed from the Defenders section. Likewise, pressing the Defenders Shield Icon.png tab takes the Trainer to the latter section. In the top-left corner of the regular cauldron, the i can be pressed to display all the six possible levels of the cauldron and the average level needed to obtain them. The same button also appears in the corner of the other types of cauldrons, and pressing it displays an official list of drop rates of potions by rarity.

Cauldron Cauldron Level Average Dragon Level Cards Rewarded Max Rarity
Cauldron - Level 1.png 1 1-20 3 Potion Card Back - Common.png
Cauldron - Level 2.png 2 21-35 Potion Card Back - Uncommon.png
Cauldron - Level 3.png 3 36-45 Potion Card Back - Rare.png
Cauldron - Level 4.png 4 46-60 Potion Card Back - Epic.png
Cauldron - Level 5.png 5 61-80 4
Cauldron Cauldron Type Cost Cards Rewarded Max Rarity
Cauldron - Pro.png Pro 4 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png 6 Potion Card Back - Legendary.png
Cauldron - Double.png Double 6 Enchantment Ticket Icon.png 12
Seasonal Cauldron
Seasonal Cauldron.png

Seasonal Cauldron Promotion.jpg

On some occasions, the Seasonal Cauldron can be made available in exchange for Enchantment Tickets. This is an enhanced version of the Pro Cauldron that costs 4 Enchantment Tickets and has a higher chance of giving Legendary potions.

Enchantment Chests

Potions can also be obtained from the League Chests. Each chest gives one potion of various rarities. The League 1 Chest gives a Common potion, the League 2 Chest gives either a Common or an Uncommon potion, and the other types of chests all give Common to Rare potions. Potions are stored in an infinite inventory that can hold as many potions as are collected from battles and defense Dragons.



  • Update 4.0: Added Divine Materials of better quality than average to Enchantment Chests in League 5 and higher.
    • Made League 6 and 7 chests purchasable only using Gems, to offer 20% more materials and Enchanted Trinkets.
    • Added Enchantment Tickets purchase increments of 100 and 45, in addition to 10 and 1.
    • Made the pre-battle interface display the strongest defender, rather than any.
      • Discontinued the Reveal Strongest Epic (classification) Icon.png Potion. All existing potions in a Trainer's inventory were replaced by the Reveal All Potion.
    • Changed the number of taps required to show double cauldrons and Epic chests, to once instead of twice
  • Update 3.8: Discontinued obtaining Gift Chests through Daily Quests when it was redesigned
  • Update 3.7: Added the total number of keys available, to the Enchantment League button.
    • Added Enchantment Tickets and Enchantment Materials can to the Whale-Mart
  • Update 3.6: Made the total number of keys possessed visible on the Enchantment menu button.
    • Added an i button to chests and cauldrons to display drop rates.
    • Made the double-speed button available
  • Update 3.4: Added Dragon Pieces for the Enchantment League
  • Update 3.3: Introduced Enchantment Tickets as the new and only means for buying chests and cauldrons. Prior, the cost of buying Rare and Epic chests was 150 Gems and 250 Gems respectively, while the cost of buying the Pro and Double Cauldron was 100 Gems and 150 Gems respectively
  • Update 3.2: Discontinued watching ad videos when no keys are left.
  • Update 3.0: Made repeated tapping required to open, see, and claim Enchantment chests and potions instead of being done automatically.
    • Made chests emit a bright glow when opened
  • Update 2.8: Added notifications for when potions are ready to be collected and Gift Chests can be obtained again
  • Update 2.7: Added Keys as a requirement to open chests.
    • Added ad video watching in exchange for receiving keys.
    • Made the Super League Chest awarded randomly (prior was the 9th and the 19th wins).
    • Changed when Rare Chest was awarded (prior was after twenty victories and a period of time had to pass before obtaining again).
    • Marvelous Chest renamed to Epic Chest, and other chests were formerly called Magic Chests
  • Update 2.5: Modified battles so the retreating Trainer no longer lost trophies as long retreating was done before initiating the battle
  • Update 2.4: Added a Gift Chest to the 5-Trophy Checkpoint.
    • Awarded a Rare Chest after every consecutive streak of 10 victories. However, if the game was left while in the middle of a streak, the streak was interrupted
  • Update 2.3: Introduced as part of the larger Enchantment feature
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