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Otto the Dungeon Master

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Otto the Dungeon Master.png

Otto, the Bottomless Dungeon Master, operates the Bottomless Dungeon, the Dungeon Shop, and a lottery in the hot air balloon that floats among the islands in the Archipelago. Otto is a ruthless opponent in the world of Dragolandia, as his unique battle style involves battling with multiple waves of sets of three Dragons, unlike many other characters. He is technically a Tyrant, cousin of Heinrich, yet, he runs a shop and aims to help Trainers prepare for battle.


The Trainer interacts with this character in several dialogues, divided into sections below.


Frosty Foes (17/12/08): (edit)

Professor Hogwin.png Here we are, Ned, just outside Frosty Woods. Now, aren't you glad I got you up from that old armchair for a bracing winter hike?
Ned.png *brrr* I miss the armchair less than the roaring fire we left behind. Are you sure going for a hike with Otto is a good idea? He's kind of... strange.
Professor Hogwin.png Oh yes, Otto's VERY strange, but he's also my oldest friend, you know. In fact, we first met over 60 years ago not far from here, and-- *SMACK*
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Got you, Hoggie! You never could dodge a snowball. Come on, we've got to get started if we hope to reach Frostytoes Peak before the Frost Festival begins!
Professor Hogwin.png *splutter* Get back here, Oddie! I'll show YOU who can't dodge a snowball!
Ned.png Hoggie? Oddie? Some kids never grow up... Guess I'd better make sure neither of them falls into a snowbank and breaks a hip. It's going to be a looong night!

Professor Hogwin.png I wonder what Otto has up his sleeves? It seems significant that he asked us to hike through Frosty Woods when it's where he and I met so many years ago.
Professor Hogwin.png I suppose we'll just have to press on with our hike to find out!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png I hope you've been keeping up with your training, Hoggie. I plan to finally beat you and claim the title of "Dragon Lord of Dragolandia" from you once and for all!
Professor Hogwin.png Now wait a minute, you've got an unfair advantage here. I haven't had a chance to survey the battle conditions.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Oh, very well. You can borrow my Frost Fairy Dragon to even the odds, but I'll still be the one whose wish comes true by winning this battle!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Not bad, old friend, but I've got my best dragons stationed between here and Frostytoes Peak ready to battle. The "Dragon Lord of Dragolandia" title will be MINE!
Ned.png *sigh* I should have known taking a hike with these two would somehow involve dragon battles. Guess we'd better get going, right Dad? ... Dad! Don't leave me behind!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Finally made it, Hoggie; you're slowing down in your old age!
Professor Hogwin.png With age comes battle prowess. Now, let's find out what sound your Spruce Dragon makes when it falls in battle!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png *humph* It seems my Spruce Dragon needs some sprucing up. But don't worry, the roots of my battle strategy run deep!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I've hidden a number of Keys throughout the forest. You'll need to collect them all if you want me to accept your victory. Now, let's see if you can keep up!
Professor Hogwin.png Why don't you make like a tree, Oddie. We'll be close behind, as soon as we find that Key...

Ned.png I've found the Key, Dad.
Professor Hogwin.png Great work, Ned! Hurry, we can't let Otto get too far ahead of us; who knows what traps he might set in this forest given his history with the Clockwork Dungeon!

Professor Hogwin.png Here we are in Gustyvale; this is the little town where Otto grew up.
Ned.png Really?! There's nothing here, just a couple of houses and a WHOLE lot of snow.
Professor Hogwin.png There's a nearby village Otto's family visited from time to time, but there weren't many children for him to play with. I was his first human friend...
Professor Hogwin.png ... Speaking of friends, where has that rascal gone to? We'd better find him!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Glad you've arrived just in time for my Snowman Dragon to bury you, Hoggie!
Professor Hogwin.png Not if we turn it to powder first! Catch my drift?!

Professor Hogwin.png What's the matter, Oddie? Did your snow day turn into a mayday?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png You'll be the one signaling distress when I battle you up ahead in Twinkle Village!
Professor Hogwin.png Twinkle Village? I haven't been back there in over 60 years... What are you up to Otto, I wonder...?

Ned.png Here's another Key, Dad.
Professor Hogwin.png Hmm? Oh, good work, Ned. Sorry, I'm a bit preoccupied...
Professor Hogwin.png I can't help but feel that in visiting Twinkle Village, we're walking right into a trap... Well, only one way to find out.

Professor Hogwin.png I used to visit my Great Aunt Hogwinona here in Twinkle Village during the holidays, but she detested dragons and made me keep them outside.
Professor Hogwin.png I was playing out here one day with them when Otto appeared and challenged me to a dragon battle. We've been best friends ever since.
Professor Hogwin.png Ah well, enough musing about the past. We'd better see what Otto is up to ahead!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Come to battle my Li'l Angel Dragon? You'd better start saying your prayers!
Professor Hogwin.png No need to pray; beating you in battle will be heavenly!

Professor Hogwin.png Well met, Oddie! Your Li'l Angel Dragon is quite the li'l devil on the battlefield.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Not devilish enough to best you and your dragons, but never fear! Your next opponent is the gift that keeps on giving defeat!

Professor Hogwin.png Look, Ned, I've found the next Key! What fun!
Ned.png ... The one bright side to spending the Frost Festival in the wilderness is that there's no one around to see you embarrass me, Dad.
Professor Hogwin.png Good point. I must remember to tell Arya how much you liked to run around in nothing but diapers as a baby, just as soon as we get home!

Professor Hogwin.png We must be very careful, Ned. Cracklecrunch Lake is just up ahead, and it's known for having very thin ice.
Professor Hogwin.png In fact, Otto and I once had an accident while playing on the lake when his favorite dragon fell through the ice.
Professor Hogwin.png Luckily, we worked together and rescued it. Otto spent the next three weeks nursing it back to health. I wonder if we'll see it on this hike...?

Otto the Dungeon Master.png I have a feeling my Present Dragon is just about to unwrap a victory in battle!
Professor Hogwin.png I don't know, Oddie, you seem to have a real gift for admitting defeat!

Professor Hogwin.png Poor Otto. I think we enjoyed the gift of that battle more than he did.

Ned.png I've got the Key! Thank goodness -- walking around on all of this thin ice is really putting me on edge.
Professor Hogwin.png Oh, I'm sure there's nothing to worry about so long as we're careful... *CRACK*
Professor Hogwin.png ... Yes, let's get going, shall we?!

Ned.png Wow. This is a pretty steep mountain... Maybe I should just wait at the bottom of it and you can come get me once you're done battling.
Professor Hogwin.png You're welcome to, but I hear the wolves of Frostytoes Peak like to come out at night...
Ned.png W-- wolves?! They're even scarier than dragons! ... *sigh* I suppose a person should climb at least one mountain in their life. Let's go!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Do you hear the sound of bells ringing, Hoggie? They're tolling for your impending defeat to my Jingle Dragon!
Professor Hogwin.png Sorry, I'm too busy to listen to any music as I'm about to ring in another victory!

Professor Hogwin.png Otto took off pretty fast, he must have heard alarm bells ringing after that devastating defeat! Ho ho ho!

Ned.png Here's the Key, Dad. Should we head on up the mountain?
Professor Hogwin.png Yes, I think it's high time we learned why Otto invited us to spend the Frost Festival atop Frostytoes Peak.
Professor Hogwin.png Otto met his favorite dragon on this mountain; it was the first friend he ever made. I wonder if it's waiting for us up there, too...

Ned.png Dad, you said that Otto met his first dragon on Frostytoes Peak... but what was he doing on top of this mountain as a kid?
Professor Hogwin.png Otto has always been a bit... well, strange. He tried making friends with the local children, but they only teased him.
Professor Hogwin.png Then on the Frost Festival, they told him he could play with them if he went to the top of Frostytoes Peak and brought back a snowball.
Professor Hogwin.png Otto just wanted to belong so he climbed up the mountain all alone, but he got lost in the dark and couldn't find his way down.
Professor Hogwin.png He was scared, but a Snow Queen Dragon appeared and guided him to safety. His new dragon never let the other kids tease him again.

