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Wind Dragon

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Switch Arrow Left.png    White Whale Dragon Icon.png  White Whale Dragon
Wind-Up Dragon  Wind-Up Dragon Icon.png    Switch Arrow Right.png

Wind Dragon.png
Wind Dragon.png
Wind Dragon Baby.png
Wind Dragon Egg.png
When training a Wind Dragon, one often asks oneself, "If you can't see it, how do you know it's truly there?" The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. The pudding of your enemies, that is.
First Friends

Rarity Common
Health 198 Health Icon.png
Attack 62 Attack Icon.png
Gold/Hour 200 Gold Icon.png
Experience 5 Experience Icon.png
Selling Cost 100 Dragon Selling Icon.png
Base DCP 15 Dragon Collector Points Icon.png

Availability Standard
Method Breeding or Purchasing
Unlocked Trainer Level 1
Cost 200 Gold Icon.png


Breeding Time 30 Seconds
Hatching Time 30 Seconds
VIP Breeding 24 Seconds
VIP Hatching 24 Seconds
Game Update Release 1.0


The Body Shape of the Wind Dragon is Serpentine. Its fully scaled, sky blue body has six triangular, royal-blue ridges, with an alice-blue, plated underbelly. The smooth, flat head has a central ridge that extends to a short spike, and two long, tapered horns that have a small notch at the bottom. It has vivid yellow irises, which are encompassed by sharp black sclera. Three alice-blue, wavy plates jut out from the side of its face.

Enchantment Materials Requirements

Enchantment Star 1.png Enchantment Star 2.pngEnchantment Star 2.png Enchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.png Enchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.png Enchantment Star 5.png Enchantment Star 6.pngEnchantment Star 6.png Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png Enchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.png Enchantment Star 9.png Enchantment Star 10.pngEnchantment Star 10.png Enchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.png Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png
14 Average Materials - Wind.png 21 Good Materials - Wind.png 25 Excellent Materials - Wind.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 32 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 35 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 39 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 42 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 47 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png 52 Extraordinary Materials - Wind.png


Level Health Attack Gold/Hour
1 198 62 200
10 1,022 319 704
20 6,326 1,975 1,264
30 39,167 12,225 1,824
40 242,512 75,694 2,384
50 1,501,573 468,673 2,944
60 9,297,339 2,901,897 3,504
70 57,566,677 17,967,781 4,064
80 356,437,696 111,251,766 4,624
90 2,206,968,266 688,841,610 5,184
100 13,664,965,796 4,265,125,688 5,744
120 523,881,991,673 163,514,682,250 6,864
125 1,303,586,037,521 406,876,854,135 7,144
120Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 41,646,966,644,697 12,998,901,710,314 6,864
125Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 103,630,980,041,330 32,345,427,103,810 7,144


The Wind Dragon is a Normally-Breedable Dragon and one of the Base Dragons that can be obtained from the Main Shop in exchange for Gold Icon.png Gold. It can also be obtained through breeding any two Dragons that both either have the Wind Element or can pass this Element to their offspring.

Breeding for this Dragon takes 30 seconds while incubating and subsequently hatching the resultant egg takes 30 seconds. With an active VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the breeding time is reduced to 24 seconds while the hatching time is reduced to 24 seconds.

Campaign Map Encounters

Map Quest Level
Normal 3 (x2) 4
5.1 6
7 (x2)
Heroic 39 40
53 44
75 (x2) 49
88 52
107.3 58
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