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Dragon Runner (24/04/26)

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Dragon Runner Event Generic Promotion.jpg
Guide your Dragon though the track, avoiding obstacles and collecting flowers towards milestone rewards. Climb to the top of the leaderboard in an endless race!
Started: 26 April 2024
Ended: 3 May 2024
Duration: 7 Days
Type: Arcade
Prize: Underlord Dragon Icon.png Underlord Dragon
Leaderboard: Fluffmoth Dragon Icon.png Fluffmoth Dragon

Dragon Runner Events are limited-time competitions in which players guide their Dragon through a 3-lane running track, avoiding obstacles and collecting event currency for milestone progress.

See PC Controls for information about keyboard controls used on PC.


Once the event begins, the Trainer's Dragon automatically moves forward, and the screen must be swiped (or keyboard arrows pressed on PC) to move to the next lane to avoid obstacles (twice to move 2 lanes). Each "run" attempt costs 1 Energy Icon.png Energy, and 1 Energy unit is restored every 30 minutes until the maximum amount is reached (the limit is 4 at event start, gradually increasing with each completed run, up to 8). A progress bar Flag Icon.png appears during a run, indicating progress towards the finish line.

Energy Amounts

Starting event energy is 10.

Energy Unlock
Minutes to Regenerate
1 Energy
0 8 Energy Icon.png 30

Items and Obstacles

Flowers Flowers Icon.png, Food Food Icon.png, and Gold Gold Icon.png are scattered within the lanes, the first of which accumulates to unlock milestone rewards, and also counts toward the leaderboard score. Some obstacles are destructible, clicking or tapping shoots a fireball to destroy them, while others are indestructible and must be dodged. While fireballs are unlimited, only 3 successive fireballs appear within a very short burst.

Beneficial Items Obstacles
Item Amount per
Actions Type Item Image (and variations) Actions
Flowers Icon.png Flowers 1 Collect Indestructible Dragon Runner - Rock 1.pngDragon Runner - Rock 2.pngDragon Runner - Rock 3.pngDragon Runner - Rock 4.png
Dragon Runner - Rock 1a.pngDragon Runner - Rock 2a.pngDragon Runner - Rock 3a.pngDragon Runner - Rock 4a.png
Dragon Runner - Rock 1 (Winter).pngDragon Runner - Rock 2 (Winter).pngDragon Runner - Rock 3 (Winter).pngDragon Runner - Rock 4 (Winter).png
Food Icon.png Food 100
Destructible Dragon Runner - Hay Bale Target.pngDragon Runner - Hay Bale Target (Winter).png
Dragon Runner - Statue.pngDragon Runner - Statue (Winter).png
Dragon Runner - Barrel 1.png
Shoot or dodge
Gold Icon.png Gold 200

Checkpoints & Failures

Dragon Runner - Checkpoint.pngDragon Runner - Checkpoint (Winter).png

Flowers Flowers Icon.png collected while running are lost if an obstacle is hit, at which point the run may be restarted for 1 Energy (Food Icon.png Food and Gold Icon.png Gold are saved at the checkpoints). Alternatively, the Dragon can be revived for 10 Gems Icon.png Gems, which resumes the run without loss from the point of failure. Reviving also provides 5 seconds of invincibility immediately after revival, indicated by blinking, during which time obstacles can be passed through. When the Dragon stops blinking, invincibility has ended. Furthermore, there are 5 checkpoints per run, crossing one awards 10 flowers and increases the Dragon's speed slightly, which also increases the difficulty.


Dragon Runner - Flag.png

When the running Dragon reaches the finish line (indicated by flags), the attempt is won and rewards given. Collected flowers are multiplied by the win streak (if any) and added to the cumulative total tallied for milestone rewards and leaderboard score.

Win Streak

After two consecutive run completions, a win streak begins (for which there is no timer) and can subsequently be increased, if no losses occur. The win streak, if maintained, acts as a multiplier for collected flowers, starting at a 1x increase and increasing by 1x each win, up to a 5x increase.


There are ten difficulty levels, and five run-difficulties, one of which is selected at random before running starts. Run difficulties include: very easy, easy, medium, hard, and very hard. Each win leads to the next difficulty level, until the maximum level, while failing a run resets the difficulty to Level 1 again. Each level also takes a certain length of time, longer for harder levels, and the number of obstacles also increases.

Checkpoints Run-Difficulty Odds
Image Flowers
Very Easy Easy Medium Hard Very Hard
1 30 Dragon Runner - Checkpoint.pngDragon Runner - Checkpoint (Winter).png 10 Flower Icon.png 10 30.30% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
2 30 10 22.73% 4.59% 4.59% 0.00% 0.00%
3 45 10 9.09% 6.42% 6.42% 1.19% 0.00%
4 30 10 7.58% 12.84% 12.84% 1.19% 0.00%
5 45 10 4.55% 16.51% 16.51% 2.38% 0.00%
6 45 10 4.55% 13.76% 13.76% 11.90% 0.00%
7 60 10 2.27% 11.01% 11.01% 21.43% 10.64%
8 45 10 2.27% 11.93% 11.93% 15.48% 21.28%
9 30 5 1.52% 4.59% 4.59% 22.62% 25.53%
10 60 5 15.15% 18.35% 18.35% 23.81% 42.55%

The amount of Food or Gold awarded depends on Trainer Level, the highest Level Modifier amount is displayed. The amount of Food or Gold awarded depends on Trainer Level, the highest Level Modifier amount is displayed.

1-5 Fluffmoth Dragon Icon.png Fluffmoth Dragon   Extra Den Relic Icon.png 3
6-10 Premium Sigil Chest Icon.png 5  Enchantment Ticket Icon.png 10
11-15 Double Egg Relic Icon.png 3  Enchantment Ticket Icon.png 5
16-50 Food Icon.png 45,000  Relic of Hatching Icon.png 2
51-500 Gold Icon.png 225,000  Food Icon.png 15,000

The amount of Food or Gold awarded depends on Trainer Level, the highest Level Modifier amount is displayed. On Computers, hold the Shift key while scrolling, to scroll → horizontally. 

Flower Icon.png
Gems Icon.png

Gold Icon.png

Enchantment Ticket Icon.png

Food Icon.png

Premium Sigil Chest Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

This Wiki is created by players for other players and is not maintained by, or affiliated with, the game maker (Gameloft).
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