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Golden PyramidBoss Challenge (18/07/30) (edit)

Arya.png Well, we've had quite an adventure! I suppose we should get home before poor Ned sends a search party...
Arya.png And it looks like some of our Divine friends want to come with us! Say, Eliza, do you want to come too?
Eliza the Masculine.png No way! Next time we meet, it'll be as rivals, just like normal... Although... maybe we could get lunch next week?
Arya.png Sure! Let's make history!

Golden PyramidBoss Challenge (18/08/13) (edit)

Professor Hogwin.png Arya, what a fascinating place you've discovered! I can hardly wait to observe and research these ancient dragons!
Arya.png Just be polite, Professor -- they've been nice enough to allow us to stick around and play before they send us home!
Arya.png The dragons here really love to battle -- just like me! I bet we can befriend them if we show them a good time!
Eliza the Masculine.png Er... Can I come along, too...?

MidgardenBoss Challenge (18/10/22) (edit)

Ned.png Arya! Trainer! Whew, good thing I found you - I forgot to tell you something...
Ned.png The Northern Divines have set up a training arena for tournament hopefuls. I'd rather pick flowers, but you two should check it out.
Arya.png I hear that winning arena battles can earn you divine treasures...and who doesn't want treasure? Seriously!

MidgardenBoss Challenge (18/11/05) (edit)

Arya.png Whoa! Why are the dragons suddenly so rowdy? I thought the Tournament was over!
Professor Hogwin.png They're celebrating! It's been a thousand years since they've encountered humans...
Eliza the Masculine.png Hey, do you two wanna join in the fun and battle it out? I've got to show the rest of the dragons what a powerful Viking REALLY looks like! RRAAHH!

Mount DragolympusDragolympus Rising (17/09/01) (edit)

Professor Hogwin.png As I was saying, Arya, the Divine Dragons are a group of mythical, godlike wyverns said to watch over Dragolandia from atop its tallest point: Mount Dragolympus! ... Arya, are you even listening?
Arya.png Sorry, Professor, I can't believe Mount Dragolympus is real! I've been hearing stories about it since I was a child, but the stories all said it vanished long ago... but here it is right in front of me!
Professor Hogwin.png Hmm, yes. The myths say that Mount Dragolympus is invisible, but it becomes visible when the Divine Dragons are in peril. Come, Arya, we must investigate and see if they need our help!
Rathorn.png Surrender now, Hermes Dragon! You won't escape from the Medusa Dragon and I, Rathorn -- King of Dragolandia.
Professor Hogwin.png Rathorn?! I might have guessed you were behind this mess. Now leave the poor Hermes Dragon alone, or we'll have to overthrow your fictional monarchy in a battle!
Arya.png Look, Dr. Hogwin! The Hermes Dragon wants to join our fight. Come on, Hermes Dragon, let's get them!
Arya.png Great battle! Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon couldn't flee fast enough. But why were they trying to capture this poor Hermes Dragon?
Professor Hogwin.png I'm not sure. It's too bad the Hermes Dragon can't tell us what it knows... Speaking of which, this little fella had better stay behind and rest; that battle wore it out!
Professor Hogwin.png In the meantime, we'll continue on ahead to Mount Dragolympus to investigate.

Arya.png Dr. Hogwin, look! The Hermes Dragon has followed us. It doesn't want to stay behind and rest.
Professor Hogwin.png I guess it didn't want to be left out of this adventure. Well, Hermes Dragon, if you're going to come along with us then you must promise not to battle; it would overtire you.
Arya.png Good. Now that that's settled, we need to find Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon before they cause more trouble. Let's get to it!
Professor Hogwin.png There you are, Rathorn! Care to save us the suspense and explain what diabolical but hair-brained scheme you've got planned this time?
Rathorn.png Why not? There's no way you can stop me. The Medusa Dragon is sick of being looked down on by the other Divine Dragons. I'm going to help it take its rightful throne atop Mount Dragolympus!
Professor Hogwin.png Let me guess: In return, the Medusa Dragon will help you conquer all of Dragolandia? Not if we can help it!
Professor Hogwin.png Oh dear, the Temple of Poseidon is just up ahead. Surely, Rathorn, not even YOU would be foolish enough to disturb the dragon god of water?!
Rathorn.png Or perhaps I'm just that foolish! ... Wait, I meant... Oh whatever, let's just fight!

Arya.png So this is the Temple of Poseidon? It's even bigger than I imagined; I'd love to explore it.
Professor Hogwin.png It greatly pains me to say this, but there's no time to stop and study the temple. We've got to find the Poseidon Dragon and warn it about Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon's plot. Come on!
Arya.png Professor, earlier you said the Poseidon Dragon was the dragon god of water. What did you mean by that?
Professor Hogwin.png Ah, yes -- so my research into the Divine Dragons has shown that they are worshipped by all dragonkind, but certain dragons are more likely to pay their respects to certain Divine beasts.
Professor Hogwin.png Dragons with the water element are most likely to worship the Poseidon Dragon, since it's said to be the source of their water powers... But come along, we MUST find Rathorn!
Rathorn.png You're too late, Dragon Trainers! The Poseidon Dragon put up quite the struggle, but not even the mythical water wyvern could wriggle from my net!
Arya.png That may be true, Rathorn, but you've fallen into our battle trap hook, line, and sinker!

Professor Hogwin.png Let go of the Poseidon Dragon, Rathorn! You can't outrun us forever.
Rathorn.png You're right; I'm getting awfully tired of running, so instead let's... BATTLE!
Arya.png You know, we could end all this fighting now... if you surrender the Hermes Dragon and all of Dragolandia!
Rathorn.png Oh, I'll surrender... just as soon as I meet the Tyrant who can best me in battle!

Professor Hogwin.png A cave? ... I'm confused, why would Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon want to visit this place? I thought they were only after the Divine Dragons, but none of them live here... Right?
Professor Hogwin.png ... Could it be the Cave of Eternal Spring? It's said that the Springtime Dragon hides in a cave atop Mount Dragolympus to avoid the infatuation of the Hades Dragon...
Professor Hogwin.png Oh dear! Rathorn must intend to kidnap the Springtime Dragon to lure the Hades Dragon up from underground so that he and Medusa can control it too. Come on!
Arya.png Professor, I see the Springtime Dragon just up ahead! If we hurry, we can rescue it before Rathorn and Medusa get there.
Professor Hogwin.png Good work, Arya. Come on, we need to rescue Springtime or all of Dragolandia will soon fall!

