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The Dormant Volcano

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Tyrant Island (Fire).png

The Dormant Volcano was a small island located south of the Main Island that was visible between the 17th of April 2023, and the 1st of May 2023 for the second of the Tyrant Events with a Fire theme. The island could also be accessed through the Tyrant Event Button.png button located in the bottom-right corner of the screen. The The Dormant Volcano Island was the hub for the Tyrant Fire Thematic, which took place between the 17th of April 2023, and the 1st of May 2023.

The period of time during the appearance of The Dormant Volcano displayed several menus, Tyrant Chest, Dragon Grid, Dungeon and Shop as well the time left for those. The Dragon Grid Event was featured as the primary event, running for the duration of the Island's visibility and separated into 4 chapters, each a week long. The Fire Catcher Badge.png Fire Catcher badge could only be obtained if all 5 Tyrant Dragons were collected during the event, since this event didn't include a Tyrant Collection Event.

Tyrant Chest Button - The Dormant Volcano.jpg Tyrant Dungeon Button - The Dormant Volcano.jpg Tyrant Dragon Grid Button - The Dormant Volcano.jpg
Tyrant Shop Button - The Dormant Volcano.jpg


The main events of The Dormant Volcano were:

Press a column arrow ▲▼ to sort that column, shift-click additional arrows to sort by more than one.
Year Date Event Type Prize Notes
2023 3 April Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Spicy Dragon Icon.png Spicy Dragon
Northern Dragon Icon.png Northern Dragon
Orange-Wing Dragon Icon.png Orange-Wing Dragon
Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 3 April Talisman Spending (edit)     Milestone Rewards Chocolate Dragon Icon.png Chocolate Dragon
Cartoon Dragon Icon.png Cartoon Dragon
Leo Dragon Icon.png Leo Dragon
Rune Tech Dragon Icon.png Rune Tech Dragon
Sinister Dragon Icon.png Sinister Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 3 April Seasonal Treasure (edit)     Milestone Rewards Pipe Dragon Icon.png Pipe Dragon
Reptilian Dragon Icon.png Reptilian Dragon
2023 3 April Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Imperial Egg Dragon Icon.png Imperial Egg Dragon
Chestnut Dragon Icon.png Chestnut Dragon
2023 3 April Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Flagros Dragon Icon.png Flagros Dragon
Ignis Faber Dragon Icon.png Ignis Faber Dragon
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png Ignis Niveus Dragon
Lignorum Dragon Icon.png Lignorum Dragon
Magma Lepus Dragon Icon.png Magma Lepus Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 10 April Movie Marathon (edit)     Movie Marathon Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 10 April Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Deco Dragon Icon.png Deco Dragon
Bromelia Dragon Icon.png Bromelia Dragon
Elkhound Dragon Icon.png Elkhound Dragon
Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 10 April Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Flagros Dragon Icon.png Flagros Dragon
Ignis Faber Dragon Icon.png Ignis Faber Dragon
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png Ignis Niveus Dragon
Lignorum Dragon Icon.png Lignorum Dragon
Magma Lepus Dragon Icon.png Magma Lepus Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 10 April Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Festival Dragon Icon.png Festival Dragon
Spellwork Dragon Icon.png Spellwork Dragon
2023 17 April Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Flagros Dragon Icon.png Flagros Dragon
Ignis Faber Dragon Icon.png Ignis Faber Dragon
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png Ignis Niveus Dragon
Lignorum Dragon Icon.png Lignorum Dragon
Magma Lepus Dragon Icon.png Magma Lepus Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 17 April Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Gayo Dragon Icon.png Gayo Dragon
Robot Dragon Icon.png Robot Dragon
2023 17 April Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Rose Crystal Dragon Icon.png Rose Crystal Dragon
Changeling Dragon Icon.png Changeling Dragon
Razorhelm Dragon Icon.png Razorhelm Dragon
Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 24 April Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Longgui Dragon Icon.png Longgui Dragon
Axolotl Dragon Icon.png Axolotl Dragon
2023 24 April Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Flagros Dragon Icon.png Flagros Dragon
Ignis Faber Dragon Icon.png Ignis Faber Dragon
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png Ignis Niveus Dragon
Lignorum Dragon Icon.png Lignorum Dragon
Magma Lepus Dragon Icon.png Magma Lepus Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 24 April Movie Marathon (edit)     Movie Marathon Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 24 April Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Shade Brute Dragon Icon.png Shade Brute Dragon
Lilac Horn Dragon Icon.png Lilac Horn Dragon
Revelry Dragon Icon.png Revelry Dragon
Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 1 May Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Underlord Dragon Icon.png Underlord Dragon
Sprite Dragon Icon.png Sprite Dragon
Sweater Dragon Icon.png Sweater Dragon
Catch-Up Dungeon