Otto the Dungeon Master.png I hope you haven't forgotten my beautiful Snow Queen Dragon. Its attacks will make your blood run cold!
Professor Hogwin.png Then I guess I'd better heat things up with a battle!

Professor Hogwin.png Poor Oddie; our victory was SO spectacular he didn't even want to stick around to trade battle barbs. Now, let's look for that last Key.

Professor Hogwin.png All right, Oddie -- we bested all your battles and collected all your Keys. Now what is this REALLY all about?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png *chuckle* You always knew me best. You're right, I didn't invite you here to see who is the "Dragon Lord of Dragolandia"; that's always been you, my old friend.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Sixty years ago, we buried a time capsule on this mountain and promised to open it one day to prove we'd always be friends. Let's open it with the Keys you've collected now.
Professor Hogwin.png Oh my goodness! Just look at all these wonderful old photos of us! Otto, you've truly given me the greatest gift I could ask for: your friendship.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I have something special for you too, Ned. A thermos full of piping hot chocolate to make up for missing your fire. Happy Frost Festival to all!

The First FireDragon Board (19/11/08) (edit)

Ned.png "Since time began its wicked turn, primordial fires burn and burn. If Chrono Dragons raise concern, the Proto Dragons soon return."
Ned.png I couldn't get that prophecy out of my head, ever since I touched it on the wall in the Rift... But now the Rifts are closed, and Chronos isn't giving me any answers.
Chronos Icon.png (That's right, pup. I've given you enough to work with -- the rest is yours to figure out.)
Ned.png AND its VOICE won't get out of my head either! AGH! I feel like I'm going nuts!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ... It's a good thing I found you before Chronos transported us here. I don't know what it was thinking, but...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Now that you're, er, yelling at yourself, I don't know if I'd trust you navigating this strange place alone.

Ned.png I've... never seen a dragon like that before -- at least, not in Dad's Codex.
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (What is a "Codex"? Is it edible? And what are your names? Who are you? Are you edible?)
Ned.png Wait, wait, wait! I can hear YOU, too?! Otto -- help! There are dragons in my brain! This is LITERALLY my worst nightmare!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Sorry... I'm not sure what to do. I've flown the great seas in my balloon, but I've never encountered anything like THIS...
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (There's nothing to be afraid of, little human. The magma here makes life good for your kind and mine. It's what New Dragolandia is famous for.)
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (Did you not know that? What else do you not know? Will I find out if I battle you?)

Ned.png That dragon we fought told us we're in "New Dragolandia"... Otto, have you ever been to a place like that?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I can't say I have... But maybe we'll get some answers from this creature -- it looks like it wants to tell you something, boy!
Priestess Dragon Icon.png (Your guardian is correct! I am called Zoli -- here on behalf of the Divines of the Pyramid. They wish to deliver you a message, hatchling.)
Ned.png I don't wish to hear it!
Priestess Dragon Icon.png (When you touched the ancient prophecy, the age-old bond between yourself and my kind was restored. Hooray!)
Priestess Dragon Icon.png (It is good, because we will need human help in the future. The future that your kind have irrevocably marred...)

Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (Hello! Are you the new Scaleless? We're all very confused about you. Some are happy, some are scared. Me? I'm neither -- I'm Ik'ez.)
Ned.png I-I'm... um... I'm Ned. A-And this is my friend, Otto. (I can't believe I'm doing this...)
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (Okay! I'm gonna fight you and scare you away now. My hatcher will surely praise me if I do!)
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (But if I don't, my hatcher might be angry... They're scary when they're angry. It's bad! That's why I have to beat you!)
Ned.png I really don't like that logic!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Are you okay, Ned? Hoggie would never forgive me if I let anything happen to you.
Ned.png I wish Dad were here right now, honestly. He'd handle this way better than I ever could. I bet he'd give up his Codex to have this power I don't even want!
Amazon Dragon Icon.png (Quiet your noisy snout, Scaleless! Your kind is so loud, so disruptive, so ungrateful! I can't stand your kind!)
Ned.png W-Wait, what? Um, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you mad -- I don't really know what to do about my... scaleless-ness.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png It's rare for a dragon to show true anger at a human. How odd... Or is this how dragons have thought all along?!

Pokra Dragon Icon.png (Oh, hello, sweet little humans! It's nice to see your species thriving, but I do hope you're not here to dig up my nice earth, like some of your kin...)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png This one seems a little friendlier than the last. What's it saying, boy?
Ned.png W-We're not here to dig up anyth-- Wait... YOUR earth?
Pokra Dragon Icon.png (Well, I made it, didn't I? All the soft soil and soaring mountains -- those're mine! So please don't hurt them, okay?)
Pokra Dragon Icon.png (Of course, my nice earth would be nothing without magma and heat. That's why I have to battle you, before I let you meet my leader!)

Rathorn.png There you are! Are you two the newcomers that've got our dragons all worked into a tizzy? Ah -- and Audo, is that you?
Ned.png RATHORN?! What in Dragolandia are YOU doing here? And who's Audo?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ...
Rathorn.png Eh? Who is this "Rathorn"? My name is Delith, and it seems like I've misnamed you, my familiar-looking friend.
Rathorn.png Well, confusion aside, I'm sure you two are here for some of New Dragolandia's famous dragon battles.
Rathorn.png Unfortunately, I've only got time to entertain you with a single one! Strange things are afoot, and my presence is needed elsewhere.

Ned.png So, either Rathorn's got another personality, and I'm hallucinating all this, or dreaming, or... Have I lost my mind, Otto? I'm scared.
Darkfire Dragon Icon.png (Scared? Of me?)
Ned.png Huh...? NOW THAT YOU MENTION IT: YES! I am VERY scared of you, and I want to go home!
Darkfire Dragon Icon.png (I have never understood your human fears. Why fear the dark -- especially when it cools the oppressive heat around you?)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I don't know what that Darkfire Dragon is saying, boy, but we don't need to fear it. When we battle dragons, we understand them better...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png And if you take a moment to understand someone, no matter what they look like, you'll find you're less afraid...

Ned.png *sigh* I've been thinking about what you said, Otto... I'll try to understand dragons -- I mean, I have that ability now, I guess.
Titan Dragon Icon.png (Can you understand? That's good -- my human can't! I used to be able to talk with her, but she can't hear me anymore...)
Ned.png That's--! (Take a deep breath, Ned, you can do this...)
Ned.png *sigh* That's really sad, actually. It hurts to be misunderstood by someone you love. Um... is there anything we can do to, uh, help?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png (Yes! Way to go, boy! Ah, if only Hoggie could see you now...!)
Titan Dragon Icon.png (Well, you could tell my human I'd like more fruit for breakfast... And you can battle me! My human never knows when I want to play anymore!)

Oyar Dragon Icon.png (You must be the strange Scaleless from another realm, new to my lively caldera your kind call "New Dragolandia.")
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Hm. This one looks important. What's it saying, Ned my boy?
Oyar Dragon Icon.png (I am called Oyar. It was I who crawled forth from the earth's egg, split the land, and created this place where Scaleless and Scaled co-exist.)
Ned.png Um... Otto, I think we're meeting God.
Oyar Dragon Icon.png (Not God -- Oyar! You Scaleless can be so presumptuous. Come now, battle me so that I may know who you truly are!)

