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(Redirected from Eternal Fruit Tree)
Habitat Icon.png
Provide physical locations to house Dragons who perform Battles and accumulate Gold Icon.png Gold.

Cost: Various
Requirements: Various
Upgradable: Most
Can go in Inventory: Yes

A Habitat is a place where most Dragons live and accumulate Gold Icon.png Gold. Habitats are required to house and place Dragons on Islands.


Habitats are purchased in the Main Shop. Most Habitats are bought with Gold Icon.png Gold, Gems Icon.png Gems, real money, or are earned in Events. Habitats available for purchase appear sorted by type and display their individual cost. Pressing the purchase button brings the selected habitat to the closest free Island spot, with a Check Mark Icon.png button to confirm purchase and placement, or a X button to cancel. After purchase or upgrade, a construction process must occur before a Habitat is used.

Habitat Functions

The following function buttons appear when most habitats are selected:

  • Information 2 Button.pngInformation, provides a description, Gold Icon.png Gold capacity, and the maximum number of Dragons held.
    • Note: The Eternal Fruit Tree provides information about Food Icon.png Food per hour and maximum Food capacity per level, as well as Player Level required to upgrade to each level.
  • Upgrade Button.pngUpgrade, provides information as well as an Upgrade button displaying upgrade cost.
  • Purchase Egg Button.pngPurchase Egg, opens the Dragons section of the Main Shop to purchase a Dragon Egg.
  • Dragon Button.pngDragon, to visit a Dragon inside its Habitat (depicts an image of a dragon species housed).
  • Collect Gold Button.png – Collect Gold, to collect accumulated Gold from the Habitat.
  • Sell Button.pngSell, to sell the Habitat (appears only if the habitat is empty).
  • Inventory Button.pngStore, to move the Habitat to inventory (appears only if the habitat is empty).

Inside Habitats

Dragon Button.png

Dragons are visited in their Habitats by pressing any habitat, then pressing the desired Dragon's button; this opens the visiting screen showing a larger image of the Dragon inside their habitat, as well as information about, and functions for, the selected Dragon:

  • Top-left, a box displays:
    • Given name, species name, Level, elements and Skill levels, Sigils (if equipped), Enchantment level (stars, if any) and an i info button.
      • Selecting anywhere in this box opens the rename option.
      • i – Opens the Codex Entry screen.
      • Awaken – Appears for the Dragon has non-awoken Elements.
        • Awaken  750,000 Gold Icon.png – Awakens the first Element.
        • Awaken  99 Gems Icon.png – Awakens the second Element.
      • Red Lock Icon.png – Appears on grayed out, unawoken Elements if they are locked.
  • Top-right, displays:
    • AR Icon.png – Opens the Augmented Reality feature (appears only in iOS).
    • X – Closes the visiting window.
Note: A progress bar under its name in the top-left box indicates how many pieces of Food are left to level up the Dragon.
  • Bottom-left:
    • Training – To Train a Dragon, temporarily increasing its stats.
    • Gold Icon.png Gold production – Gold earned per hour based on Stats and the Base Gold per Hour formula. Note that a "Boss Bonus / hour" and a new total Gold amount may appear if Boss Dragons are owned that increase Gold per hour. No indicator is given whenever other bonuses are active.

In the case of a Boss Dragon, pressing its button after selecting its Habitat opens the Boss Info screen which displays:

  • Its name, image, and the amount of Dragon Collector Points it offers.
  • A description of its powers (such as the bonus it provides to Gold production of other Dragons (10%), or any other power).
  • AR Icon.png – Opens the Augmented Reality feature.
  •   sell   – To sell the Dragon, which must be confirmed using the   YES   button (or cancelled using the   NO   button).
  • More Options – Provides other options including:
    • Happy Dragon Icon.png Visit – Visit the Dragon in its habitat.
    • Dragon Storing Icon.png Vault – Move the Dragon to the Dragon Vault.
    • Move (Green) Icon.png Move – Move the Dragon to another habitat.

