Fire (disambiguation)
From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki
Fire may refer to:
- Fire, a Dragon Element in the game.
- Fire Dragon, one of the Base Dragons in the game.
- Darkfire Dragon, a Legendary Dragon.
- Fire Mage Dragon, an Epic Dragon.
- Fireball Dragon, an Uncommon Dragon.
- Firefly Dragon, an Epic Dragon.
- Firestar Dragon, a Legendary Dragon.
- Firestorm Dragon, a Legendary Dragon.
- Hellfire Dragon, an Epic Dragon.
- Ironfire Dragon, a Legendary Dragon.
- Liquid Fire Dragon, a Rare Dragon.
- Explosive Results, a skill that Dragons with the Fire Element can learn.
- Fire Habitat, a Habitat where Dragons with the Fire Element can live.
- Fire Temple, a Temple necessary to level Dragons with the Fire Element.