Oyar Dragon Icon.png (It is strange -- I cannot get a proper read on you. I know the rest of the Scaleless here like the pads of my claw, but I sense chaos in you two...)
Rathorn.png Oyar! Are you bothering these humans? You must remember to treat them as equals, with respect and empathy.
Oyar Dragon Icon.png (Hmph. It is difficult, Delith, when so many of them turn away from us in favor of their futile industry. Why, we cannot even speak as we used to.)
Rathorn.png I apologize, Audo, and you, young man. Oyar is frustrated that we humans have recently had difficulty "hearing" our dragon compatriots.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I... *sigh* It's Otto, not Audo. Otto.
Oyar Dragon Icon.png (Let us battle again. I want to know more about these Scaleless. I sense they are from farther away than I once thought.)

Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (Oh, hello again! Did you just battle my hatcher, Oyar? No wonder you look like wobbly hatchlings!)
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (But if you battled Oyar, and you're still here, that must mean you're "good." Good Scaleless can stay. I like them because they're fun -- like me!)
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (I LIKE playing with their machines. Sometimes, I make them explode, and the Scaleless run all around like ants! Say, Tall One, can I make YOU explode?)
Ned.png Um, Otto, you might want to step back. This one's a little unstable...
Ned.png Yeah, I think I'm beginning to understand why it's so important for people and dragons to understand each other.

Yamad Dragon Icon.png (I see you two've mingled with my more brutish comrades. They've become especially annoying since our understanding of humans grows thinner.)
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (It's a shame for me, too. I enjoy learning about your kind. I always want to know more.)
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (But I am young, and I'm told that before I was hatched, humans and dragons spoke much and were tightly intertwined.)
Ned.png If... if it makes you feel better, where I'm from, I have lots of friends who love your kind, and take care of them...
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (I see. It sounds like a beautiful future I can only dream of. Now, allow me to battle you. I am growing fond of you two.)
Ned.png *sigh* All right... Wait, future--?!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Fill me in, Ned. It seems we've stumbled on quite a complicated situation -- and by some miracle, you're the one bearing the brunt of it.
Ned.png Based on everything we've been told... AND everything I've read in what little written history I can find...
Ned.png I think we're FAR in the past, like, at the beginning of everything we know... And I think that humans and dragons were ALL able to talk to each other.
Ned.png But the humans can't really hear the dragons anymore, and it's making everyone sad, and confused...
Ned.png Speaking of... Otto, you've been acting a little weird around Delith (and don't get me started on that Rathorn lookalike!) What's that abou--?
Warden Dragon Icon.png (Hey! Your clumsy claws are tromping too close to my nest! You Scaleless never listen to anyone but yourselves, do you?!)

Ned.png Otto, you... Will you tell me what's going on? Why does Delith keep calling you "Audo"? Who IS Delith?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ... There are a few things you and your dad don't know about me. What I can tell you is: I think-- no, I KNOW Delith is a distant relative of Rathorn.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I'm sorry, boy, I'm not ready to say much more. And I've got no clue what made Delith's descendants eventually turn their backs on dragons...
Ironcast Dragon Icon.png (Ah-ha! Humans! I positively adore humans! They used the caldera's magma to give my scales this GORGEOUS shape! Isn't it magnificent?)
Ironcast Dragon Icon.png (Won't you battle me, you darling humans? It'll be such fun to show off my moves!)

Molim Dragon Icon.png (You're looking less fearful than the last time I saw you, little human. I'm glad, although it makes me want to give you a fright...)
Molim Dragon Icon.png (Forgive me. As a being of shadow, I enjoy a trick or two! But I am much more interested in unusual specimens like you and your guardian, and Delith...)
Rathorn.png And I am grateful for your fondness, Molim! This dragon is an excellent ally in my efforts to ease the growing divide between our species...
Rathorn.png Alas, this crusade of understanding is why I've been so busy. How can we live together when humans and dragons look ever-away from each other?
Ned.png This... this is exactly what Dad fought for all those years ago! Delith, I think I understand you, and I think I get why dragons are so special...
Molim Dragon Icon.png (The hatchling is growing before my eyes. Won't you humans entertain me with a battle of brain and brawn, in celebration?)

Pokra Dragon Icon.png (Delith! My earthquake made a whole new island! I think I'll call it "Arto." Will you ask the other humans to start planting trees upon it?)
Ned.png Arto! Otto, did you hear that? They just MADE Arto! Is this really how the Dragolandian islands began?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Delith, this might be hard to understand, but... Ned and I are from the far future of Dragolandia. We've been sent here, but we're not sure why.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png And the boy's suddenly been given the ability to understand dragons, as you can see. It's... probably a good thing, but there's a lot we don't know.
Rathorn.png That's... er... quite a lot to take in, although it's in line with Oyar's suspicions of you.
Pokra Dragon Icon.png (Enough of this serious talk -- I'm so excited, I want to battle!)

Molim Dragon Icon.png (Hatchling Ned, I sense great reluctance, but also great resolve in you. I am drawn to creatures like you and your guardian, who exist between worlds.)
Ned.png That's pretty spot on... I think I know what I have to do now. Like the prophecy said, I need one -- or all -- of you guys to come with us to the future.
Molim Dragon Icon.png (It's as I thought. The oddest of us always have the best stories. I can only urge you to do what's right with your knowledge and your gift.)
Ned.png I... I will. I'll try.
Molim Dragon Icon.png (Come, it does no good to frown. Let us have a rollicking battle to send you off on your great destiny!)

Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (Molim told me you two are leaving, so Oyar is going to put me in charge while they accompany you!)
Ned.png Oyar is coming with us...? Wow-- Wait, YOU'RE gonna be in charge?!
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (Yeah. Yamad doesn't think I can do it, but I can! I can help humans with their machines, and make sure everything's hot, and... stuff.)
Ned.png Um, Ik'ez, right? I know what it's like to be different from your dad. Or hatcher. It's hard, but I hope you do what's right. And not explode stuff.
Ik'ez Dragon Icon.png (If that's what it means to be a good leader, then... I guess I'll try! Hey, Ned, will you battle me again?)

Yamad Dragon Icon.png (I hear Oyar is going to the future with you two. I'm worried what it will mean for us, but I know it's important.)
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (I like to worry, and I like to think. Others say that's unusual, but I don't care. I want to see the future one day. I hope it's interesting.)
Ned.png It's... definitely interesting. And I think it's good to think hard about stuff, Yamad! Here, I'll give you one of my books so you can study the future.
Yamad Dragon Icon.png (... Thank you. I like you, Ned, and your quiet guardian. Will you battle me before you go?)
Ned.png Yeah -- we'd be happy to!

Ned.png Oyar, if my thinking is right, we need your help to stop a really bad future from happening -- a future that threatens dragons, and all Dragolandia.
Rathorn.png *sigh* I can't help but be anxious about all this, but I know it's for the best. Tell me, at least, has my work mattered at all in your future?
Ned.png It... ... Actually, yeah, it has. It mattered a lot, a-and I'll make sure it continues to matter, Delith!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Come on, Ned. We've got a lot of work to do.
Oyar Dragon Icon.png (Indeed. I'd like to battle one last time before we get to it! Scaleless-- no, humans, let us celebrate!)

Origin of MetalsDragon Board (20/03/02) (edit)

Ned.png Well, we're back. Back, or wherever THIS is! I thought Chronos would send me and Otto back to the past to unravel more mysteries, but...
Ned.png Now I'm stuck in this wasteland, with ELIZA of all people! What in Dragolandia could Chronos be thinking?
Eliza the Masculine.png Hm. Probably something along the lines of "that very talented Viking warrior ALSO touched the ridiculous wall paintings that let her hear dragon thoughts"!
Eliza the Masculine.png At least I can use my new abilities to become more powerful...unlike a certain spineless Trainer I know! Now, let's try to get out of here in one piece.

