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Emerald Energy

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Emerald Energy Icon.png

Emerald Energy Emerald Energy Icon.png is the energy used each time a battle is fought in Emerald Wars, a Clan Event.

Base Amount

The base amount of Emerald Energy is six. Every player has 6 Emerald Energy Icon.png at maximum as a base amount, and attacking a mine costs 1 Emerald Energy. If a Trainer's Dragon participates in a battle for control of an emerald mine, it needs to rest for a certain period before it can fight again (it can be used outside the event while resting). The resting time can be skipped using Revitalization Tokens earned completing regular Clan Quests.


Emerald Energy automatically regenerates at 1 every 60 minutes, up to the maximum base amount. It can also be recovered through Revitalization Tokens Icon.png Revitalization Tokens (at the cost of 1 token per energy), or through Gems Icon.png Gems (at the cost of 5 Gems per energy). Replenishing through Gems fully replenishes the energy, there is no option to select the amount to replenish. The only way to replenish smaller amounts is to use small amounts at a time, and then replenish the amount remaining to base maximum.


Emerald Energy is refilled by either pressing the + Button.png button on the Emerald Wars main screen Emerald Energy Icon.png0+ Button.png counter, or by trying to engage a battle without any energy left (which opens the refill screen, where energy can be refilled using Revitalization Tokens or Gems).

See Also

  • Battle Energy, for other types of energy used in Battle.
  • Battle, for battle process specifics.
  • Emerald Wars, for the battle that takes place in the using Emerald Energy.


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