Augmented Reality

Give Access Screen.png

Trainers whose devices run a version of iOS that supports the ARKit framework, or a version of Android that supports the ARCore framework, have the option to use the augmented reality with all the regular Dragons in the game. Inside the Habitat of a Dragon (on the Codex Entry, in case of Boss Dragons), the AR Icon.png button must be pressed, which opens a window asking the Trainer to give the game access to the device's camera and images. Once access is given, the device's camera turns on and the Dragon is displayed in the middle of the screen. From here, the Trainer can snap a picture of the Dragon by pressing the Snap Picture Button.png button, or give it a treat by pressing the  Give Treat  button. Treats don't count on the Dragon's level or increase its stats by any way.


Each Habitat type has a unique appearance, the design and color scheme is based on the most prominent Element or Rarity of Dragons housed. Most Habitats change appearance when upgraded; regular Habitats change appearance every level until Level 6, then receive the mark representing its Element.

Occasionally, a Yellow-Bordered Gem Ad Icon.png notification appears above a random Habitat, giving the option to watch an advertisement video in exchange for 1 Gem Icon.png Gem if tapped.


The size of regular Habitats is 5x5 squares until Level 5, after which they become 6x6 squares. Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant habitats cannot be upgraded, and are always 6x6 squares, while Boss Habitats 6x6 squares regardless of level, and Megabitat part habitats aren't upgradable and remain at 5x5 squares. Legendary, Special, and Eternal Fruit Tree habitats are always 6x6 squares, and their appearance stays when upgraded.

See Megabitats for more information regarding Megabitats and their mergeable part habitats.


Symbols on signposts Habitat Signpost.png, show the status of a Dragon residing in a Habitat:

Symbol Meaning
Signpost - Exploring.png A Dragon is exploring a Ruin.
Signpost - Babifying.png A Dragon is in the Fountain of Youth.
Signpost - Breeding.png A Dragon is in the Breeding Den.
Signpost - Dragon Academy.png A Dragon is in the Dragon Academy.
Signpost - Upgrade.png An upgrade available for the Habitat.


Gold in Habitat Icon.png


Except for Boss Habitats and the Eternal Fruit Tree, all Habitats accumulate Gold Icon.png Gold generated by the Dragons housed in them, while the Eternal Fruit Tree generates Food Icon.png Food on its own. All Habitats have resource holding limits. Temporarily displaced Dragons produce no Gold.

A Yellow-Bordered Gold Icon.png notification appears above Habitats when they have accumulated 30% of their maximum capacity, while the Green-Bordered Gold Icon.png notification appears at 100% of their maximum. The total amount of Gold generated by all Habitats is collected at once if the Gold Vault is owned.

Collecting Resources

Gold and Food is collected by selecting the Habitat, and pressing either the Collect Gold Button.png collect Gold or Collect Food Button.png collect Food buttons. Amount collected are shown above Habitats. If VIP Status is active, the additional amount of Gold given also appears.

Gold Planner The DML Planner Economy function provides an overview of all Gold Icon.png Gold produced by Dragons in their habitats. Tracking is done per habitat and island, to determine income and help identify issues with, and optimize, Gold storage and production. For example, it might be learned that keeping Dragons in the habitat of their highest regular Element unlock order (excluding Special Elements) can significantly optimize Gold production and earning. Prioritizing high-holding (of both Gold and Dragons) base habitats over low holding ones can also be useful, particularly at the outset of a new game when Gold is needed most, and earning is more difficult.

Read more about this sister project, the DML Planner made by Toomas, a DML community member.