Copper Dragon Icon.png (Hullo humans--)
Eliza the Masculine.png AAHHHH! I CAN HEAR IT IN MY HEAD!
Ned.png Don't mind her-- Wait, dragons aren't calling us "Scaleless" anymore?
Copper Dragon Icon.png (Oh, some of us do, but we're not s'posed to anymore now that Grolim's in charge. He says it's disrespectful.)
Copper Dragon Icon.png (Anyway, haven't you two got any treats for me? I've been working in the mines all day, and if I can't have a treat, at least gimme a battle!)
Ned.png H-Hold on - who's Grolim?

Eliza the Masculine.png Ahem! Let me try this whole 'psychic communication' thing again... Hello, dragon, as you can see, I understand you perfectly, and--
Dark-Tech Dragon Icon.png (!#%^&((%%$#^)
Eliza the Masculine.png Huh--!? Did I do it wrong? I can barely tell what it's saying at all... Its thoughts are as jumbled as oatmeal on a stormy sea!
Ned.png I don't like this at all - this place, these dragons, OR that weird metaphor!

Ned.png that you? What are you doing with that dragon?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Otto? I know no Otto. I am GROLIM, leader of the industrial capital of the world: Tyrantlandia!
Ned.png ...WHAT!?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I do not detect a satisfactory level of simpering and groveling. I fear I'll have to sic one of my synthetic dragons on you!
Eliza the Masculine.png What HAVE you gotten us into, Ned?

Eliza the Masculine.png So, somehow, Chronos has sent you and me to a place that doesn't exist, ruled by a crazed Tyrant that looks exactly like your dungeon-crafting friend...
Ned.png Ugh... I wish Otto were really here. He always knows the right thing to say, or the best time for an awkward silence...
Zephujin Dragon Icon.png (Children! Are you unhurt? I was commanding the wind to move the smog clouds away when I saw your conflict with Grolim.)
Eliza the Masculine.png Commanding the wind? Hm! I was wondering whether the air had gotten clearer, or if I was simply relieved Ned was interrupted by a dragon god.
Zephujin Dragon Icon.png (It is difficult making sure we can all breathe...but it's a talent of mine, so I must do it. Would you kindly allow me to blow off steam with a battle?)

Ashkelon Dragon Icon.png (You. I know you. You were a friend of my parent - Molim.)
Ned.png "Were"? "Friend"? "Parent"? ... You mean the Ancient Dragon of Fire and Shadow? THAT Molim?
Ashkelon Dragon Icon.png (Oyar's flame! You're a nervous one. Yes, of course. And you are Ned of the Future...with a companion in tow.)
Eliza the Masculine.png "Companion" is pushing it. So is "in tow".
Ashkelon Dragon Icon.png (I have no time nor pity for human nonsense, but I owe you my parents' gratitude, so before we battle I will say one thing: "Seek Carnelia".)
Ned.png That's two things!

Eliza the Masculine.png Who is this "Molim" you mentioned, and "Carnelia"? And why did that dragon call you "Ned of the Future"? More importantly, when can I go home?!
Ned.png It's, uh...a lot to explain. Basically, I think we might be in the past, again, and chatting with the descendants of dragon gods that I met last time.
Ned.png But as for Carnelia...I'm just as lost as you are!
Hazmat Dragon Icon.png (Move along, humans! I've got to clean up all the toxic tar Ashkelon leaks, or I'll never hear the end of it from Grolim.)
Eliza the Masculine.png This Grolim fellow has his own personal dragon cleaning crew?! Intriguing...
Hazmat Dragon Icon.png (I say it's a bother! Every day there's more slime and sludge from Grolim's mines and factories... It's enough to make me want a battle!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png You two! Have you seen that bothersome brute Ashkelon around? I have reason to believe it's been collaborating with Carnelia Carnage...
Eliza the Masculine.png Well, we just--
Ned.png N-Nope! Who the heck is ash-canyon? We're, uh, just a couple of mindless tourists! (Sorry, Eliza, but I don't trust this guy...)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Well, no matter. I've bred this weaponized dragon specifically to target Vikings, so it will lead me to her in no time! Now, allow me to test it on YOU.
Eliza the Masculine.png (Wait - Carnelia is a VIKING?!)

Eliza the Masculine.png A Tyrant at war with a Viking, and all in the distant past...
Ned.png Ugh. A past like this doesn't give me much hope for the future. I just hope everything back home is still intact...
Mutant Dragon Icon.png (Battle me! Battle meeeee!)
Eliza the Masculine.png O-Okay?!
Mutant Dragon Icon.png (I used to be a Potion Dragon 'til I splashed around in that toxic lake - now I look AMAZING, and I can't wait to try my new powers!)
Ned.png Dad's gonna have a field day with this one...

Eliza the Masculine.png I can accept time travel, toxic mutants, et cetera... But what is a LOKI DRAGON doing here!?
Loki Dragon Icon.png (I seek your attention, child! And I offer this bit of advice: despite what anyone may say, trust Carnelia, even in the future.)
Loki Dragon Icon.png (Or not! You are, after all, masters of your own fate. Or perhaps I am your master! Who knows? The march of time is baffling, and you've made it more so.)
Loki Dragon Icon.png (I think you two deserve a bit of punishment for your chronological shenanigans. Just a bit!)
Ned.png But, i-it's not our fault, it was Chronos who sent us here! Ugh, never mind, I am NOT arguing with a Divine Dragon.

Eliza the Masculine.png MOTHER?! What are you doing here?! If this is about the blind date I stood up--
Gunhilda.png Odin bless ye, poor lost duckling - I ain't yer mother! Though If I DID have a daughter like ye, perhaps it'd make my work a little easier!
Gunhilda.png Now scoot! I'm tryin' ta make this wee dragon tell its boss to let me invade Tyrantlandia. If I were in charge, there'd be big changes!
Laser Hammer Dragon Icon.png (Loud ancient human, I am merely implying that my Lord Koth'ez might not approve of an "invasion"... )
Gunhilda.png Why shouldn't Koth'ez approve? It's a dragon, for sea's sakes! Ach - you two wide-eyed whelps are distracting me! Leave me be!

Eliza the Masculine.png We should find Carnelia again, and soon. I have a good feeling about her...
Ned.png You're just saying that because of your mommy issues... But I guess two big, scary-looking dragons did ALSO tell us the same thing.
Eliza the Masculine.png Oh, YOU'RE one to talk, little mister daddy issues--WHOA!!
Ned.png (sigh) Look, I know it's bad, you don't have to yell...
Eliza the Masculine.png No, you fool - look! There's an angry dragon on our tail!

Missile Dragon Icon.png (Target locked. Preparing to initiate Grolim's orders: exterminate!)
Eliza the Masculine.png Hmph! I suppose he's sending his dragon goons to attack us directly now. No more beating around the radioactive bush...
Eliza the Masculine.png Buck up, Neddie - it's time to fight! Or do you ALWAYS wear that expression around dragons?
Ned.png It's not that, it's just-- It feels weird that someone who looks just like Otto is doing all this awful stuff.
Eliza the Masculine.png I think your quiet friend might be hiding something from you. Trust me, I have a lot of experience on the subject.

Ned.png Don't get too close, Eliza - that Toxic Dragon is potent!
Toxic Dragon Icon.png (Is that any way to treat a creature who has simply come to check on your wellbeing?)
Eliza the Masculine.png Yeah, Ned, jeez. And don't patronize me! Also...what?
Toxic Dragon Icon.png (I come on behalf of Ashkelon to test your mettle. Ashkelon believes you are worthy of saving dragon-kind, but wants to make sure your hearts are true.)

Gunhilda.png Ahoy, you two! I see you've been busy dealing with Grolim's nonsense, eh? And pretty lamely at that!
Ned.png Hey...! We've been doing just fine!
Eliza the Masculine.png Is that an Elkhound Dragon? I thought they only lived far to the north, up by Vikolandia...
Gunhilda.png Little missy's a brainy one! Truth be told, the Vikings've just been blessed by a new tribe o' dragons callin' themselves the Northern Divines...
Gunhilda.png With our new power, I plan on overthrowin' the Tyrants and invading this land for the glory of Vikolandia! Care to join us, wee pups?
Gunhilda.png O' course, ye'll have to prove yerselves first! Eehehehehe!