Tyrant Tickets

Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png

Different colored Tyrant Tickets were available during the event, each for one week/chapter, having the sole purpose of opening the corresponding colored Tyrant Chest:

  • Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png - Chapter 1
  • Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png - Chapter 2
  • Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png - Chapter 3
  • Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png - Chapter 4

Tickets could be purchased in exchange for Gems or obtained from various bundles, from Dragon Grid, from other events running during the period, and from the Tyrant Chest itself.

Week Ticket Sack of Tickets Bucket of Tickets Chest of Tickets Cave of Tickets Island of Tickets
1 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
2 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
3 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
4 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered

Tyrant Chest

The Tyrant Chest button allows the Trainer to access the Chest Room, where tickets can be exchanged to open Tyrant Chests. The Tyrant Chest button itself displays the main reward Dragon and the time remaining in the event. The "i" button top right-hand corner, when pressed, displays all possible rewards held in Tyrant Chests and the number of items awarded for each chest opened. The aforementioned information card also displays a i used to bring up the awarding stats. Chests reward event-specific Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces, Decorations Icon.png Decorations, and Talismans Icon.png Talismans. Each chapter/week is represented by a different color chest and a corresponding Chest Opening Event.

Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Tyrant Chest (23/04/03) Tyrant Chest (23/04/10) Tyrant Chest (23/04/17) Tyrant Chest (23/04/24)
Chest Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png


The Shop button aggregates further options for accessing Limited-Time Offers, Event Energy (offers for limited currency), Tyrant Tickets (purchasable using Gems), Dragons, and Milestones by using their corresponding buttons.


Pile of Talismans (The Dormant Volcano).png

Talismans are a form of currency that can be spent only in the Shop's Dragons section, in exchange for Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces. Each Dragon's pieces can be obtained by pressing the Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button on the snapshot of the desired Dragon.

The Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button provides a place to "trade in" talismans for Dragon pieces, without the use of a physical altar. In this event, each Dragon was Locked Icon.png locked until a set number of grids were cleared.

Tyrant Shop, Unlocks after Dragon Cost Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1x Dragon Pieces Icon.png Cost Amount needed
Unlocked Icon.png 5 Grids cleared Flagros Dragon Icon.png Flagros Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 50 Grids cleared Magma Lepus Dragon Icon.png Magma Lepus Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 100 Grids cleared Lignorum Dragon Icon.png Lignorum Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png
Unlocked Icon.png 200 Grids cleared Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png Ignis Niveus Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 3 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png 1,500 Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png
Source Dragon Cost 1x Dragon Grid Chest.png Gives [1] Amount needed [2]
Dragon Grid Chest.png Grid Chest Ignis Faber Dragon Icon.png Ignis Faber Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 0-1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png[1] 500+ Dragon Pieces Icon.png[2]
  1. 1.0 1.1 In actuality, there is only a chance of getting one dragon piece when using one ticket, it is not guaranteed, as there are other potential items in the Chest Content prize pool.
  2. 2.0 2.1 As there is only a chance of getting one dragon piece when using one ticket, many more than 500 tickets are likely required to get the Dragon, the numbers provided are merely representational of an ideal scenario.