Sack of Gold.png

Gold Capacity Comparison

Habitat Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
Fire Habitat 500 Gold Icon.png 1,000 Gold Icon.png 2,000 Gold Icon.png 3,000 Gold Icon.png 4,000 Gold Icon.png 5,000 Gold Icon.png 15,000 Gold Icon.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png 70,000 Gold Icon.png
Wind Habitat 1,500 Gold Icon.png 2,500 Gold Icon.png 4,000 Gold Icon.png 6,000 Gold Icon.png 8,500 Gold Icon.png 10,000 Gold Icon.png 25,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 70,000 Gold Icon.png
Earth Habitat 2,500 Gold Icon.png 3,500 Gold Icon.png 5,500 Gold Icon.png 7,500 Gold Icon.png 10,500 Gold Icon.png 12,500 Gold Icon.png 25,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 70,000 Gold Icon.png
Water Habitat 5,000 Gold Icon.png 6,500 Gold Icon.png 9,000 Gold Icon.png 11,500 Gold Icon.png 15,000 Gold Icon.png 17,500 Gold Icon.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png 45,000 Gold Icon.png 70,000 Gold Icon.png
Plant Habitat 7,500 Gold Icon.png 9,500 Gold Icon.png 13,000 Gold Icon.png 16,500 Gold Icon.png 21,500 Gold Icon.png 25,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 60,000 Gold Icon.png 80,000 Gold Icon.png
Metal Habitat 10,000 Gold Icon.png 12,500 Gold Icon.png 17,500 Gold Icon.png 22,500 Gold Icon.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png 35,000 Gold Icon.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png 65,000 Gold Icon.png 80,000 Gold Icon.png
Energy Habitat 15,000 Gold Icon.png 18,500 Gold Icon.png 25,500 Gold Icon.png 32,500 Gold Icon.png 43,000 Gold Icon.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png 60,000 Gold Icon.png 75,000 Gold Icon.png 90,000 Gold Icon.png
Void Habitat 25,000 Gold Icon.png 30,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png 65,000 Gold Icon.png 75,000 Gold Icon.png 85,000 Gold Icon.png 90,000 Gold Icon.png 100,000 Gold Icon.png
Light Habitat 27,000 Gold Icon.png 32,000 Gold Icon.png 41,500 Gold Icon.png 51,000 Gold Icon.png 65,500 Gold Icon.png 75,000 Gold Icon.png 85,000 Gold Icon.png 90,000 Gold Icon.png 100,000 Gold Icon.png
Shadow Habitat 29,000 Gold Icon.png 33,500 Gold Icon.png 43,000 Gold Icon.png 52,000 Gold Icon.png 66,000 Gold Icon.png 75,000 Gold Icon.png 85,000 Gold Icon.png 90,000 Gold Icon.png 100,000 Gold Icon.png
Legendary Habitat 30,000 Gold Icon.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png
Primal Habitat
Divine Habitat 50,000 Gold Icon.png
Ancient Habitat
Special Habitats 30,000 Gold Icon.png 50,000 Gold Icon.png
Boss Habitat
Boss Dragons do not produce Gold
Eternal Fruit Tree

Note: See Special Habitats for (pay-only) Primal Habitat details.

Habitat Capacity

Habitat Limit Extender - Info.png

For Trainers who are Levels 1 to 4, the maximum number of Habitats allowed is 4. From Level 5 onward, the maximum number of Habitats is equal to the Trainer's Level, meaning the capacity is increased by 1 every level increase, except for levels 110, 115, 120, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150 and 155 which all increase the limit by 2.

The number of Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Habitats allowed is additionally limited to the number of Dragons of Divine/Ancient/Tyrant Dragons owned, respectively, plus one. This means a Trainer with no Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Dragons can build only one Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Habitat, while a Trainer with 3 Divine, Ancient, or Tyrant Dragons can build 4, regardless if the total Habitat capacity is higher than that limit. Lastly, Boss Habitats can be bought only once at least one Boss Dragon has been unlocked.

Habitat Limit Extender

Habitat Limit Extender.png

A Habitat Limit Extender is a special resource that increases the Habitat limit by 1 per extender used. These items are obtained through the Dragon Collector Leaderboard, Whale-Mart, occasionally in the Dungeon Shop, and in various events or other methods. Habitat Limit Extenders activate instantly on receipt, they are not stored in inventory, and their effect is irreversible.

Habitat Types & Housing

There are also different types of Habitats for housing Dragons. Chronos, Chronoids, and Clan Dragons are the only Dragons not housed in Habitats. Legendary Habitats and all Habitats based thereon (Special Habitats) hold up to three Dragons (except Megabitat part habitats) and house any type of Dragon, except Boss Dragons. Boss Habitats and the Eternal Fruit Tree only house Boss Dragons; the only Habitats they can be placed in.