Eliza the Masculine.png I love to be the bearer of bad news, but, Ned, I think we have to join forces with Carnelia.
Eliza the Masculine.png Aside from being a FAR superior mother figure to my own, I believe she's our only ticket to saving this place, and ourselves.
Ned.png I don't know... The Tyrants are really bad, but to side with you guys... I mean, Vikings invaded our homeland, and scared the pants off of me, NUMEROUS times.
Rust Dragon Icon.png ((cough cough) Excuse me, could you guys battle with me real quick? The water around here makes my body rust, so it's hard to move and get exercise...)
Ned.png ...In retrospect, I see your point about joining the Vikings and saving this place.

Gunhilda.png Oho, it's you again! I'd stop to gab, but this Geiger Dragon and I're markin' off radioactive bits o' land. Safety first, invasion second!
Eliza the Masculine.png Gunhild-- I mean, Carnelia! We'll join your cause, for Viking and dragon-kind!
Ned.png AND for, um, other people, too! Point is, we want to help you save the world... ANYTHING is better than this.
Gunhilda.png Ehehehe! That's great news, my little hatchlings! You're strong, and methinks you're hiding even stronger secrets! Now, let's have a celebratory battle!

Eliza the Masculine.png There's one thing that worries me (and you KNOW I am not prone to worry)...
Eliza the Masculine.png The Northern Divines disowned my people sometime between now, and the present... It was before my time, but now, maybe, I can fix it.
Ned.png Changing the past to affect the future? I don't know. That's risky...
Eliza the Masculine.png Neddy boy, I believe that's what we've been sent here to do anyway.
Northern Dragon Icon.png (Hm? Do you have a message for my Divines? Battle me first and then we'll talk. After all, to Northern Divines and Vikings, strength is everything!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png That's enough! I'm sick of you two little mice running around and causing trouble! It's pure lunacy to even THINK of standing up to a Tyrant!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png The Viking uprising is meaningless! Tyrants will forever rule over people and dragon-kind! Even the Ancient Fire Dragons turned tail and fled...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png And my pathetic ancestor Delith was powerless when his precious Oyar left! NOBODY can dethrone me!
Ned.png Oh...Chronos above, I was the one who made this happen! I convinced the Ancient Fire Dragons to come to the present...and Grolim rose to power!
Ned.png I don't know how to fix my mistakes...or if they were even mistakes in the first place...but I can start by beating you, you jerk!
Eliza the Masculine.png Heh. Let's defeat this blowhard and pave the way for the rise of the Vikings!

Koth'ez Dragon Icon.png (Ned of the Future, and Eliza the Viking, I have been hearing tales of your exploits... I am Koth'ez, the lord of metal.)
Koth'ez Dragon Icon.png (My parent, Ik'ez, raised me to value humans and dragons as equals, but it's clear that Grolim has taken advantage of my beliefs, and of the land itself.)
Koth'ez Dragon Icon.png (Please, battle me so I may know you are worthy. If you defeat me, I will do anything I can to help, with dragon-kind by my side.)
Ned.png W-Well, uh...thank you, Koth'ez. We'll need all the help we can get if we want to stop Grolim's influence from messing up the future.

Artoba Dragon Icon.png (Excuse me, are you Ned? If you are, I want to thank you: the book of knowledge you gave my ancestor Yamad has taught me much.)
Ned.png O-Oh! Um, you're was just an old history book I had sitting around.
Artoba Dragon Icon.png (It gave me knowledge of the future. I am just one dragon, but, because we understand each other, I can share my knowledge...and help save our world.)
Artoba Dragon Icon.png (I will teach Carnelia, and I will accompany you to the future with my family. Whatever happens, I must protect this land's precious life...)
Eliza the Masculine.png I've got to hand it to you,'ve been remarkably composed for someone dealing with a world-altering prophecy.
Artoba Dragon Icon.png (Nobody can resist destiny. Also, nobody can resist a battle. How about one, before we get to work?)

Origin of EarthDragon Board (21/06/14) (edit)

Eliza the Masculine.png Well, here we are again, Nedders. I won't pretend to know WHY Chronos decided it was MY turn to accompany you instead of Arya...
Ned.png Um, I mean, Arya has a sort of... "personability" that you kinda... lack? B-But you can understand dragons REALLY well! So I'm sure that's why Chronos--
Eliza the Masculine.png FAH! I've got PLENTY of "personability"! Watch -- I won't even make fun of that Cowpoke Dragon's ridiculous mustache!
Cowpoke Dragon Icon.png (Welcome to the New Dragolandian Settlement, travelers! We don't often get new humans, so this is a cause for celebration!)
Ned.png Let me guess -- to celebrate, you guys...?
Cowpoke Dragon Icon.png (That's right. We have a rootin'-tootin' battle! YEEHAW!)

Eliza the Masculine.png What's wrong? You look more worried than usual. Are you thirsty? It IS pretty dry around here...
Ned.png It's just, the last time Chronos sent us to the past, everything was covered in this big, lush forest... But now that's all gone.
Ned.png I hope nothing bad happened. When Arya and I left the forest, there were still tensions between the Ancient Dragons and people...
Eliza the Masculine.png And now, the trees are gone, and Dragolandia is a prairie. Certainly a dramatic change.
Farmer Dragon Icon.png (Nothin' dramatic about good, fertile earth, little humans. And with the farmin' knowledge your kind passed on to us, life's never been better.)
Farmer Dragon Icon.png (In fact, the only thing that'd make this day better is a rousing battle! What d'you two think? I could use a break from fieldwork anyhow!)

Ned.png Th-This is amazing... Dragons, tending the land? Using technology?! Dad would be totally blown away...
Eliza the Masculine.png You'd mentioned things were still messy between humans and dragons in the past. Could this mean that the conflict has been... patched up?
Garden Dragon Icon.png (Oh, good day to you, humans. If you're talking about our troubled history, it's not much of a concern anymore.)
Garden Dragon Icon.png (I mean, we've got the great Fundiju to watch over your kind and make sure they don't start making trouble...)
Eliza the Masculine.png The "great Fundiju"? Sounds just interesting enough to spell trouble. Say, could you point us to this... Fundiju?
Garden Dragon Icon.png (Hmm... well, I AM pretty busy with these flowers, but I'd give you a pointer in exchange for a battle!)

Rustwater Dragon Icon.png (Say, you're the humans they say are looking for Fundiju, right? No surprise there -- Fundiju knows how to handle you scaleless ones.)
Rustwater Dragon Icon.png (You're in luck! I was just going to deliver some ore to Fundiju. It'll smelt that ore into metal so the humans can make new tools.)
Eliza the Masculine.png This Fundiju sounds powerful indeed... Are they a dragon by any chance?
Rustwater Dragon Icon.png (Oh yes, and powerful indeed. Fundiju is an Ancient Earth Dragon!)
Ned.png An Ancient Dragon is helping make tech for humans? I almost can't believe it!
Rustwater Dragon Icon.png (Careful! Fundiju gets touchy over language like that. In fact, I should probably make sure you're worthy before you meet!)

Fundiju Dragon Icon.png (SO! You've sought out Fundiju, Ancient Earth Dragon of Metal, have you? Well, where are your offerings for the great melter of metals?)
Ned.png O-Oh, um, we don't have any -- we were just sort of wondering what you, er... do around here?
Fundiju Dragon Icon.png (What I DO? I am not some TOOL! I am a force of creation! You dare speak to me in such a casual tone?!)
Heinrich the Hideous.png EASY, Great Fundiju! These little humans aren't wise to your ways just yet -- they mean you no disrespect.
Fundiju Dragon Icon.png (Hmph. While I trust your words, Ouro, I just won't feel better until I show these scaleless children why dragons will always reign supreme!)
Eliza the Masculine.png No way -- is that Heinrich? And why is this bossy dragon calling him "Ouro"? I suppose I won't be getting any answers without a battle!