Arya.png Thank goodness we rescued the Springtime Dragon. I'm so glad it wanted to join us!
Professor Hogwin.png Indeed, the Springtime Dragon is a very powerful ally for us, and we're going to need all the help we can get to keep Rathorn from taking over...
Arya.png Too bad you couldn't get the Springtime Dragon, Rathorn. I guess you'll have to give up on capturing the Hades Dragon.
Rathorn.png *humph* The Hades Dragon is little threat to us so long as it stays underground. Besides, we've got a whole new plan for conquering Mount Dragolympus. Beat us in battle and perhaps I'll tell you...
Professor Hogwin.png Rathorn, don't tell me you're headed to the Temple of Medusa? But you've already got the Medusa Dragon on your side -- what could you possibly want from its temple?
Rathorn.png So good of you to ask... The Medusa Dragon is already very powerful, to be sure, but inside its temple is a certain special mirror...
Professor Hogwin.png Not the Mirror of Regret?! It's said that if the Medusa Dragon gazes into that mirror, it will become SO enraged by what it sees that it'll be unstoppable... We'll just have to stop you before you get there!

Arya.png Professor, why does the Mirror of Regret make the Medusa Dragon angry?
Professor Hogwin.png The Medusa Dragon is a very proud creature, but the other Divine Dragons have mocked it for its monstrous appearance; seeing its image reminds it of its hurt feelings.
Professor Hogwin.png *sigh* If only the Divine Dragons had been kinder to the Medusa Dragon, then perhaps this whole mess could have been avoided. We must all try harder to be kind, right Hermes?
Professor Hogwin.png Rathorn, hand over the Mirror of Regret NOW! If you let the Medusa Dragon look into it, it will become SO enraged that not even you will be able to contol the beast.
Rathorn.png Who said anything about control, Hogwin? I'll set the Medusa Dragon loose to rampage over all of Mount Dragolympus, and then Dragolandia, too!
Arya.png Not if our dragons have anything to do about it!

Arya.png Professor, what should we do with the Mirror of Regret now that we've taken it from the Temple of Medusa?
Professor Hogwin.png Oh my, this is a tough decision... On the one hand, it's a very dangerous object. On the other hand, think how nice it would look in my study among my other historical artifacts. I don't know what to do!
Arya.png *smash* There, problem solved. Now you won't be tempted by it... Professor? Are you crying?
Professor Hogwin.png No, no. Just something stuck in my eye, dear. Come along now, we'd best find Rathorn. *weep*
Rathorn.png Here you are again?! Well, you won't succeed in keeping us from reaching the Temple of Hephaestus; we've got a Divine Dragon to kidnap!
Professor Hogwin.png You know what they say, Rathorn. If at first you don't suceed, fight, fight again!
Arya.png Professor, why does Rathorn want to kidnap the Hephaestus Dragon?
Professor Hogwin.png The Hephaestus Dragon's temple has the hottest forge on Mount Dragolympus, and there the wyvern is known to create the most powerful weapons ever known...
Professor Hogwin.png If Rathorn is able to kidnap the Hephaestus Dragon, then the weapons it creates for him will make his old Malevolent Machine seem like a child's plaything. Make haste!

Professor Hogwin.png Oh my goodness, the craftsmanship of this temple is extraordinary! The way the metal used for it appears to have been almost woven... How did the Hephaestus Dragon achieve this?!
Arya.png I'm not sure, Professor, but perhaps it would be willing to show us... just as soon as we rescue it from Rathorn. Come on!
Arya.png There! I see the Hephaestus Dragon up ahead; it's putting up quite a good fight against Rathorn and Medusa.
Professor Hogwin.png Come on, Arya! I don't think the Hephaestus Dragon can hold out for much longer; if we could only reach it in time!

Professor Hogwin.png You'd better release the Poseidon and Hephaestus Dragons now, Rathorn. There's no telling how angry the Zeus Dragon will be when it finds out you kidnapped them!
Rathorn.png You think the dragon god of energy scares me?! My Medusa Dragon is more than a match for that old lightning rod, just as I'm more than a match for YOU!
Professor Hogwin.png Medusa Dragon -- please listen to me! If you give up now, then the other Divine Dragons will forgive you. You don't have to be Rathorn's pawn.
Rathorn.png The only pawn, my dear Hogwin, is you since you keep playing right into my battle traps!
Arya.png Oh no! Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon have almost reached the Temple of Zeus. If they manage to overpower the Zeus Dragon, we're all done for!
Professor Hogwin.png I don't believe there's anything in Dragolympus or Dragolandia that could overpower the Zeus Dragon, but I for one don't want to find out otherwise. Let's go!
Arya.png There they are! I can barely see Rathorn and the Medusa Dragon through all the bolts of lightning the Zeus Dragon is throwing, but they don't look happy...
Professor Hogwin.png It looks like that fool Rathorn has gotten in over his head. We'd better go put an end to this and rescue the poor Medusa Dragon before it really gets hurt by all his scheming.
Professor Hogwin.png I'm sure the Zeus Dragon will forgive the Medusa Dragon once it learns that Rathorn put the beast up to all this... I hope. Let's hurry!

Time Rift IIDivine Allies (19/06/21) (edit)

Ned.png Th-Th-The Rift is back?! I thought we were done with it after befriending the future Divines of Mount Dragolympus!
Professor Hogwin.png Not so, son of mine! Do you remember the Pangu Dragon, from your adventure with Arya on the Island of New Beginnings?
Arya.png You mean the super powerful Divine Dragon that shaped the earth and heavens with a swing of its tail?!
Ned.png *GULP*
Professor Hogwin.png That's right! It appears this very dragon had a hand-- er, claw -- in opening the Rift again. Or, at least, a dragon that looks quite like it...
Professor Hogwin.png The whole thing bears further investigation -- from courageous adventurers such as yourselves, of course!

Ned.png *sigh* Here we are again. The scenery's a bit different, but that endless drop into the void of space-time sure hasn't changed...
Arya.png It's like a whole new Rift to explore! I wonder what kind of dragons we'll meet this time around...?
Ned.png Y-You won't have to wonder long, Arya -- look! I-I-It's the Erlang Shen Dragon! Hide me!
Arya.png I've ALWAYS wanted to meet you again, Erlang Shen Dragon. Are you saying you'd like to travel with us? What an honor!

Ned.png E-Eliza?! What are you doing here? And what in Dragolandia is THAT?!
Eliza the Masculine.png Well "hello" to you too, brats! To answer your first question: This creature dragged me here and seems to be carrying out my every whim, no questions asked!
Eliza the Masculine.png As to question number two: THIS is the Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon, and it's going to utterly DESTROY you!

Eliza the Masculine.png ARGH! I thought for SURE I had you this time! J-Just give me a second to recuperate and I'll be back to FINALLY beat you!
Arya.png Whew! What a battle! I wonder what that was all about, though... It's not every day you see a Divine Dragon totally getting along with a Viking.
Ned.png It's unusual for sure. But we gotta remember, we have no idea what these Chrono Divines want, or who exactly they're allied with...