Divine, Ancient, and Tyrant Habitats house the same types of Dragons as Legendary Dragons, but they also house their primary elements and the Primal Element. All other Habitats only house Dragons that have an Element matching that of the Habitat's (plus any extra Elements). These other Habitats also hold anywhere from 1 to 6 Dragons, depending on the level of the Habitat.

Base Element Habitats

Fire Habitat

Fire dragons make this habitat a warm home.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 100 30 seconds 4 Level 1 1 500 25
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 2,000 5 minutes 80 Level 3 2 1,000 525
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 8,000 10 minutes 320 Level 8 2,000 2,525
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 18,000 40 minutes 720 Level 12 3,000 7,025
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 40,000 1 hour 1,600 Level 16 3 4,000 17,025
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 120,000 6 hours 4,800 Level 22 5,000 47,025
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Fire.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 15,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 30,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 70,000
Total Gold Icon.png 188,100, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Fire.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 30 31 hours, 55 minutes and 30 seconds Experience Icon.png 21,924 -

Compatible Elements: Fire

Wind Habitat

Everything is well-secured in this habitat.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 500 3 minutes 20 Level 1 1 1,500 125
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 4,000 15 minutes 160 Level 5 2 2,500 1,125
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 10,000 45 minutes 400 Level 9 4,000 3,625
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 24,000 1 hour and 30 minutes 960 Level 13 6,000 9,625
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 60,000 3 hours 2,400 Level 18 3 8,500 24,625
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 140,000 7 hours and 30 minutes 5,600 Level 24 10,000 59,625
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Wind.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 25,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 40,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 70,000
Total Gold Icon.png 238,500, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Wind.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 30 37 hours and 3 minutes Experience Icon.png 26,340 -

Compatible Elements: Wind

Earth Habitat

Don't worry about tracking dirt into this habitat.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 1,000 5 minutes 40 Level 4 1 2,500 250
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 10,000 20 minutes 400 Level 8 2 3,500 2,750
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 18,000 40 minutes 720 Level 11 5,500 7,250
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 34,000 50 minutes 1,360 Level 15 7,500 15,750
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 80,000 1 hour and 10 minutes 3,200 Level 20 3 10,500 35,750
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 180,000 6 hours and 40 minutes 7,200 Level 26 12,500 80,750
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Earth.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 25,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 40,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 70,000
Total Gold Icon.png 323,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Earth.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 30 33 hours and 45 minutes Experience Icon.png 34,520 -

Compatible Elements: Earth

Water Habitat

A home for those who are naturally damp.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 10,000 1 hour 400 Level 9 1 5,000 2,500
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 40,000 40 minutes 1,600 Level 10 2 6,500 12,500
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 60,000 1 hour and 20 minutes 2,400 Level 12 9,000 27,500
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 100,000 1 hour and 30 minutes 4,000 Level 16 11,500 52,500
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 220,000 2 hours and 30 minutes 8,800 Level 23 3 15,000 107,500
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 300,000 3 hours 12,000 Level 29 17,500 182,500
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Water.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 30,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 45,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 70,000
Total Gold Icon.png 730,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Water.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 30 34 hours Experience Icon.png 65,200 -

Compatible Elements: Water

Plant Habitat

Photosynthesis and dragons thrive here.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 40,000 3 hours 1,600 Level 11 1 7,500 10,000
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 80,000 1 hour and 20 minutes 3,200 Level 13 2 9,500 30,000
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 120,000 2 hours 4,800 Level 17 13,000 60,000
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 200,000 3 hours and 30 minutes 8,000 Level 21 16,500 110,000
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 240,000 4 hours and 30 minutes 9,600 Level 27 3 21,500 170,000
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 480,000 6 hours 19,200 Level 33 25,000 290,000
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Plant.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 40,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 60,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 80,000
Total Gold Icon.png 1,160,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Plant.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 30 44 hours and 20 minutes Experience Icon.png 104,000 -