Event Energy

Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png

Different colored Event Energy were available during the event, each for one week/chapter, having the sole purpose of added rounds in the Dragon Grid event. Energy could only be purchased in exchange for real money.

Week Energy Sack of Energy Bucket of Energy Chest of Energy Cave of Energy Island of Energy
1 Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Sack of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Bucket of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Chest of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Cave of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Island of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png
2 Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Sack of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Bucket of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Chest of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Cave of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png Island of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png
3 Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Sack of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Bucket of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Chest of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Cave of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Island of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png
4 Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Sack of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Bucket of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Chest of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Cave of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png Island of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png

Dragon Grid

See the Dragon Grid Events page for more information about Dragon Grid events in general.


The Milestones button provided access the Milestone Rewards section directly, to view progress and typically displayed the Currency Generator associated with the event. Premium Milestone Rewards were only activated through the purchase of the event's currency generator. Once activated, additional Milestone Rewards became available.

On Computers, hold the Shift key while scrolling, to scroll → horizontally. 

Talisman (The Dormant Volcano) Icon.png
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Relic of Breeding Icon.png
Relic of Breeding 2
VIP Ticket Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Food Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Sinister Dragon.png
1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Rune Tech Dragon.png
Rune Tech
1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Leo Dragon.png
VIP Ticket Icon.png

1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Cartoon Dragon.png
Enchantment Ticket Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Food Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Arena Energy Icon.png

Gems Icon.png


Talisman Generator

Talisman Generator (The Dormant Volcano).png



Dragon Grid

Ned.png Entry 1... Following clues from my extensive research on the Ancient Dragons of Dragolandia's past, we have located an island where a strange, undiscovered species of dragon may be hidden...
Ned.png Although we can't understand their language yet, we think it has similarities to Ancient Dragon speech, thus, we--
Portia Penanze.png Hey, Hogwin, does your son always talk to himself when he's journaling?
Professor Hogwin.png Oh, yes, all the time. I'm just impressed he can write while he walks, and on this sandy beach, no less! Although, Ned, you might want to pay a bit more attention, or you'll walk right into...
Paola Rodrigo.png Oof! S-Sorry, Ned -- I should look where I'm going as well... I just want to finish sketching these totems. Did you say they resemble the Water Ancients that used to live in these seas?
Ned.png Sort of. Especially those crests on their heads... If I remember right. Man, it would have been great to have your talent when I was sent to meet the Ancient Dragons. I could've remembered so much more!
Professor Hogwin.png What a wonderful couple of youngsters we've brought with us, eh? And with dear Arya looking after the dragons you rescued from the Howling Cavern, I'd say we're in great shape, Portia.
Portia Penanze.png ... It IS nice to be working with you again, old friend. But we should focus. If these dragons are anything like those we found in Vikolandia, they'll be in dire need of our help.
Ned.png Um... I think you spoke too soon, Ms. Penanze...
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png (You... follow...)

Dragon Grid

Portia Penanze.png That was a treacherous path through the jungle... and it seems we're not out of the woods yet. Is everyone okay? We should rest and make sure our dragons aren't too tired.
Professor Hogwin.png Indeed, and perhaps we can ask our NEW friend which way to go! It seems our dragon guide has been joined by another. Ned, my boy, can you hear what they're saying?
Ignis Niveus Dragon Icon.png (Master... Time, now...)
Flagros Dragon Icon.png (Agree... Time... magma... drain)
Ned.png I-It doesn't really make sense! Something about... magma? Uh, do you think we're safe here?
Paola Rodrigo.png I don't sense any hostility in their body language... Actually, it's like there's a bond between them.
Portia Penanze.png Good eye, Paola. And are you sure the word was "magma," boy?
Ned.png I think so. Um, yes. Yes, I'm sure...!
Portia Penanze.png Good. That means we won't have to wait for that volcano to erupt...
Portia Penanze.png Instead, we'll be going straight into it! And just our luck, I see an entrace up toward the summit. Fancy a long hike, old man?
Professor Hogwin.png Ha! Let's race the young'uns to the top, granny!
Ned.png Oh, no... my hamstrings...