Arya.png Cool! The Erlang Shen Dragon sniffed out a key! Say, can you show me one of your 72 transformations next?
Ned.png M-Maybe we should just let it focus on leading us through here in one piece!

Arya.png Wow! It's like a palace in space! Isn't it beautiful, Ned?
Ned.png It's not nearly as beautiful as...*mumbling*...
Arya.png What was that? Our dragon friend's looking at you funny -- it can see through lies, you know! Better watch what you say!

Ned.png Huh? Don't tell me the Chang'e Dragon is on Eliza's side! I thought at least Divines from OUR time would defend us!
Arya.png It must be some sort of misunderstanding. Nothing a good battle can't clear up!
Eliza the Masculine.png I'll ALWAYS be mystified by that logic of yours. Anyway, let's go, Chang'e Dragon! There's extra treats in it for you if we win!

Eliza the Masculine.png Hmph. Looks like you're only getting the NORMAL amount of treats today, Chang'e Dragon.
Arya.png Nooooo! Eliza, you're too cruel!
Eliza the Masculine.png Oh please. Look how happy the Chang'e Dragon is just being around me! And before you say anything: No, I don't get it either!

Arya.png Where to next, Erlang Shen Dragon? Are you going to lead us to Eliza again? It seems like a lot of your friends are on her side -- even YOU from the future!
Ned.png I keep wracking my mind to figure out why that is... If I could just... Oof!
Arya.png Ned, you're a genius! You've tripped right over the key we need to keep exploring the Rift!

Ned.png Whew, it's hot in here. How is that possible? Isn't space supposed to be cold?
Arya.png Oh, you feel it too? I thought it was just my wild fighting spirit. Sometimes it really heats me up!
Ned.png Sometimes I wonder how exactly I ended up with such a big crush on-- I mean... I hope we, uh, crush Eliza...!!!

Arya.png Ah-ha! That explains the heat! Eliza's got her hands on a rare Furnace Dragon!
Ned.png I-I guess all kinds of dragons have gotten lost -- or stuck -- in this Rift... I can't WAIT to get out of here!
Eliza the Masculine.png I don't care how they got here, as long as they keep obeying ME! Hehe -- this is great!

Eliza the Masculine.png Hmph! Fine! Go cool down, Furnace Dragon... You three haven't beaten me yet! I'll kick you out and rule over this Rift!
Ned.png E-Eliza, I don't think that's such a good idea... We don't know enough about this place to--
Eliza the Masculine.png Be quiet, Neddy! Go follow your little girlfriend and useless dragon while I rule the Rift!
Arya.png Eliza! That was super rude and-- Aw, hey, don't cry, Ned!

Arya.png All this power sure is going to Eliza's head. It's making her into a big jerk! I thought we were sorta becoming friends...
Ned.png Sorry, Arya. I guess she's still a Viking at heart... But there's gotta be a bigger reason why all these Rift dragons are on her team...
Arya.png In the meantime, our Erlang Shen Dragon pal's found another key! Way to go!

Arya.png Whoa! To think I called that OTHER part of the Rift a palace...! THIS part's like a... a mega-palace! Do the future Divines get to hang out here all the time?
Ned.png I suppose so -- but I bet they liked it way better when it wasn't all broken and stuck in a Rift...
Arya.png I wonder what the Erlang Shen Dragon thinks of all this. Poor thing -- I hope it's not too stressed out!

Arya.png Uh-oh -- the Erlang Shen Dragon's getting really steamed!
Eliza the Masculine.png Of course it is! Its future self is here to teach it a lesson!
Arya.png The only one who needs a lesson here is you, Eliza!

Eliza the Masculine.png No! Chrono Erlang Shen! Ugh, you won't be so lucky next time. You'll NEVER believe who else I've got on my side!
Arya.png Try me! I'll believe ANYTHING!
Ned.png *sigh* Arya...

Ned.png I'm worried, Arya... If Eliza has all these Chrono Divines on her side, that kind of power is nothing to toy around with...
Arya.png Sure, but WE'VE got the original Erlang Shen Dragon, and I hear it can cut mountains in half! Isn't that right, buddy?
Ned.png I guess it can find keys, too! It pays to have multiple talents...

Arya.png Hey Ned, if Eliza really does manage to kick us out of here, what do you think will happen to her?
Ned.png Well, that's the problem. The dragons and their lands are all displaced and jumbled up in here.
Ned.png If the Rift closed with those dragons and Eliza inside, they could get stuck. Or Eliza could be tossed into the future...! All I know is, I've got a bad feeling.

Arya.png Eliza, why don't you give this up? If you stay in the Rift with all these dragons, you might never be able to leave!
Eliza the Masculine.png Quiet, Dragon Girl! I don't care! I finally have power! For once, I'm respected! I'll never give that up!
Eliza the Masculine.png Now, Chrono Pangu Dragon, show these fools the power of a dragon who can rend earth from sky!

Eliza the Masculine.png No! I don't believe this! I bet the Chrono Pangu held back because it recognized an old comrade...! But I've got one more ace up my sleeve. See ya, losers!
Ned.png I have to admit, I kind of feel for Eliza...
Arya.png Well I don't! I think she's powerful! I respect her plenty! Why can't she see that and stop acting like a big jerk?!

Arya.png Hmph. You know what? I don't care if Eliza gets stuck here forever -- I just want to get the dragons safely out of the Rift!
Ned.png Hehe. Arya, the Erlang Shen Dragon's looking at you funny. Could you be telling a lie?
Arya.png N-No way! It just looks like that 'cuz it's found a key!

Arya.png Ah! It's so bright! What's the ball of light, Ned? Or does the Erlang Shen Dragon know?
Ned.png I'm not sure... But I think I might have figured out the answer to our OTHER problem. I'll know for sure when we find out what that "ace" up Eliza's sleeve is!
Arya.png We're lucky you're so good at solving mysteries, Ned!

Eliza the Masculine.png Meet the Chrono Nezha Dragon! It's one of the most devoted, most powerful dragons out there, and it's chosen ME as its master! NOW will you leave me alone?!
Arya.png No! We're getting you AND all these dragons out of this crazy Rift!
Eliza the Masculine.png You... are... so... annoying!

Eliza the Masculine.png I... I really lost...?
Ned.png Ah-ha! I knew it! I was worried about being right, but this might be the only explanation: See, the Nezha Dragon is the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon's disciple...
Ned.png ... During our time on the Island of New Beginnings, Eliza wanted to kidnap the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon, the ruler of the Island Divines...
Ned.png What if, in the future she actually managed to do it?! Ack -- stop pushing me toward the exit, Erlang Shen Dragon! I want to see if I'm right!