Compatible Elements: Plant

Metal Habitat

Cold and hard – just the way these dragons like it.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 150,000 3 hours 6,000 Level 15 1 10,000 37,500
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 250,000 2 hours 10,000 Level 17 2 12,500 100,000
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 300,000 3 hours 12,000 Level 21 17,500 175,000
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 450,000 5 hours 18,000 Level 26 22,500 287,500
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 540,000 7 hours 21,600 Level 31 3 30,000 422,500
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 720,000 9 hours 28,800 Level 40 35,000 602,500
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Metal.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 50,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 65,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 80,000
Total Gold Icon.png 2,410,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Metal.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 30 53 hours Experience Icon.png 182,800 -

Compatible Elements: Metal

Energy Habitat

A place where energy can contain itself.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 280,000 6 hours 11,200 Level 19 1 15,000 70,000
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 300,000 3 hours 12,000 Level 22 2 18,500 145,000
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 450,000 4 hours and 30 minutes 18,000 Level 26 25,500 257,500
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 750,000 7 hours and 30 minutes 30,000 Level 30 32,500 445,000
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 900,000 10 hours and 30 minutes 36,000 Level 38 3 43,000 670,000
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 1,200,000 13 hours and 30 minutes 48,000 Level 45 50,000 970,000
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Energy.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 60,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 75,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 90,000
Total Gold Icon.png 3,880,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Energy.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 30 69 hours Experience Icon.png 299,200 -

Compatible Elements: Energy

Void Habitat

This habitat is full of mystery.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 400,000 12 hours 16,000 Level 25 1 25,000 100,000
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 600,000 4 hours 24,000 Level 28 2 30,000 250,000
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 900,000 6 hours 36,000 Level 32 40,000 475,000
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 1,500,000 10 hours 60,000 Level 36 50,000 850,000
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 1,800,000 14 hours 72,000 Level 42 3 65,000 1,300,000
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 2,400,000 18 hours 96,000 Level 48 75,000 1,900,000
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Void.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 85,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 90,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 100,000
Total Gold Icon.png 7,600,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Void.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 30 88 hours Experience Icon.png 592,000 -

Compatible Elements: Void

Light Habitat

A bright and happy place to live.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 500,000 12 hours 20,000 Level 35 1 27,000 125,000
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 750,000 4 hours 30,000 Level 39 2 32,000 312,500
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 6 hours 40,000 Level 43 41,500 562,500
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 1,700,000 10 hours 68,000 Level 49 51,000 987,500
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 2,000,000 14 hours 80,000 Level 53 3 65,500 1,487,500
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 2,600,000 18 hours 104,000 Level 60 75,000 2,137,500
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Light.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 85,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 90,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 100,000
Total Gold Icon.png 8,550,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Light.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 30 88 hours Experience Icon.png 654,000 -

Compatible Elements: Light

Shadow Habitat

A habitat for dragons that dislike well-lit rooms.
Level Cost Building/Upgrading Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 550,000 12 hours 22,000 Level 44 1 29,000 137,500
Level 2 Gold Icon.png 800,000 4 hours 32,000 Level 47 2 33,500 337,500
Level 3 Gold Icon.png 1,300,000 6 hours 52,000 Level 52 43,000 662,500
Level 4 Gold Icon.png 1,900,000 10 hours 76,000 Level 55 52,000 1,137,500
Level 5 Gold Icon.png 2,200,000 14 hours 88,000 Level 58 3 66,000 1,687,500
Level 6 Gold Icon.png 2,800,000 18 hours 112,000 Level 62 75,000 2,387,500
Level 7 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500 + Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 8 6 hours Level 70 4 85,000
Level 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750 + Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 10 8 hours Level 100 5 90,000
Level 9 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000 + Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 20 10 hours Level 120 6 100,000
Total Gold Icon.png 9,550,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 30 88 hours Experience Icon.png 1,528,000 -

Compatible Elements: Shadow

Special Element Habitats

Legendary Habitat

A special place that can house all dragons up to Legendary.
Legendary Habitat.png
Level Cost Building Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 Gold Icon.png 600,000 6 hours 24,000 Level 1 2 30,000 150,000
Level 2 Gems Icon.png 90 Instant 1,000 3 50,000 162,500
Total Gold Icon.png 600,000, Gems Icon.png 90 6 hours Experience Icon.png 25,000 -

Compatible Elements: Fire Wind Earth Water Plant Metal Energy Void Light Shadow Legendary Primal 

Primal Habitat

Unlike other Element habitats, the Primal Habitat is the only Element with a Habitat that is not purchasable using Gold Icon.png Gold, and is instead pay-only. Though Primal Dragons are housed in any Habitat for which they possess an Element.