Dragon Grid

Portia Penanze.png ... Incredible. I've never seen anything like this before. Paola, get your sketchbook out-- ...Paola?
Paola Rodrigo.png S-Sorry, Ms. Penanze *huff* let me just *huff* c-catch my breath! I'm... not used to climbing to such heights... or dealing with such heat...! Oh, why did I only pack turtleneck sweaters?!
Professor Hogwin.png Very curious... Judging by Ms. Paola's sketches, this tepid laboratory looks nothing like the "sanctuary" you visited in the Howling Cavern. In fact, it looks a little like...
Ned.png I know. Like something Otto would make. It's... Tyrant tech. Ancient Tyrant tech. At least, I'm pretty sure it is--
Lignorum Dragon Icon.png ROOOOAR!!
Portia Penanze.png Stay back, you lot!! I'll calm it down... Easy, now. We don't need to fight... You're already tired, aren't you?
Ned.png I, uh, REALLY think we should leave--!
Paola Rodrigo.png W-Wait, Ned! It really does need help! Do you or the Professor have any idea what kind of dragon it is? Is it in your Codex, or is it one of the Ancients?
Ned.png No... But, um, it looks like one of the laboratory monitors is still working. Maybe we could look it up? I don't really know how to work this stuff, though--
Paola Rodrigo.png I might...! Th-There was a machine like this at Crysto University, but it wasn't as advanced. It looks like the info on here is... vital signs? But what for...?
Paola Rodrigo.png Oh, look! This dragon's named... Lignorum. According to these notes, it was bonded to a dragon called Magma Lepus, who was... imprisoned due to aggression... alongside "Ignis Faber"?
Paola Rodrigo.png Ms. Penanze! I think Magma Lepus and Ignis Faber are hidden underneath the magma in that chamber, through the window!
Portia Penanze.png The dragon we met in the jungle spoke truth: It's time to drain the magma. Let's start pushing buttons and pulling switches, and don't stop until the magma's gone!

Dragon Grid

Paola Rodrigo.png Ms. Penanze, I'm glad we drained the magma from this chamber, but I wish you hadn't gone about pushing every button in the laboratory...
Professor Hogwin.png You're just as daring as I remember, Portia...! Why, you kids should've seen the sort of acrobatics she got up to during the war. I've never seen anybody fly a dragon quite like that!
Portia Penanze.png Heheh. I've become a BIT more careful, old man -- I've got a student to consider, after all.
Portia Penanze.png And dragons, too. They've become my life's work, although I guess they always were. Dragons like these, who have been hidden away, need our help the most.
Ned.png S-Sorry to interrupt, but... is anybody else wondering how the technology in this room survived being submerged in MAGMA? I don't see melted metal or scorch marks anywhere!
Professor Hogwin.png Hmm... there's only one sort of technology I can think of that would survive such extreme temperatures...
Portia Penanze.png Tyrants. I thought we were done with them after the war.
Ned.png I-It's not really a question of "after," ma'am... Tyrants have been around for thousands of years. They made mechanical marvels before the Ancient Dragons put a stop to them...
Paola Rodrigo.png If the Tyrants made all this to keep these dragons hidden away... we have to find out why! I-I know it's really hot in here, but I'd like to copy as much information from the computer terminals as I can!
Ned.png Wait... I'll help, Paola! I've gotten pretty good at writing quickly thanks to all the, uh... danger.
Portia Penanze.png Good. Act fast. Ol' Hogwin and I will free these trapped dragons and get them ready for the journey back to Numa. Surely we can keep up with the kids, old man!
Ned.png And when we do get back, I think I have some questions for Otto... not that I ever wanted to ask them.

Visit the Event Dialogues page for more dialogues.

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