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Sacred Apple

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Sacred Apple Icon.png

Sacred Apples Icon.png Sacred Apples are a resource that can be fed to Dragons to increase their maximum Dragon Level attainable by one, in a process referred to as overcharging.


These rare apples are primarily obtained in Events such as Solo Events, Special Events, or Milestone Rewards Events. They also occasionally appear in bundles in the Main Shop Icon.png Main Shop or other Shops.


Sacred Apples accrue as they are collected, and are displayed in the All or Consumables tab in the Inventory Icon.png Inventory. The item's Inventory snapshot displays the number of apples possessed, a Use button, and an i button displaying information about the item when pressed. The number of apples possessed also appears when visiting a Dragon in its habitat, as a red 3 notification at the edge of the Sacred Apple Icon.png Overcharge button.


The use of 1 Sacred Apple raises the maximum obtainable Dragon Level by 1; thus, up to 5 Sacred Apples can be given to the same Dragon, raising its maximum level to 125. Sacred Apples are used by visiting a Dragon in its habitat, pressing the Sacred Apple Icon.png Overcharge button, pressing the Overcharge 1 Sacred Apple Icon.png button, then pressing the Confirm button.

Overcharging can also be done from Inventory Icon.png Inventory by pressing the Use button on the item's snapshot, selecting a Dragon (which directly opens the overcharge screen) where the Overcharge 1 Sacred Apple Icon.png and Confirm buttons are pressed to overcharge.

Alternatively, an Element button can be pressed in the Dragon selection screen to filter by Element before overcharging:

  • Fire (Element) Icon.png Wind (Element) Icon.png Earth (Element) Icon.png Water (Element) Icon.png Plant (Element) Icon.png Metal (Element) Icon.png Energy (Element) Icon.png Void (Element) Icon.png Light (Element) Icon.png Shadow (Element) Icon.png Legendary (Element) Icon.png Primal (Element) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png Ancient (Element) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 


Using a sacred apple does not immediately raise a Dragon's Level, rather makes the Dragon able to be fed past the typical limit. Dragon must still be given Food Icon.png Food to level up.

Once the Dragon's level is overcharged, the in-game text indicating its level changes to a teal     color in all parts of the game interface; this indicates at a glance that the Dragon is overcharged. Like feeding, the process is irreversible once completed.

See Also

  • Dragon Leveling, to determine food required per additional Dragon Level.
  • Resources, for other items used to enhance Dragons.


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