See Special Habitats for more information.

Divine Habitat

This Habitat is able to house Divine Dragons. You need to own Divine dragons to build more Divine Habitats.
Divine Habitat.png
Cost Building Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 Instant 40,000 Level 1 2 50,000 250,000

Compatible Elements: Fire Wind Earth Water Plant Metal Energy Void Light Shadow Legendary Primal Divine 

Ancient Habitat

This Habitat is able to house Ancient dragons. You need to own Ancient dragons to build more Ancient Habitats.
Ancient Habitat.png
Cost Building Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 Instant 40,000 Level 1 2 50,000 250,000

Compatible Elements: Fire Wind Earth Water Plant Metal Energy Void Light Shadow Legendary Primal Divine Ancient 

Tyrant Habitat

This Habitat is able to house Tyrant dragons. You need to own Tyrant dragons to build more Tyrant Habitats.
Tyrant Habitat.png
Cost Building Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 Instant 40,000 Level 1 2 50,000 250,000

Compatible Elements: All Icon.png

Boss Habitat

A big home for the BIG bosses.
Level Cost Building Time Experience Reward Trainer Level Needed Dragons Gold Icon.png Selling Cost
Level 1 50 Gems 1 minute 500 Level 4 1 6,250
Level 2 150 Gems Instant 1,500 2 27,000
Total Gems Icon.png 200 1 minute Experience Icon.png 2,000 -

Eternal Fruit Tree

Eternal Fruit Tree.png

The Eternal Fruit Tree is a special Boss Habitat that houses up to two Boss Dragons and produces Food Icon.png Food over time. It is purchased from the the Main Shop for 200 Gems Icon.png Gems.

Only one Eternal Fruit Tree can be owned at a time. Regardless of its level, it always occupies 6x6 tiles on the map and has the same aspect. It is upgradeable up to Level 12, at which it produces 28,000 Food Icon.png Food per hour and its capacity is 1,280,000 Food Icon.png Food. The Food is generated automatically, and it is harvested similarly to collecting Gold from regular Habitats. Food is produced even if the Eternal Fruit Tree does not house a Boss Dragon.

Level Cost Building Time Experience Reward Production Food Icon.png Capacity Gold Icon.png Selling Cost Level Required
Level 1 Gems Icon.png 200 Instant Upgrade 2,000 6,700 Food Icon.png /h 40,000 25,000 1
Level 2 Gems Icon.png 120 1,200 68,000 41,625 10
Level 3 Gems Icon.png 150 1,500 8,000 Food Icon.png /h 80,000 62,375 15
Level 4 Gems Icon.png 180 1,800 120,000 87,375 16
Level 5 Gems Icon.png 250 2,500 10,000 Food Icon.png /h 140,000 122,000 17
Level 6 Gems Icon.png 300 3,000 200,000 163,625 18
Level 7 Gems Icon.png 350 3,500 14,000 Food Icon.png /h 280,000 212,125 19
Level 8 Gems Icon.png 400 4,000 320,000 267,625 20
Level 9 Gems Icon.png 450 4,500 20,000 Food Icon.png /h 480,000 330,125 21
Level 10 Gems Icon.png 500 5,000 720,000 399,500 22
Level 11 Gems Icon.png 600 6,000 28,000 Food Icon.png /h 960,000 482,750 23
Level 12 Gems Icon.png 800 8,000 1,280,000 593,750 24
Total Gems Icon.png 4,300 - Experience Icon.png 43,000 -

Special Habitats

See Special Habitats for information on (pay-only) Special Habitats.

Megabitat Part Habitats

See Megabitats for Megabitat Part Habitat groupings, Megabitats formed, and the cost information for Megabitat Part Habitats.