Arya.png There's something that doesn't sit right with me. If Eliza KIDNAPPED the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon in the future, how come the other dragons all WANT to obey her?
Arya.png Wouldn't they be mad? Wait -- Eliza... maybe you TAMED the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon! These dragons aren't bad, and neither are you, Eliza!
Eliza the Masculine.png N-No way...! Do you really think...? Could I really befriend such a powerful dragon...?
Arya.png In any case, can't you come home with us? If you do, I bet all your dragon friends will follow. And... I'd rather you didn't get stuck in space-time.
Eliza the Masculine.png I... I guess I owe it to them to take them out of danger. Fine. For now, let's go back to our own time...
Ned.png I'm a little worried about the future after all this... but only the past is written in stone. Anything can happen -- for better or worse!

The Great Hatchling Hunt (18/03/23): (edit)

Ned.png Are you ready to go, Arya?
Arya.png You bet your last bonbon I am! I can't WAIT to reach Sweet Thistle and gorge myself on all the tasty treats the bunnies there make to celebrate spring! I'm going to eat chocolate till I burst!
Ned.png Shhh! If Brant hears you talking about the secret village of candy-making bunnies at the edge of Briar Forest, he'll try to conquer it!
Arya.png Oh, good point, good point. I don't want to share any of my candy... I mean, OUR candy. Come on; my cavities await! To Sweet Thistle Village we go!

Arya.png Look Ned, there's a little fluffy bunny! I'm going to catch it and cuddle its cute little ears! What are you doing so far from Sweet Thistle, bun bun?
Ned.png Hmm... It's strange that this bunny is so far from Sweet Thistle. Everything I've read about the Sweet Thistle bunnies indicates that they don't like to stray far from their village...
Arya.png It's too bad I don't have a carrot for the bunny, but dragons just won't eat their vegetables... Maybe it'll like this piece of fruit I've got in my pocket.
Arya.png ... It won't eat the fruit; must taste like dragon spit. Don't worry, bunny; we'll get you back safely to your village so you can munch on carrots while we munch your sweets. Let's go!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Hand over that Sweet Thistle bunny, you diabolical dragon trainers!
Ned.png Heinrich?! What are you doing here? I thought you ran away with Gunhilda when we defeated her in Illumina?!
Heinrich the Hideous.png She kicked me out of her warship halfway back to Vikolandia. Said something about me being too clingy. Can you believe it?!
Arya.png Well... actually...
Heinrich the Hideous.png Enough! Attack, my Wraith Dragon!
Arya.png We can't let that creep Heinrich take our little bunny. We have to fight back, and it looks like this Petal Dragon wants to help us. To battle!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Blast! Beaten in battle again, but no matter. I'll have all the little bunnies I need as soon as I make it to Sweet Thistle Village!
Arya.png What could Heinrich want with a bunch of defenseless little bunnies?! We'd better find out before it's too late!
Ned.png You're right, and it looks like this Petal Dragon wants to help us. You can come along Petal Dragon, but no more fighting; you need to rest. Let's go!

Arya.png Ned... You don't think... surely not EVEN Heinrich is evil enough to want to capture all the bunnies to make a fur coat, right?
Ned.png He's pretty strange, but I can't see why he'd want one... unless there was some lady he was planning on giving it to...
Arya.png That had better not be his plan, or I won't be letting him walk away from the next battle... Come on!

Ned.png Wow. This forest is a real maze; I hope we don't get lost in here... Who knows what kind of animals come out at night!
Arya.png Aw Ned, you worry too much! This forest wouldn't be full of adorable little fluffy bunnies and dragons if there was anything dangerous in here.
Ned.png *sigh* She never learns that the dragons are what I'm most afraid of... Wait, Arya! Wait up! Don't leave me alone in the forest with the... bunnies.

Heinrich the Hideous.png Ah hah! So you're back for more? Oh Wooly Dragon, here are the poachers I was telling you about that want to capture you and steal your wool. Get them!
Arya.png I never thought I'd see the day someone pulled the wool over a Wooly Dragon's eyes. Good thing I've never been sheepish about a battle!

Arya.png All right Heinrich, out with it! Are you trying to capture the Sweet Thistle bunnies to make them into a fur coat?!
Heinrich the Hideous.png Ew! What?! I knew you didn't think much of me, but I can't believe that you think THAT little of me! Of course not!
Ned.png ... Well... What do you want the bunnies for then?
Heinrich the Hideous.png Never you mind. The less you know of my plans, the greater the chance that they'll succeed!
Arya.png There's nothing I dislike more than a smart Viking. Come on; after him!

Arya.png *huff puff* How did we lose Heinrich again? Vikings are fast!
Ned.png I think he's headed over to the river. We might be able to catch him before he crosses it. Off we go!

Arya.png Ned, I've been wondering: How DO the bunnies of Sweet Thistle make their treats?
Ned.png Some say the bunnies dig up the candies, which are naturally occurring underground in Sweet Thistle. Others say they're confectionary geniuses who make all the candies themselves.
Arya.png ... So what you're saying is that no one really knows.
Ned.png It's just one of Dragolandia's many delicious mysteries, and one that Heinrich will ruin if we don't catch him!

Arya.png There you are Heinrich, and this time there are no wild dragons to come to your aid.
Heinrich the Hideous.png Wrong again! That always feels SO right to say. Oh Flutterby Dragon, here are the thieves that stole your fruit! Get them!
Arya.png Wait, you can have the fruit I've got in my pocket... Drat! The bunny has eaten it! They'll be no flying away from this battle!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Grrr. One less bunny for my factory. No matter; there are more up ahead in Sweet Thistle!
Ned.png Factory?! Why would Heinrich want a bunch of bunnies for a factory... unless... he's planning on *shudder* eating them?!
Arya.png If he tries it, he'll be dead meat! After him!

Arya.png Look! The Flutterby Dragon is following you, Ned! I guess you made a new friend.
Ned.png No! Down dragon! Why do they always pick the trainer that's afraid of them?! *sigh* All right, I guess you can come along. We can use all the help we can get in taking on Heinrich.
Arya.png Yay! New friends, new dragon friends, most loyal friends you'll meet! The scaly kind, the fangy kind, in battles they can't be beat!
Arya.png You've got the next verse of the Dragon Friends Song, Ned. Take it away!
Ned.png New friends, new dragon friends, the kindest friends you'll meet! The fire kind, the water kind, every kind's a treat!
Ned.png Now to catch Heinrich!

Arya.png Don't worry, little bunnies; we're not far from Sweet Thistle, and we won't let Heinrich do anything bad to you!
Ned.png I can see him just up ahead! Did he... did he just push a Painted Dragon into the river?! We've got to save it! Come on!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Trainers! You're right on time to battle that extremely irritated Painted Dragon I pushed into the river.
Arya.png Color me unsurprised that you'd turn a silly prank you played to your own advantage. I'm still going to paint you into a corner with THIS battle!

