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Category:Text formatting templates

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

This category houses Templates used to format text using shortcuts that would otherwise require the text be wrapped in an HTML span/div, with CSS styles applied.

Code Result
{{note|Small note or note below something}} Small note or note below something
{{big|Example text}} Example text
{{big|{{big|Example text}} }} Example text
{{color|02885c}} Purple text
{{color|crimson|Some text|y}} Some text
{{small|text}} text
{{small|text|1}} text
{{q|This is a quote-formatted bit of text}}
This is a quote-formatted bit of text
{{s|Shortcut for the s tag}} Shortcut for the s tag
{{u|Shortcut for the u tag}} Shortcut for the u tag
{{span|content with multiple styles|color:blue; font-weight:bold;}} content with multiple styles
{{bq|some text here}}

some text here


  • {{notebox|This is a note in a box}} gives:
Important Icon.png
This is a note in a box

Pages in category "Text formatting templates"

The following 12 pages are in this category, out of 12 total.

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