Habitat Cost Comparison

Habitat Building Upgrade Lv. 2 Upgrade Lv. 3 Upgrade Lv. 4 Upgrade Lv. 5 Upgrade Lv. 6 Upgrade Lv. 7 Upgrade Lv. 8 Upgrade Lv. 9 Upgrade Lv. 10 Upgrade Lv. 11 Upgrade Lv. 12 Total Cost
Fire Habitat Gold Icon.png 100 Gold Icon.png 2,000 Gold Icon.png 8,000 Gold Icon.png 18,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 120,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Fire.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 20
Cannot be upgraded beyond Level 9
Gold Icon.png 188,100, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Fire.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 30
Wind Habitat Gold Icon.png 500 Gold Icon.png 4,000 Gold Icon.png 10,000 Gold Icon.png 24,000 Gold Icon.png 60,000 Gold Icon.png 140,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Wind.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 20 Gold Icon.png 238,500, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Wind.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 30
Earth Habitat Gold Icon.png 1,000 Gold Icon.png 10,000 Gold Icon.png 18,000 Gold Icon.png 34,000 Gold Icon.png 80,000 Gold Icon.png 180,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Earth.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 20 Gold Icon.png 323,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Earth.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 30
Water Habitat Gold Icon.png 10,000 Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 60,000 Gold Icon.png 100,000 Gold Icon.png 220,000 Gold Icon.png 300,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Water.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 20 Gold Icon.png 730,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Water.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 30
Plant Habitat Gold Icon.png 40,000 Gold Icon.png 80,000 Gold Icon.png 120,000 Gold Icon.png 200,000 Gold Icon.png 240,000 Gold Icon.png 480,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Plant.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 20 Gold Icon.png 1,160,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Plant.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 30
Metal Habitat Gold Icon.png 150,000 Gold Icon.png 250,000 Gold Icon.png 300,000 Gold Icon.png 450,000 Gold Icon.png 540,000 Gold Icon.png 720,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Metal.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 20 Gold Icon.png 2,410,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Metal.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Metal.png 30
Energy Habitat Gold Icon.png 280,000 Gold Icon.png 300,000 Gold Icon.png 450,000 Gold Icon.png 750,000 Gold Icon.png 900,000 Gold Icon.png 1,200,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Energy.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 20 Gold Icon.png 3,880,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Energy.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Energy.png 30
Void Habitat Gold Icon.png 400,000 Gold Icon.png 600,000 Gold Icon.png 900,000 Gold Icon.png 1,500,000 Gold Icon.png 1,800,000 Gold Icon.png 2,400,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Void.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 20 Gold Icon.png 7,600,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Void.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Void.png 30
Light Habitat Gold Icon.png 500,000 Gold Icon.png 750,000 Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 Gold Icon.png 1,700,000 Gold Icon.png 2,000,000 Gold Icon.png 2,600,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Light.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 20 Gold Icon.png 8,550,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Light.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 30
Shadow Habitat Gold Icon.png 550,000 Gold Icon.png 800,000 Gold Icon.png 1,300,000 Gold Icon.png 1,900,000 Gold Icon.png 2,200,000 Gold Icon.png 2,800,000 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 500, Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 8 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 750, Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 10 Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 1,000, Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 20 Gold Icon.png 9,550,000, Enchanted Trinkets Icon.png 2,250, Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 8, Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 30
Legendary Habitat Gold Icon.png 600,000 Gems Icon.png 90 Cannot be upgraded beyond than Level 2 Gold Icon.png 600,000, Gems Icon.png 90
Divine Habitat Gold Icon.png 1,000,000 These Habitats cannot be upgraded Gold Icon.png 1,000,000
Ancient Habitat Gold Icon.png 1,000,000
Boss Habitat Gems Icon.png 50 Gems Icon.png 150 Cannot be upgraded beyond Level 2 Gems Icon.png 200
Eternal Fruit Tree Gems Icon.png 200 Gems Icon.png 120 Gems Icon.png 150 Gems Icon.png 180 Gems Icon.png 250 Gems Icon.png 300 Gems Icon.png 350 Gems Icon.png 400 Gems Icon.png 450 Gems Icon.png 500 Gems Icon.png 600 Gems Icon.png 800 Gems Icon.png 4,300

Note: The Primal Habitat, formerly purchasable for 90 Gems Icon.png Gems was later converted to a pay-only habitat as other non-base habitats were, and removed from the above table.