Ned.png Eliza, wait up! You're walking REALLY fast, and my boots are about to give out!
Eliza the Masculine.png You'll just have to keep up, Ned. I want to put as much distance between myself and that Heinrich lookalike as possible!
Heinrich the Hideous.png Oi! Hold it, both of you! I don't know who this "Heinrich" person is, but he's got nothin' to do with me.
Heinrich the Hideous.png I'm a descendant of people who used to be known as Tyrants... Together, my brother Prato and I are tryin' to atone for our ancestors' mistakes.
Heinrich the Hideous.png Working with the dragons of this land, we want to create a new world where technology helps all life. The fertile land is a happy bonus.
Heinrich the Hideous.png It makes for newcomers of all kinds -- like this Golem Dragon, who fancies a battle with you!

Ned.png You know, my dad once told me that the Tyrants didn't always used to be evil. For a while, their inventions really did help Dragolandia...
Ned.png I wonder if we're seeing all that history begin, firsthand. What if we could stop the bad stuff from happening afterwards?
Prairie Dragon Icon.png (Hah! All that talk of innovation and change -- it's useless! Nothing good can come of it!)
Eliza the Masculine.png The dragon has a point, all things considered...
Prairie Dragon Icon.png (Agree with me or not, I still don't trust your kind. Get offa my turf, or face my claws and fangs!)

Eliza the Masculine.png It's a strange and complicated moment in time we've been tossed into, it seems...
Ned.png For sure. But I wish I knew what happened to the Plant Ancients. It'd make me feel better about all this... tree-less expanse.
Prickly Pear Dragon Icon.png (Forest Lord Foroskke and the Ancient Plant tribe were my ancestors -- I know a little bit about their history!)
Prickly Pear Dragon Icon.png (Well, rumors, at least. The legends say they decided to leave these lands to avoid fighting with humans -- the tension was just too much.)
Prickly Pear Dragon Icon.png (No dragon knows where they went, but without their nurturing, the forests disappeared.)
Prickly Pear Dragon Icon.png (But I don't really mind -- this kind of climate is perfect for me! It makes me peppy enough to wish for a rousing battle!)

Eliza the Masculine.png I see you writing away in that journal of yours. Trying to piece together where the Ancient Plant tribe may have gone off to?
Ned.png Yeah... I think it'd be really valuable to get history straight from the source. Plus, a lot of the dragons here are willing to talk to us. Like these guys!
Reptilian Dragon Icon.png (The Ancient Plant tribe! We worship them as our ancestors -- they played a very important role.)
Reptilian Dragon Icon.png (Even though they're gone, their forests left the land able to support life, and paved the way for the Ancient Earth tribe.)
Reptilian Dragon Icon.png (We honor their legacy with exciting battles! Won't you join us, humans?)
Eliza the Masculine.png Put down your pen, Ned -- it's time to get scrappy.

Eliza the Masculine.png We haven't seen another Ancient Earth dragon in a while. I know you want to research the Ancient Plant tribe some more...
Eliza the Masculine.png But we should figure out what's going on here and now! After all, Chronos sent us to this specific time in history for a reason... I should HOPE.
Wasteland Dragon Icon.png (You wanna know what's going on? I'll tell ya -- they say Polveles is gonna wipe this settlement off the map.)
Eliza the Masculine.png Hm! Jot that down, Ned!
Ned.png I-I would, but my hand's started shaking s-suddenly!
Wasteland Dragon Icon.png (Yep, most of us are preparing for the worst. Beware Polveles, and get your battles in while ya can!)

Eliza the Masculine.png Steady your feet, Ned -- a Quake Dragon is approaching us. Many a house of cards have been rattled to pieces by their antics.
Quake Dragon Icon.png (I come only to give you a warning: Take all the humans you can find and go somewhere else far away, before Master Polveles takes action.)
Quake Dragon Icon.png (Perhaps the mines will make a fitting home for your kind, since you humans seem so interested in them.)
Quake Dragon Icon.png (You'll find Tezacueva of the Shadows skulking around in there. I know at least Tezacueva is sympathetic to your plight!)
Eliza the Masculine.png ... Somehow I'm feeling brave enough to take this dragon's down a notch.
Ned.png Weird. I just feel like running!

Eliza the Masculine.png I don't enjoy following orders issued by mouthy dragons, but I think we should at least investigate the mines, and this "Tezacueva" character.
Ned.png I'll agree with you there... Besides, we might ACTUALLY have to hide in there if Polveles -- whatever it is -- decides to attack!
Emerald Dragon Icon.png (Going to the mines, are you? They're a popular destination! I'll escort you two, if you'd like.)
Ned.png O-Oh, thanks! That's nice of you! Actually, we--
Emerald Dragon Icon.png (But I WON'T take you through Ruby's territory! No way, no how, am I dealing with that stuck-up dragon!)
Emerald Dragon Icon.png (Grrr! Just THINKING of Ruby really grinds my gems! Hey, you two better battle me so I can blow off some steam, you hear?!)

Ned.png That Emerald Dragon sure took us far after we battled it, but it left us in the middle of nowhere...
Eliza the Masculine.png What a strange creature. I wonder if we're in the territory of the Ruby Dragon it was complaining about incessantly?
Ruby Dragon Icon.png (Oh, hello -- did Emerald bring you here? I assume you humans needed an escort to the Riquezas Mines.)
Eliza the Masculine.png Indeed we do. It's odd -- for how ornery the Emerald Dragon was, you sure seem like a calmer specimen.
Ruby Dragon Icon.png (Ahh, Emerald's silly rivalry -- getting jealous of me for no reason. The mines sometimes have that effect on dragons... and humans, too.)
Ruby Dragon Icon.png (I admit I AM jealous that Emerald got to battle you two. Could I get a taste of that as well?)

Ned.png I hate the dark. I hate tunnels. I hate this!!!
Eliza the Masculine.png Oh, be quiet! Your whining echoes in these mine shafts, you know!
Cave Dragon Icon.png (Shh... Both of you, please growl and holler just a bit less... These tunnels are made for quiet appreciation.)
Cave Dragon Icon.png (But if you're here for an audience with Tezacueva... I guess I could take you there...)
Cave Dragon Icon.png (I know I may seem shy... But I'll have to test you before you can meet the shadowy keeper of these caverns...!)

Ned.png Oh, c'mon! What's with that face, Eliza? I KNOW you're just trying to s-scare me...!
Eliza the Masculine.png Ned... Behind you...!
Tezacueva Dragon Icon.png (There is no need to fear, little humans. So long as I, Tezacueva, the Ancient Earth Dragon of Shadow, control the darkness here, you are safe.)
Tezacueva Dragon Icon.png (While my siblings have left the cool confines of the earth to walk above, I much prefer the comfort of caves... and so do many others.)
Tezacueva Dragon Icon.png (I sense that things have become volatile aboveground... I advise you to seek my parent, Enroja, who filled these tunnels with riches.)
Tezacueva Dragon Icon.png (Yes... it would be wise to gain Enroja's trust before you confront my raging sibling Polveles. But first... you must gain my trust.)