Arya.png Enough, Heinrich! Tell me the truth -- are you trying to capture the Sweet Thistle bunnies to turn them into meat in your factory?!
Heinrich the Hideous.png What?! NO! I'm a vegetarian. *sigh* I can see I'm going to have to tell you my plan so you don't tar my good name all over Dragolandia.
Heinrich the Hideous.png I'm building Dragolandia's first-ever chocolate factory, and I'm going to have it run entirely by the Sweet Thistle bunnies!
Arya.png Aww. Fluffy little bunnies making chocolate in a factory. That's kind of cute! But still... they'd have to work for Heinrich. We've got to save the bunnies!

Ned.png Why would Heinrich want to make chocolate? Something about this isn't adding up. I've never known him to be interested in sweets...
Arya.png Not interested in sweets?! I just don't UNDERSTAND. Then again... when have we ever understood the Vikings.
Ned.png Good point. Better focus on trying to stop Heinrich's weird plan before we focus on understanding it.

Arya.png How big is Sweet Thistle Village, Ned? With all the bunnies we've been finding, it must be large!
Ned.png All you can see above ground is an enormous tree with a knothole the size of a dragon's head. Below ground though, it's said there are miles of warren where all the bunnies live together.
Ned.png The bunnies only come out of the warren in springtime to hide their candies all around the meadow near their tree so that children can find them.
Arya.png Heinrich will grab all the bunnies as soon as they come out of that tree if we don't get to him first!

Heinrich the Hideous.png My Wraith Dragon is rested and ready for round two!
Arya.png Then I'd better make this battle a knockout!

Ned.png Heinrich, I hope you don't mind me asking... but WHY are you building a chocolate factory?
Heinrich the Hideous.png Because women love chocolate, of course! If I control the creation of the most delicious chocolate in the land, then surely I'll FINALLY meet a nice woman who'll love me back.
Arya.png ... Huh. I've heard some crazy plans in my time, but that's by FAR the craziest! We can't let Heinrich rope the poor Sweet Thistle bunnies into his weird love schemes!

Ned.png ... If Heinrich does make his chocolate factory, then I could buy some of the chocolate and give it to Arya...
Arya.png What's that, Ned?
Ned.png N-nothing! I was just saying that we have to save those poor bunnies. Let's go!

Ned.png Sweet Thistle Village is just up ahead! I think we can still make it in time to stop Heinrich. Come on!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Princess Dragon, here are those dragon trainers I told you were coming to kidnap all the poor Sweet Thistle bunnies to make them work in a factory! After them!
Arya.png Heinrich, you're proving to be a royal pain, but I'm about to RULE this battle!

Ned.png There goes Heinrich!
Arya.png Oh no! I can see the Sweet Thistle bunnies coming out of the tree up ahead. We've got to save them! Hurry!

Arya.png Heinrich! You're here... but I don't see any bunnies. What have you done with them?!
Heinrich the Hideous.png *sob* I was too late! They've all gone back into the tree because that repulsive boy already ate all their sweets.
Brant.png *crunch munch* Ned, Arya? If I'd known you guys were coming I'd have at least saved you a couple pieces of candy. *gulp*
Arya.png ... ... YAHHH!!!
Ned.png Arya! No! Fighting Brant isn't worth it! I'll get you some other candy!
Arya.png ... Well. At least we saved the Sweet Thistle bunnies from Heinrich. Next year though, we're bringing along Brant so I can keep an eye on him and make sure he doesn't eat MY candy!
Brant.png Now that's what I call a SWEET ending.
Ned.png Wait Arya, why is this Princess Dragon following me?! Shoo! Shoo! *sigh* New friends, new dragon friends, most loyal friends you'll meet!

Island of New BeginningsDivine New Year (18/02/16) (edit)

Professor Hogwin.png Arya, it's time for the Divine New Year's celebration! The Island of New Beginnings has risen from the sea so Divine Dragons can battle all comers.
Arya.png Not that I'm complaining about a battle, Professor... but why DO the Divine Dragons celebrate the New Year by battling?
Professor Hogwin.png Dragons believe the more battles they win, the more luck they'll have in the coming year...
Professor Hogwin.png Divine Dragons bestow blessings at New Year's by allowing a lucky few to challenge them. I want you to take Ned and go battle, then report back.
Arya.png Heck yes! Hey, Ned! Neeed! Let's go for a walk. I promise this has nothing to do with dragons...

Arya.png Here we are Ned, the Island of New Beginnings. It's just as Professor Hogwin said: It's risen from the sea for the Divine New Year's celebration.
Ned.png What?! I hear the Divine Dragons of this island celebrate the New Year by battling! Come on; they probably want to be left alone...
Eliza the Masculine.png Too bad for them! I'm here to get the party underway... by kidnapping the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon! Then Rathorn will invite ME to join the Tyrants.
Arya.png Eliza?! We can't let her interfere with the Divine New Year's celebration, or the dragons' battle ritual could be thrown out of whack! Come on, Ned.

Eliza the Masculine.png Leave me to my dastardly deeds, you dragon-loving doofuses!
Arya.png No way, Eliz--huh? What's this... a baby Nezha Dragon? You want to help us save the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon from Eliza? Let's do it!

Eliza the Masculine.png You may have won this battle, but you won't stop me from kidnapping the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon! Later, little trainers...
Arya.png Get back here, Eliza! We've got to catch her and it looks like the Nezha Dragon wants to help, but it can't battle anymore; it needs to rest.
Ned.png *sigh* If we want to move farther up the mountain, we'll need to find an offering for the Divine Dragons. I'll start looking...

Ned.png Here it is, Arya! I found the Lucky Coin we'll need to offer the Divine Dragons in order to move farther up the mountain.
Arya.png Good work, Ned. Come on; after Eliza!

Ned.png This is THE Cave of Pangu -- I recognize it from Dad's research.
Ned.png The Pangu Dragon is responsible for shaping the very earth, and separating Yin from Yang with a swing of its mighty tail!
Arya.png Impressive. It sounds like a dragon that can handle itself, but I wouldn't put it past Eliza to dream up some scheme to overpower it. Let's go!

Eliza the Masculine.png That's right, Pangu Dragon -- THESE are the meddlers who've come to invade your territory! Get them!
Ned.png Wait, Pangu Dragon! We're not-- Ack!

Arya.png That creep, Eliza, tricked the poor Pangu Dragon into thinking we were the enemy! Then she ran off while we were busy with that battle.
Arya.png Let's go, Ned; we can't let her cause any MORE trouble.

Ned.png Look, Arya, here's another Lucky Coin... I guess whoever made offerings before us just left them lying around.
Arya.png Lucky for us, then! We can find out where Eliza ran off to.

Ned.png This must be the Guan Di Dragon's training grounds! I'd hate to run into it in a bad mood...
Arya.png No sign of Eliza. She can't be too far ahead. Let's go.