See Megabitats for costs of Megabitat part, and Special habitats that are pay-only.


As long as they are not under construction, Habitats (which are movable objects in the game) can be moved to a different location. A single object is moved by pressing and holding it until move options activate, indicated by X Edit Mode Icon.png Check Mark Icon.png buttons below it and move arrows on each side. Green move arrows indicate sufficient space in the currently chosen area to place an item, gray arrows indicate not enough. Move the object by dragging, or by pressing the move arrows or the destination, then press the Check Mark Icon.png or X button to accept or cancel.

Edit Mode moves multiple objects, once move options are activated as described above, after pressing the Edit Mode Icon.png button. Moving or swapping instructions appear:

  • Select one or more objects to move them at the same time.
  • Swap two objects by selecting them and pressing the Swap Icon.png button.
  • Store multiple objects in inventory by selecting them and pressing the Inventory Icon.png button (for eligible buildings or objects only).

Dragging or pressing a destination a does not move objects in Edit Mode, the initial state is selection-only; instead, pressing the Move (Green) Icon.png button enables these options, the base of all objects turns green or gray indicating if there's enough space to move the items to as a unit.

Added Edit Mode Notes
  • Selected objects are moved exactly parallel to their former positions, any destination must have the corresponding spaces freed for a successful move.
  • The Inventory Icon.png Inventory button only appears if all selected items are eligible for inventory storage, and appears below the last item selected.
  • Objects cannot be selected from different islands at the same time.

Selling & Storing

If not empty or idle, a Habitat cannot be sold or stored without moving all the Dragons from it into a different Habitat or in the Dragon Vault. (including Dragons exploring ruins, breeding, in the Fountain of Youth, having Elements awoken, or at the Dragon Academy). If empty, an idle Habitat can be:

  • Sold by selecting it, then pressing the Sell Button.png button.
  • Stored in Inventory Icon.png inventory by selecting it, pressing the Inventory Button.png button, and then confirming the choice.

The selling value of a Habitat is 25% of the total amount of Gold invested in it (e.g., a Level 1 Earth Habitat costs 1,000 Gold to build, so it sells for 250 Gold, whereas a Level 3 Earth Habitat requires a total of 29,000 Gold building and leveling, so sells for 7,250 Gold). Resources, apart from Gold (such as Gems), invested in Habitats are returned when sold.

Time Reduction

Selecting a Habitat during building or upgrading provides the Speed-Up 2 Button.png button, which when pressed displays the Gems Icon.png Gems needed to skip remaining construction time, the time left until construction finishes, the Skip All  Gems Icon.png button to skip remaining time, or the Skip 1h Video Icon.png button (if available) to watch an advertisement in exchange for a 1-hour time reduction.

The Gem cost for skipping timers is calculated based upon the following formula: (TimeInSeconds ^ -0.46) * 0.12 * TimeInSeconds and the final result is rounded up by 1 if it is between the 1-10 range, and by 5 if it is between the 10-100 range. For example:

  • The cost to skip the initial upgrading time to a Level 4 Fire Habitat (1 hour) is: (3600 ^ -0.46) * 0.12 * 3600 = 9.9 - rounding by 1 applies, thus the cost to skip the timer is 10 Gems.
  • The cost to skip the initial upgrading time to a Level 6 Light Habitat (18 hours) is: (64800 ^ -0.46) * 0.12 * 64800 = 47.5 - rounding by 5 applies, thus the cost to skip the timer is 50 Gems.

Outside the Habitat, construction time is also reduced by forging Chronosian Seals or activating Chronos's power, actions which reduce several timers in the game by 6 hours, and through Timer Boosts, bonuses offered by visiting Trainers, which reduce certain individual timers by 5 minutes.

See Also

  • Megabitats, for Megabitat Part Habitat costs, groupings, and the resultant Megabitats, which are massive 10x10 habitats assembled from specific special habitats.
  • Special Habitats, for pay-only habitats.
  • Buildings, for other buildings that can be placed on Islands.


Note: See Special Habitats for history information pertaining to pay-only Habitats, and those formerly purchasable for Gems that were later converted to pay-only.


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