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From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki


Mishiyo is a traveling merchant who runs the Whale-Mart (a mobile black market which appears occasionally with different offers).

It was a long whale-ride to get to you, Dragon Master, and I can't stay for long...



The Whale-Mart of Mishiyo, the traveling merchant, will be leaving soon! Quick, you might still catch a few deals now!

Mishiyo.png Quickly now!
Mishiyo.png You won't get better prices anywhere else!
Mishiyo.png Be sure to check back next week, too!
Mishiyo.png These are the best-quality wares in all of Dragolandia!
Mishiyo.png Buy something quickly; my whale is eager to leave!
Mishiyo.png I'll come next week with different offers!

Trade Offer

In Dragon Dice Events, on the Dragon Board game screen, Mishiyo appears when the Trade Offer button is pressed, allowing the event currency to be traded for chests and double dice points.

Trade Offer.png


See Also

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