Ned.png There's Eliza! She's gone into the Shrine of Guan Di! Lucky for us, the Guan Di Dragon is known for being loyal and righteous...
Ned.png S-so we should be fine, right...? Right, Arya?

Arya.png Check it OUT, Ned! These training grounds are my idea of paradise.
Ned.png A-are you kidding me? There are sharp, POINTY things everywhere! Eliza might as well be sitting on a powder keg! We've got to stop her!

Eliza the Masculine.png These trainers have invaded your sacred training grounds, Guan Di Dragon. Show them the meaning of WAR!
Arya.png A battle against the famed Guan Di Dragon?! Pinch me Ned, I must be dreaming! ... Ouch. All right, let's battle!

Arya.png Thank you for the battle, Guan Di Dragon! I'm your biggest fan!
Ned.png This isn't the time to be dragon-struck, Arya! Come on; we can't let Eliza get away!

Ned.png Another Lucky Coin! Maybe the Guan Di Dragon blessed us for leaving it in peace?
Arya.png *sigh* I wish it had blessed us with another battle instead. Oh well; we'd better deal with Eliza and then maybe I can challenge it again later.

Ned.png I've got a b-b-bad feeling about this place, Arya...
Arya.png Sure, it's a little cold... and there's an eerie feeling in the air... and a chill up my spine... But for talon's sake, Ned, we train DRAGONS. Come on.

Eliza the Masculine.png You've meddled with my meddling for the LAST time! Get them, my Ba Jiao Gui Dragon!
Arya.png A ghostly Ba Jiao Gui Dragon?! Well then, prepare to be haunted by this battle!

Arya.png Eliza was pale as a sheet after her Ba Jiao Gui Dragon lost that battle, right Ned?
Ned.png G-G-Ghost Dragon!
Arya.png Right. I guess it's a combination of the two things that scare you most. Let's go look for that Lucky Coin to get your mind off things...

Arya.png Look Ned, I found the Lucky Coin! Huzzah!
Ned.png G-G-Ghost Dragon!
Arya.png *sigh* I'm sure he'll snap out of it... eventually. Onward!

Arya.png What's the story here, Ned? Do you think whoever owns this temple will let me play with all these giant sabers?
Ned.png The Erlang Shen Dragon is rumored to be able to cut mountains in half, call forth holy lightning, and fire energy beams from its third eye... it's terrifying.
Arya.png Cool! Come on, come on. Forget about these sabers; I want to see the Erlang Shen Dragon do all that stuff!

Eliza the Masculine.png Best of luck beating this unstoppable warrior dragon god! You will cower before its awesome might!
Arya.png Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Whatever, Eliza. Come on; let's just battle already!

Ned.png The Erlang Shen Dragon can see through lies and illusions... so why didn't it see through Eliza?
Arya.png Maybe it was just putting us to the test -- and since Eliza made a break for it, I think we passed! Now, let's tail her!

Eliza the Masculine.png What? Back again?! Get them, my Ba Jiao Gui Dragon!
Ned.png Ahhhhh! G-G-Ghost Dragon!
Arya.png Stop screaming, Ned. Look, the Ba Jiao Gui Dragon doesn't want to hurt you; it's just interested in that Lucky Coin you've got.
Arya.png Aww, how cute. I think it wants to be friends. Want to join us, Ba Jiao Gui Dragon? Yay!

Arya.png There it is up ahead: the Temple of Hou Yi. Wow. It's so majestic and beautiful...
Ned.png Yeah it's beautiful, just like... just like yo--
Arya.png Dragons! I know, right?!

Ned.png Okay Arya, in this next temple we have to be very careful, because this Dragon is especially tough... Arya?! Wait up!

Ned.png The Temple of Hou Yi. It's said that the Hou Yi Dragon is a great archer.
Arya.png An archer?! Wow. I've never seen a dragon use a bow and arrow. Do you think it would show us? Let's go!

Eliza the Masculine.png Here are the trespassers I told you about, Hou Yi Dragon. They're your target!
Arya.png We'd better pierce through Eliza's lies with a good, clean battle!

Arya.png Eliza has really snapped to go around upsetting all these Divine Dragons. What if they turn on her?
Ned.png They say the arrow doesn't fall far from the bow. If she's anything like her brother the Dunkelviking, she won't give up no matter the risk. Come on.

Ned.png Here's the Lucky Coin we needed, Arya.
Arya.png Thanks! We'd better hurry. I'm worried about what Eliza has planned for the Chang'e Dragon!

Arya.png Come on, Ned! We're almost at the Temple of Chang'e.
Ned.png *huff puff* Right behind you. As soon as I get this stitch out of my side...

Arya.png Eliza has already entered the temple! We can't let her mess with the poor Chang'e Dragon. Charge!

Ned.png Here we are at the Temple of Chang'e. The Chang'e Dragon is said to be married to the Hou Yi Dragon. Isn't that romantic, Arya? ... Arya?
Arya.png ... What? Oh, sorry Ned. I was busy thinking about my next battle strategy. What did you say?
Ned.png *sigh* Never mind. Let's find Eliza.

Eliza the Masculine.png Here are the wicked trainers who attacked your poor husband, Chang'e Dragon. Teach them a lesson!
Arya.png A battle?! That's the only kind of lesson I like. Let's do this!

Arya.png We're sorry we had to fight you and your husband, Chang'e Dragon. We'll make Eliza pay for tricking both of you.
Ned.png ... The Chang'e Dragon doesn't look like it understands your apology. Let's get out of here before it marshals its strength and attacks again!

Arya.png Ned, I found the Lucky Coin... for a change! Get it? ... Do you get it?
Ned.png Your puns are like a bad penny; they just keep turning up. *hehe* ... Oh, come on Arya! That was funny; don't storm off!

Ned.png Oh no! I think Eliza's already arrived at the Temple of Taiyi Zhenren!
Arya.png There's no time to waste; let's go!

Ned.png Here we are at the temple, but what's that sound from inside...?
Arya.png I'd know that sound anywhere: It's a battle! Eliza must have started fighting the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon. Hurry!

Ned.png Wow. The Temple of the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon is even more amazing than I'd imagined!
Ned.png It's said that the Taiyi Zhenren Dragon is a great teacher to the other dragons, the Nezha Dragon in particular.
Arya.png This baby Nezha Dragon looks anxious to greet its master. We've got to rescue it from Eliza's clutches!

Eliza the Masculine.png Thank goodness you're here! This crazy Taiyi Zhenren Dragon keeps trying to battle me, and it's WAY too tough!
Arya.png The Taiyi Zhenren Dragon thinks you came to challenge it in celebration of the Divine New Year. We'd be honored to be its opponents in your place!