Ned.png Tezacueva told us to get Enroja's help against whatever Polveles is planning... *sigh* All this is wreaking havoc on my nerves, but we don't have much choice.
Treasure Dragon Icon.png (HEY!!!)
Ned.png Ahh! My nerves!
Treasure Dragon Icon.png (I see you two sneaky humans, sneaking out of the mines! You've stolen our gems, haven't you?!)
Eliza the Masculine.png No, we haven't -- and even if we did, don't you CLEARLY have enough gems of your own? Sheesh. I thought dragons only got greedy around fruit!
Treasure Dragon Icon.png (Don't play dumb -- the Riquezas Mines make us all a little more... possessive!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Hoy there! You must be the kids my brother Ouro was telling me about! I'm Prato. Maybe you two can help me wrangle the rest of the humans in the settlement.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png We've been trying to work together with the Ancient Earth tribe for the benefit of all, but it's mighty hard...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Seems like it's always one step forward, two steps back. In times like these, it's wise to know when to duck and run.
Ned.png Yeah, we'll help, by finding Polveles and Enroja. Someone's gotta talk to them, and we have... some experience.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Hmm... Looking at the two of you, I get the feeling you might be telling the truth.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png But if you're gonna talk big like that, I'll have to test you -- with one of our state-of-the-art dragons!

Ned.png Whenever Chronos sends us to the past, there's always trouble going on. It makes me wonder if dragons and humans would be better off separate...
Eliza the Masculine.png I've wondered the same thing, but... who would I be without dragons? Certainly a LOT less cool and powerful...
Ned.png Yeah, sorry, it was a silly thought. Everyone I know -- heck, every dragon I know -- really wants to coexist. In the present, anyhow...
Eliza the Masculine.png Let's hope we don't mess that up with our time-traveling. Presumably, Chronos knows best, but--
Cyantail Dragon Icon.png (Lots of complicated things on your minds, huh, humans? I find that most of life's big questions can be answered with a battle!)
Eliza the Masculine.png At least ONE thing never changes.

Ned.png Hey, it's a Dust Dragon! These guys are pretty common back home. What are you doing here, fella--?
Dust Dragon Icon.png (SILENCE, MORTAL!)
Ned.png Uhh--
Dust Dragon Icon.png (I know not of what you speak, for I am the first Dragon of Dust -- or Dust Dragon, as you say! I am risen from the divine dust of Polveles itself!)
Dust Dragon Icon.png (I sense a strange energy from you two, so I will take you to my life-giver... But only after a ROUSING BATTLE!!!)
Ned.png N-No! Take us to Enroja instead! Argh, these dragons don't listen!

Polveles Dragon Icon.png (You little humans must be brave to approach me. A dust storm is coming to level the New Dragolandian Settlement, and I have no intention of stopping it...!)
Eliza the Masculine.png We don't care if you're a Divine Ancient, we--
Polveles Dragon Icon.png (Divine? No -- I am the Ancient Earth Dragon of Wind! But the fact that you called me Divine tells me everything I need to know.)
Polveles Dragon Icon.png (I am more powerful even than my master! Oh, you humans do tickle me! Here... I'll give your kind one more chance to prove your resolve.)
Ned.png Fine! If it's a battle you want, it's a battle you'll get!

Enroja Dragon Icon.png (The dust storm is raging... Polveles refused to listen to me, or anyone else. I suppose only I, Enroja, the Divine Ancient Earth Dragon, can stop it.)
Enroja Dragon Icon.png (I made the earth rich in nutrients and metals for the benefit of all life, but I can't help but wonder...)
Enroja Dragon Icon.png (Is it only natural for dragons to be masters of the earth? I've always done what I thought was right, but it ends in strife...)
Ned.png There's still hope, Enroja! My friend and I have seen the future, and we promise it'll turn out okay, as long as humans and dragons live together!
Eliza the Masculine.png If there's one thing I can't stand, it's that defeatist attitude -- coming from an Ancient Divine, no less! Come on, Enroja, show us YOUR strength!
Enroja Dragon Icon.png (Very well. Show me your strength, and prove to me that you truly believe what you say -- that we can find peace together!)

Origin of EnergyDragon Board (22/06/06) (edit)

Ned.png Ha! Landed right on my feet. I'm used to this now, Arya-- Wait... Arya? ... Eliza? Anybody?
Ned.png Hold on a second, I'm not used to being ALONE in the ancient past! Wh-Where is everybody? Hello...?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I'm right here, boy. Seems it's just the two of us. We haven't been on a trek like this since we met the Ancient Fire Tribe.
Ned.png Otto! What a relief! I-- WHOA!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Careful! There's lightning striking down all around us, and far more than twice, at that.
Lightning Dragon Icon.png (Invaders should think twice before setting foot on Mount Hope! Allow me to test your intent with an old-fashioned battle!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Do you know where Chronos has sent us this time? We'll need to get our bearings if we're to survive. ... No pressure, lad.
Ned.png I-I think we're somewhere called "Mount Hope." But... we're up so high, I can't even tell if that's Dragolandia below us!
Tesla Dragon Icon.png (It's Dragolandia all right, but we can't go down yet. It's still too dangerous.)
Tesla Dragon Icon.png (If you humans came from down there... you've got my respect. How about a battle, in celebration?)
Eel Dragon Icon.png (I'll join in! I want to see how tough humans and dragons from the surface REALLY are!)
Tesla Dragon Icon.png (So long as we don't mention it to the Energy Tribe...!)

Ned.png S-So here's what I know, Otto. We ARE in Dragolandia... but it's a good thing we're way up high on Mount Hope, because apparently it's too dangerous to go down.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Interesting... The history of the archipelago is even more volatile than I'd realized...
Dynamo Dragon Icon.png (Excuse me. Greetings. I must ask you to halt. And stop. The dragon in your company must return to my care. Immediately.)
Ned.png Wh-What dragon? Oh... the one following us around? I mean, I'VE got no objections!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Not so fast... Is it just me, or does our strange companion wish to stay with US instead?
O'won Dragon Icon.png ... ... ...

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Looks like we lost that Dynamo Dragon... and picked up some other strange beast as a companion. It hasn't made a peep.
Ned.png It has... but I can't get a read on its thoughts at all! It's just kind of... humming.
Doomsday Dragon Icon.png (Amazing... I have never seen Ancient-01 leave Zolto's side, even for an instant!)
Doomsday Dragon Icon.png (I wonder -- could this be an omen of strange things to come?)
Ned.png I, uh, didn't understand a word of what you just said.
Doomsday Dragon Icon.png (No matter! Your appearance is indeed an omen... of a fantastic battle ahead! How refreshing!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Fascinating dragons live on this mountain. Ol' Hoggie would have a field day up here.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Like this Runic Dragon here. You know your dad seems to think it comes from another dimension. Maybe he's right.
Ned.png Hey! I can ask it right now!
Ned.png Runic Dragon, where are you from? Did you come from some sort of space-time rift? Another time? Another place?
Runic Dragon Icon.png (Where are YOU from? A dimension where humans are very rude and ask pointed questions?)
Ned.png S-Sorry!

Frankie Dragon Icon.png (Humans! You look confused! We don't often get visitors, but I wonder if I can help you.)
Ned.png Oh, well, I guess... we want to know more about your home... And why we're in constant danger of being struck by lightning.
Frankie Dragon Icon.png (Danger? Heavenly Energy is a blessing! And we're abundant with it here on Mt. Hope!)
Frankie Dragon Icon.png (Now, maybe not everyone's as appreciative of a good ZAP as I am, but that's why the Energy Tribe helpfully channels it!)
Frankie Dragon Icon.png (Still, being zapped by the sky keeps dragons like me thriving! Here, I'll show you what I mean...!)

Ned.png This is nuts... The dragons up here LIKE being struck by lightning?
Crash Dragon Icon.png (Life is harsh up here, human -- we've gotta be tough to survive it!)
Ned.png C-Can't you go anywhere else?
Crash Dragon Icon.png (The Energy Tribe tells us the surface is still too dangerous. If the Wind Tribe worked so hard to keep us up here, there must be a reason.)
Crash Dragon Icon.png (And for daredevils like you, who must come from the surface... Well, I've GOT to test my strength against you!)

