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Player Profile

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Profile Icon.png

The Player Profile is an in-game ID displaying information about the Trainer. The Player Profile is accessed by selecting the avatar in the top-left corner of the main screen, with the level indicator on it, indicating the level of the Trainer.

Own Profile

Player Profile Information.png

A Trainer's own Player Profile displays their:

  • Avatar – Changed by tapping it, then selecting either the no avatar (grayed-out dragon) option, or a currently available Dragon from their top 10 Dragons. If no avatar is chosen and the game is connected to Facebook, the Facebook profile picture appears.
  • VIP Status Icon.pngVIP Level if currently active.
  • Name or nickname – Changed by tapping the Change Nickname Icon.png Pencil icon, then entering a new name. After pressing the icon, a random name can be generated by pressing the Random Name button. The   Done   or Done   5 Gems Icon.png buttons confirm name choice. First nickname selection is free, where subsequent changes cost 5 Gems.
  • Experience Icon.pngPlayer Level appears inside a star icon, the blue progress bar indicates experience points accumulated and needed to level-up.
  • Dragon Collector Points Icon.png Dragon Collector Points count; tapping it opens a brief explanation of how it is calculated.
  • Little Fire Dragon Icon.png Number of unique Dragon species owned, separated with a slash by the total amount of unique species in the game.
  • Currently selected badge, if any. Tapping it displays the entire badge collection, with options to equip or unequip one.
  • Hall of Fame Button.pngHall of Fame, which lists current and necessary experience, the features unlocked at each level (if applicable), and the limit of Habitats per level.
  • Current league in the Dragon League and the highest league reached.
  • Current Clan (if in one), the Clan's Coat of Arms, current Clan league, the Trainer's rank icon (if applicable), and the Clan name. Tapping Clan information displays that Clan's Profile. If the Trainer is not in a Clan, the Clans Icon.png   Join   button appears instead, and if they're not yet eligible to join, the requirements appear.
  • Top Dragon in the player's roster, its image, level, species, given name, level, Enchantment Stars, rarity, Elements, and Sigils. If an Element is skilled, skill level is also indicated by a number. The i button opens the Dragon's Codex Entry.

Other Profiles

Viewing the profile of other Trainers is done through the Friends interface or leaderboard by pressing the ••• button. Viewing profiles from leaderboards or by visiting requires the Visit button to be pressed, then the Check Profile button.

The Player Profile of a stranger can only be seen if the target Trainer's privacy settings are set to default, and that of a friend or clan mate can be seen if their privacy settings are set to hidden. No Trainer, whatsoever, can check another Trainer's profile if the privacy settings are set to Public.

When the Trainer views another Player Profile, this displays almost the same information as their own, the differences being:

  • If the two Trainers are not friends, the Add Friend button appears to send a friend request.
  • The VIP status is displayed if active, but the level is only displayed if the Trainer chose to display it.
  • The time when the Trainer was last online is seen displayed if the Trainer opted to display it.
  • Tapping the Clan information, while not a member of that Clan, displays that Clan's interface from the perspective of an outsider.
  • If the Trainer has a badge on display, tapping it displays their entire collection.
  • One Trainer cannot view another's Hall of Fame progress.
  • The ••• button which provides options to Block Block Icon.png or Report Report Icon.png a player.
  • Checking the Trainer's top Dragon displays its specific Codex Entry, while the information under the stats is related to the viewing Trainer's own Dragons. Thus, the information indicates whether the viewing Trainer does/doesn't have this species of Dragon. If the respective Dragon is obtainable through Dragon Pieces, the counter under its image displays the number of pieces the viewing Trainer has towards their own.

This Wiki is created by players for other players and is not maintained by, or affiliated with, the game maker (Gameloft).
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