Arya.png Thank you for a great battle, Taiyi Zhenren Dragon! Now Eliza, will we have to fight you, too?
Eliza the Masculine.png Forget it; I give up. Rathorn can have his revenge without me. All I want to do is ring in the New Year with a hot bubble bath. My feet are killing me!

Ned.png Eliza surrendered?! Maybe this WILL be a happy New Year for us.
Arya.png I could really use one more win to ensure my year will be lucky. What do you say, Ned? ... Ned? Ah well, happy Divine New Year to all!

Golden PyramidGolden Pyramid I (18/07/23) (edit)

Arya.png Adventure satchel... check. Sand-proof shoes... check! Well, I'm as ready as I'll ever be!
Arya.png Professor Hogwin is sending me on a very important mission to this mysterious pyramid that just appeared nearby...
Arya.png Nobody's ever seen ANYTHING like it! So there COULD be undiscovered dragons inside... or undiscovered danger.
Arya.png Probably a bit of both! In any case, it's a daring journey that calls for a daring trainer -- like me! Let's go!

Arya.png Whoa! Sprawling dunes, mysterious ruins, soaring pyramids... Where on Dragolandia AM I?
Eliza the Masculine.png You're in the ancient past, you simpleton. And for once I'm not APPALLED to see you!
Arya.png Eliza! What are you doing here with that dragon? If it's a fight you want, I'll GLADLY deliver! Put up your dukes!
Eliza the Masculine.png Heinrich's time machine took us here. He plans to alter history so that we Vikings are victorious!
Eliza the Masculine.png BUT... he also plans to meddle with time enough to make ME his bride! Ugh! Victory or no, I am NOT letting that happen!
Eliza the Masculine.png I guess this Anubis Dragon sensed that something was wrong... The silly thing won't leave me alone!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Ladies, I insist you surrender your Anubis Dragon to me! I need it for my most important scheme yet!
Eliza the Masculine.png Whatever, Heinrich. You're CLEARLY no match for me!
Arya.png Yeah, what she said!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Hmph! You haven't seen the last of me! Come, Apep Dragon -- to the Underworld Ruins!
Arya.png Grr! Get back here, you troublemaker!
Eliza the Masculine.png Hold on now, did you hear him? He said UNDERWORLD Ruins! ... Don't you think we might be a little out of our element?

Arya.png Chin up, Eliza -- the Anubis Dragon found us a key! Now we can waltz right into the ruins, no problem!
Eliza the Masculine.png You're missing the point, doofus! I don't want to WALTZ into the UNDERWORLD!
Eliza the Masculine.png *sigh* But the Anubis Dragon seems to want to help me-- I mean "us." I guess we should be okay.

Arya.png Wow, do you see those glowing messages on the walls? They must be divine night-lights!
Eliza the Masculine.png They're called hieroglyphics, you meathead...
Arya.png Whatever they are, they're incredible! I better collect samples for Hogwin and Ned.

Eliza the Masculine.png Out of the way, pesky dragons!
Arya.png Don't be rude, Eliza -- these guys are probably just protecting the Divine Dragons' temples.
Arya.png But a good ol' battle will help everyone understand each other!

Arya.png We did it! Hey, we don't make such a bad team do we?
Eliza the Masculine.png I'll reserve judgement on that... Anyway, the Anubis Dragon will help us smooth over any divine disagreements, I'm sure.
Arya.png Speaking of -- I wonder which Divine Dragon lives in this temple. I haven't seen one yet...

Eliza the Masculine.png Let's just keep moving forward. See? The Anubis Dragon's sniffed out another key.

Arya.png I wonder why the Divine Dragons aren't fighting back against Heinrich and the other Vikings...
Eliza the Masculine.png Apparently, the dragons here are all about "order." When Heinrich started messing with time, it threw them for a loop.

Arya.png So, if we put things back in order for the Divine Dragons, they should kick Heinrich back to his own time, right?
Eliza the Masculine.png Perhaps. This Anubis Dragon seems to be the only one not affected. We'll have to trust it.

Eliza the Masculine.png *gulp* It's just getting darker and darker... I don't think there's ANY natural light down here...
Arya.png Don't tell me you're scared, Eliza! Sure, it's dark, but wouldn't you rather stay single than turn back now?

Arya.png Ah-ha! No wonder it's so dark -- a Black Hole Dragon is living here and sucking up all the light!
Eliza the Masculine.png Hm, and it doesn't look too happy to see us...

Arya.png The Divine Dragon all these other dragons are protecting must be pretty important!
Eliza the Masculine.png Bah, I don't care! We've got a loser to catch! Let's go!

Arya.png Those pools of stars look like they go down and down forever... like a bottomless river... or outer space... Endless...
Arya.png SOO COOL!
Eliza the Masculine.png *shudder* I'd REALLY prefer to NOT think about it!! Let's just take this key and go!

Heinrich the Hideous.png *huffing* Will you silly girls stop... chasing... me?! Wait, actually, you can keep--
Eliza the Masculine.png If you don't cut it out, I'm gonna singe the rest of your hair right off!

Arya.png Aw, man... looks like Heinrich escaped again. But I think we've got him trapped this time! There's one temple left!

Arya.png Wow, do you see that? It's a HUGE painting of the Anubis Dragon! Do you think this is its temple...?
Eliza the Masculine.png Likely so. But see how the temple is crumbling away? Maybe this is why the Anubis Dragon came to us -- for... help?

Heinrich the Hideous.png Eh? You brought the Anubis Dragon back? Eliza darling, I need to keep it AWAY from its throne!
Heinrich the Hideous.png See, if I allow MY Divine Dragon of disorder -- the Seth Dragon -- to take control of the Underworld Ruins...
Heinrich the Hideous.png Then all the Divines will be plunged into chaos! And I can FINALLY get married! Save my marriage, Seth Dragon!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Ack! Okay, fine, fine... I get the message -- I'll leave you be for now, but good luck dealing with the angry Divines!
Heinrich the Hideous.png Think of it as a parting gift. Ta-ta, and Eliza, if you change your mind about our wedding--
Eliza the Masculine.png NO, you creep! Now get outta here, and don't let me see your ugly mug again!
Arya.png Woo! Go, Eliza, go!

Eliza the Masculine.png Now that the Anubis Dragon is protecting the Underworld Ruins again, things might get a litte easier for us.
Arya.png Yeah! But the other Divine Dragons might need our help... Speaking of, I think the Anubis Dragon wants to thank us!
Arya.png Oops, no, wait... It just wants us to collect the rest of the treasure in the ruins. My mistake!
Eliza the Masculine.png Vikings left all this treasure behind. If we clear it out, another Divine Dragon might join us... Also, hey, treasure!

