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Herbalist Dragon

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Switch Arrow Left.png    Herald Dragon Icon.png  Herald Dragon
Hermes Dragon  Hermes Dragon Icon.png    Switch Arrow Right.png

Herbalist Dragon.png
Herbalist Dragon.png
Herbalist Dragon Baby.png
Herbalist Dragon Egg.png
The Herbalist Dragon has got the natural cure for what ails you. It's incredibly adept at searching forests and grasslands for plants to get the job done, and it smells pretty great doing it!

Rarity: Epic (classification) Icon.png
Elements: Plant (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Water (Element) Icon.png
Health: 226 Health Icon.png
Attack: 64 Damage Icon.png
Gold/Hour: 540 Gold Icon.png
Experience: 1,220 Experience Icon.png
Selling Value: 13,050 Selling Icon.png
Base DCP: 105 Dragon Collector Points Icon.png

Availability: Reward Exclusive
Method: Normal Mode (Boss Quest (Heroic, Won) Icon.png 295)
Cost: 1,818 Gems Icon.png


Breeding Time: 22 Hours [1]
Hatching Time: 1 Day & 4 Hours
VIP Breeding: 17 Hours & 36 Minutes [1]
VIP Hatching: 22 Hours & 56 Minutes
Game Update: Update 4.0
  1. 1.0 1.1 This Breeding time is merely representative as this Dragon can only be bred during special events.


The Body Shape of the Herbalist Dragon is Finned. It has a rosewood-red body. A large, purple flower that solely shows petals grows from its head, with three triangular, protruding spikes beneath it. The silver plate at the forehead extends on both sides, and has a blue, round gemstone sitting on a rimmed surface in the center. The eyes are dark purple, are rimmed in black, and have eyelashes next to them. The Dragon's snout is large and pointed. It wears an orange "scarf" around its neck and down the chest, where the two edges overlap, and a large, dark yellow leaf sprouts behind it. A large, brownish-green belt surrounds it, with three belts of a lighter color on each side. In the center is a round, silver plate with a blue gemstone of a similar shape. The first two belts next to the plate hold a flask each, being sealed by a white closure with black spots. The left flask contains azure liquid, while the right one holds a light purple one. The third belt extends and is tipped by a triangular point. Next to that belt is a small vase that is edged with three brown stitches. It holds seven long, burgundy leaves and four flowers, two yellow with a white center and two more with six white petals and a yellow center. One of the white flowers is "hidden" behind three leaves. The belt is followed by orange leaves that cover the Dragon's back and tail, and three black claws appear on each flipper. In its baby stage, the scarf, large leaf, and back leaves are green, and the belt holds nothing but a pocket with two light green leaves.

Enchantment Materials Requirements

Enchantment Star 1.png Enchantment Star 2.pngEnchantment Star 2.png Enchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.png Enchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.png Enchantment Star 5.png Enchantment Star 6.pngEnchantment Star 6.png Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png Enchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.png Enchantment Star 9.png Enchantment Star 10.pngEnchantment Star 10.png Enchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.png Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png
14 Average Materials - Plant.png 21 Good Materials - Plant.png 25 Excellent Materials - Plant.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Plant.png
14 Average Materials - Light.png 32 Average Materials - Light.png 25 Excellent Materials - Light.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Light.png
14 Average Materials - Water.png 32 Average Materials - Water.png 32 Good Materials - Water.png 39 Excellent Materials - Water.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Water.png


Level Health Attack Gold/Hour
1 226 64 540
10 1,166 332 1,872
20 7,221 2,051 3,352
30 44,706 12,700 4,832
40 276,807 78,633 6,312
50 1,713,916 486,874 7,792
60 10,612,115 3,014,592 9,272
70 65,707,420 18,665,559 10,752
80 406,843,027 115,572,223 12,232
90 2,519,064,789 715,592,740 13,712
100 15,597,385,202 4,430,761,637 15,192
120 597,966,313,728 169,864,766,997 18,152
125 1,487,931,537,777 422,677,897,014 18,892
120 Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 47,536,436,675,260 13,503,713,427,220 18,152
125 Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 118,285,866,107,780 33,601,560,195,220 18,892


The Herbalist Dragon is a Reward-Exclusive Dragon which is awarded only once if the Trainer has beaten Quest 295 in the Normal Mode Icon.png Normal Mode of the Campaign Map.

Once the Herbalist Dragon is obtained and then subsequently housed on an island, duplicate eggs can be purchased through the Dragon Codex Icon.png Dragon Codex in exchange for 1,818 Gems Icon.png Gems.

Incubating and subsequently hatching the acquired egg of this Dragon takes 1 day, 4 hours and 40 minutes. With an active VIP Status Icon.png VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the hatching time is reduced to 22 hours and 56 minutes.

Campaign Map Encounters

Map Quest Level
Normal Icon.png Normal 281.2 78 Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png
Heroic Icon.png Heroic 247 81 Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png
281.2 94 Enchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.png
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