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From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Amphibian Dragon  Amphibian Dragon Icon.png    Switch Arrow Right.png

Amoura Egg.png
Amoura Power Icon.png Chance that a Sprite is refunded after use.

Rarity: Epic (classification) Icon.png

Availability: Clan Action
Method: Community Hatching
Cost: 14 Dragon Pieces Icon.png


Breeding Time: Unbreedable
Hatching Time: 6 Hours
VIP Hatching: 0 Seconds
Game Update: Update 2.6

Hatchings Required: 700Amoura Egg.png


The Body Shape of Amoura is Bicipital. It has a light purple body with a very light indigo underbelly. It has two heads with big yellow eyes and red blending in on the bottom of their feet.


Amoura is a Clan Dragon which is obtained if it has been hatched a total of 700 times by the members of a Clan. It must first be acquired by collecting its 14 matching Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces from Clan Event Card Packs that are rewarded only when certain ranks are attained on the leaderboard of Clan Events in any Clan League.

Hatching one egg takes 6 hours. Time reduction does not apply to Clan Dragons, regardless if the Trainer has an active VIP Level Icon.png VIP Level of 2 or higher.


Amoura can be selected to be the current active Dragon in the Clan, provided no other Clan Dragon has been selected as such. Once selected, its power can be used for the duration of an Event.

Amoura's power provides a chance that a Sprite may be refunded after it is used. The effect of this ability can be increased in exchange for Power Boosters Icon.png Power Boosters. After the Event ends, all Power Boosters expire.

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