Golden PyramidGolden Pyramid II (18/08/06) (edit)

Arya.png The Vikings went back in time so that they could alter history however they wanted -- AND get Eliza to marry Heinrich!
Arya.png Pretty dastardly, huh? Luckily, Eliza and I teamed up to make that kooky inventor quit being such a creep!
Arya.png But the Vikings have really messed with the past... It's up to us to calm the Divine Dragons enough to set things straight!
Arya.png The Anubis Dragon helped us through the Underworld Ruins, but it seems a little confused now that we're above ground...
Eliza the Masculine.png Are you done talking to yourself, foolish trainer? I want to make sure Heinrich isn't planning anything else!

Eliza the Masculine.png This is Gebnut Village, where my fellow Vikings REALLY whipped the Divines into a frenzy!
Arya.png Heinrich said the Divine Dragons would still be in an uproar, but look, this one doesn't seem angry at all!
Eliza the Masculine.png It's an Isis Dragon, silly! Seems like it wants to help us just like the Anubis Dragon did. How strange!

Arya.png Whoa! THIS dragon definitely DOESN'T want to help us out!
Eliza the Masculine.png It's a Dile Dragon, guarding the Dile River! The foolish thing probably thinks it's in danger!
Arya.png Lucky for us, the Isis Dragon is ready to fight -- and so am I!

Arya.png There, there, Dile Dragon -- we're not going to ruin your river! We just want to help!
Eliza the Masculine.png Yeah, help you riiiight back into the river. Now hurry up, Arya!

Eliza the Masculine.png Hmph. The Dile Dragon's thrashing riled up these silly beasts as well.
Arya.png They won't feel so bad later, when we all share some fruit together!
Eliza the Masculine.png Speak for yourself!

Arya.png If we keep this up, we'll get the Isis Dragon's godly friends back to normal in no time!
Eliza the Masculine.png Urgh, victorious Vikings or not -- I just wanna get out of here!

Arya.png Say, where does this key lead us, Isis Dragon? Can you take us there?
Eliza the Masculine.png Hrm... Looks like it's taking us to the Hathor Dragon's temple. Things are about to get tougher, little trainer...

Arya.png So what's the Hathor Dragon like? Are you afraid of it, AND the dark, Eliza?
Eliza the Masculine.png I am NOT afraid!!! It's just that the Hathor Dragon is the Divine Dragon of joy and love...
Arya.png Aww, that sounds so sweet!
Eliza the Masculine.png AND the all-powerful Ra Dragon's partner! You DON'T want to mess with it -- and that's exactly what Heinrich did!

Arya.png Sorry for fighting you, Hathor Dragon -- but we have to make sure history goes back to normal!
Eliza the Masculine.png Save your apologies until the fight is over, fool!

Arya.png There, don't you feel better, Hathor Dragon? A good battle really brightens the mood!
Eliza the Masculine.png *sigh* You've got a strange way of showing it, Arya, but I do respect your love of battle...
Arya.png And I respect yours! Now come on, you'll feel better too once the Divine Dragons undo all this time travel!

Arya.png Well, we've got our key -- onward to the next temple! Isn't this kind of fun, Eliza?
Eliza the Masculine.png You keep asking me that...
Arya.png I bet once we help the other Divine Dragons, the Hathor Dragon will share some of its joy with us, too!

Arya.png Wow, the Isis Dragon seems really impatient to get to the next temple!
Eliza the Masculine.png Well, yeah, it's probably looking forward to its friends not acting like a bunch of lunatics. A relatable feeling...

Arya.png Here we go -- this is one of the most beautiful temples we've seen yet!
Eliza the Masculine.png Hmm. I wonder if it's some sort of treasury?

Arya.png Hey, the Isis Dragon is getting super excited! What's up, buddy? Is it all the Gold in this temple?
Eliza the Masculine.png Somehow I don't think so... but you don't think the Divine Dragons would mind if I took some, right? Heheh...

Arya.png Ack! Eliza! You should've left that Gold alone! This Divine doesn't look happy!
Eliza the Masculine.png It's the Isis Dragon's mate -- the Osiris Dragon! But what's it doing up here? It lives in the Underworld Ruins!
Arya.png Heinrich DID turn everything topsy-turvy, remember?

Arya.png It's all right now, Isis Dragon -- your mate's come to its senses!
Eliza the Masculine.png I bet now it can take its rightful place in the ruins. That'll help pacify the other Divine Dragons...
Arya.png Putting things back in order, one Divine at a time!

Arya.png Do you know what this key is for, Eliza?
Eliza the Masculine.png It probably gets us into the Ra Dragon's pyramid... We'd better prepare ourselves.

Eliza the Masculine.png Heinrich!? What are you doing here? I thought I told you to never let me see your ugly face again!
Heinrich the Hideous.png Well, you did say... something like that.
Heinrich the Hideous.png But, according to my calculations, the Ra Dragon's power is almost immeasurable, so if I tame it...
Eliza the Masculine.png Oh no you don't!

Eliza the Masculine.png Hurry up, Arya! We need to get to the Ra Dragon before that loser, Heinrich!
Eliza the Masculine.png BOTH of our futures are at stake!

Arya.png The Isis Dragon seems to want us to check out those hero-glips on the wall-- er, "hieroglyphs"?
Eliza the Masculine.png Hmm. "When disorder rules the land, the great Ra Dragon puts its head in the sand..."
Eliza the Masculine.png "But when all functions just as planned, this mighty dragon takes a stand." That's one too many rhymes for me.
Arya.png Then, if we help the Ra Dragon get its power back, it should make everything go back to normal!

Arya.png Isis Dragon -- can you help us bring the Ra Dragon to its senses?
Eliza the Masculine.png Make sure it knows exactly who I'm marrying if we fail! These are HIGH STAKES, Arya!
Arya.png For everyone's sakes, let's put time back in order!

Arya.png Whew! That Ra Dragon is one tough customer, but... did we bring it back to its senses?
Eliza the Masculine.png Look, Arya, the Isis Dragon wants us to read a different hieroglyph this time...
Arya.png "If defeated, the Ra Dragon hides... inside a place you might find a prize..."
Arya.png "Yep, if you open all these chests, by the Divine of order you'll be blessed"! C'mon Eliza, let's get to it!

Arya.png Eliza, before the Ra Dragon sends us all back to our own times...
Arya.png Wanna clear up the rest of this Viking treasure with me? It'll be fun, and we could see our new Divine friends again!
Eliza the Masculine.png I... I guess that would be kind of fun. You know, Arya, for a trainer, you aren't so bad. Honestly, you saved me, and--
Arya.png Hehe, don't worry about it, Eliza. Now come on, let's go!


See Also

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_pageData._creationDate ASC
(Override) limitlimit count

If set to a number, overrides the default result count. Note: The limit is intentionally set low due to the size of each inclusion and the limit that results from expanding too many items of size.


This Wiki is created by players for other players and is not maintained by, or affiliated with, the game maker (Gameloft).
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