Sentinel Dragon Icon.png (... ...)
O'won Dragon Icon.png (... ...)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png What's going on...? Is this Sentinel Dragon having a conversation with our tag-along friend?
Ned.png I... think so? I can't tell what they're saying. It sort of just sounds like static...
Sentinel Dragon Icon.png (You are in the presence of 01. I don't know why, but 01 has decided to trust you.)
Sentinel Dragon Icon.png (Of course, I must make sure you can handle the responsibility!)

Shuriken Dragon Icon.png (Stand aside! 01 approaches!)
Gryphon Dragon Icon.png (01 is here? I want to see!)
Ned.png I'm, uh, beginning to think our mechanical friend is pretty important. From what I can tell, its name is... "oh-won"?
O'won Dragon Icon.png (!!!)
O'won Dragon Icon.png Oh-won. Battle!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png H-Holy Chronos! Did that dragon just speak?!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png I-I can't believe it. Our dragon companion spoke -- clear as day! This... this is completely unprecedented.
Ned.png I heard it! It spoke a human word! It said "battle"!
O'won Dragon Icon.png Bat-tle...!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Frothin' dragon spit... I think I need to sit down.
Ned.png Not so fast, Otto -- there's a Dark-Tech Dragon and its friends flying right at us!
O'won Dragon Icon.png Bat-tle... Battle!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png You're writing this down, aren't you, boy? We might be seeing history in the making...!
Ned.png Of course I am -- this is a HUGE development in the history of Dragolandia! It could change the way we see the past... AND dragons!
O'won Dragon Icon.png Hiss-tory. Dra-gon.
Droid Dragon Icon.png (I can't believe my ears! 01 is speaking human tongue! Come, we must tell Zeilk!)
O'won Dragon Icon.png Zeilk? ... Zeilk! Zzzt!
Ned.png H-Hold on, I don't think we want to meet this "Zeilk" just yet!

Ned.png I can't get a good read on this place. The dragons aren't too hostile, but they're not friendly, either. It feels different...
Copper Dragon Icon.png (We've known, for a long time, that when humans and dragons are together, it only brings strife...!)
Copper Dragon Icon.png ('Course, I don't think that way. I miss the way it was when the Earth Tribe ruled Dragolandia... diggin' in the dirt alongside humans was fun!)
Copper Dragon Icon.png (But it's not that we hate humans up here. Some of 'em even live here on Mt. Hope. The Energy Tribe just wants to protect them.)
Ned.png Hmm... I don't exactly feel protected.
Copper Dragon Icon.png (Well, maybe a battle will put you at ease!)

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Look -- a Craggy Dragon. They're mountain-dwellers, Ned. Maybe it can tell us more about Mt. Hope. I don't think we'll get much out of 01...
Craggy Dragon Icon.png (Well! I've lived on these cliffs since before the Energy Tribe arrived, even before the Wind Tribe steered their floatin' city to the mountaintop.)
Craggy Dragon Icon.png (Now THAT was a surprise! Seein' humans and dragons work together to try and make a life up here. It was hard...)
Craggy Dragon Icon.png (The Wind Tribe was tired. Heard they disappeared with the breeze one day. The Energy Tribe started appearin' from the sky, the caverns, even the surface!)
Craggy Dragon Icon.png (Just like that Wind Tribe, they spend a lot of... energy... makin' sure Mt. Hope is livable for humans and dragons. They're like our parents!)
Craggy Dragon Icon.png (Now, how about a battle in return for all my great advice? Just don't let Zolto know we've been roughhousin'!)

Ned.png If I'm getting all this correctly... it seems like the Ancients here are working really hard to protect humans and dragons, and keep the peace...
Ned.png But, even though they're Energy Ancients, they're exhausted!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png In a situation like this, I think even an Ancient Dragon could use a helping hand, don't you, Ned?
Ned.png I... I guess I agree. If only we could find them! All I've heard are their names, and even then, I'm not sure... Zeilk, Zolto...
Golem Dragon Icon.png (And don't forget Lamulyn, who serves as our link to the surface! I could point you in the right direction... If you'll offer me a battle.)

Ned.png I'd rather NOT meet more terrifying, mysterious Ancient Dragons, but if they need help, well... I can't just ignore that.
Ned.png Hey, Horn-Fin Dragon! Can you tell us how to get to the, uh, Energy Tribe...? Wherever they are?
Horn-Fin Dragon Icon.png (That's easy. They'll come quick to break up any fighting. All we have to do is cause a ruckus!)
Ned.png But we've been fighting ever since we got here!
Horn-Fin Dragon Icon.png (How strange. I wonder if they're letting little 01 spread its wings a bit! It's always had an affinity for your kind.)
Horn-Fin Dragon Icon.png (Well, no harm in testing my theory, eh? Let's battle!)

Warlock Dragon Icon.png (I've come with a message. You've attracted the attention of the Energy Tribe, and even 01's favor.)
Warlock Dragon Icon.png (The reason for their caution will soon become apparent to you. But I will give you a hint to ruminate upon...)
Warlock Dragon Icon.png (You must have seen many sorts of powerful dragons in your travels. But have you ever met the Void Tribe?)
Ned.png Th-The Void Tribe...? No... but I've heard some "interesting" opinions on Void Dragons lately...
Warlock Dragon Icon.png (Hmm! I wonder why that is, human. Keep an eye and an ear out -- and an open mind.)

Ned.png Ugh... weird rumors and the most reclusive Ancient Dragons I've ever NOT seen. What's going on?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png It seems these Ancient Energy Dragons are particularly hard-working. They're protecting the mountain, keeping things up here, where it's safe...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Or maybe, keeping something down below from coming up...
Ned.png Could it be? Something to do with Void...?
Storm Dragon Icon.png (You'll get the chance to ask them soon! They've been looking for 01, y'know! It's a very special dragon!)
O'won Dragon Icon.png Special... zzzt! Bat--tle!

Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (O'won! There you are! Do you realize you've had us worried sick?)
O'won Dragon Icon.png Zzzt...?
Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (Oh, good, you look unharmed. Apologies, humans, but I must collect my young friend here. We try to keep your kind and ours at a healthy distance.)
Ned.png B-But why? We're learning from each other. We might even be able to help you--
Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (No. Your kind may have aided Zolto, and O'won, in the past, but nothing you can do will make a difference. WE will handle things...)
O'won Dragon Icon.png No! O'won! Battle!

Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (O'won... you really insist on keeping these humans around? I know it is our duty to protect them, but...)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png If things keep up like this, we can't guarantee dragons and humans getting along in the future... Time for my secret weapon, I suppose.
Ned.png Huh? Otto? Where've you been hiding something like that--
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Hey, dragon -- don't want this spread all over town, but I'm descended from the folks who helped you. The ones who built O'won's body. The Tyrants.
Ned.png Wh-WHAT?!
Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (... Really? I thought their lineage had fallen. This could be good news... Well -- allow me to test you!)

Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (This is the one, Zeilk -- the human who claims to be of relation to those who helped create forms for O'won and Zolto.)
Zeilk Dragon Icon.png (Truly?! And you say you want to help us? We are indebted to your kind, you know... It's why we planned to spend our lives protecting you.)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png We ain't the only ones who need protection. We can help you. I see it all the time, in the future where I'm from.
Ned.png Otto! Where's this coming from? Y-You're a Tyrant?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Easy, Ned. I'll explain it all in due time. Just you remember, lad, I'm on your side.
Zeilk Dragon Icon.png (Maybe I'd better take you to Zolto... But first, there's no better way to test someone's skill than a good battle!)

Zolto Dragon Icon.png Xrzsxzzt... Zxxtttcx...
O'won Dragon Icon.png Zzt! Zol-to. Hu-man. Friend!
Zeilk Dragon Icon.png (These two are parent and child -- beings made of pure energy. They don't communicate quite like other dragons, but... clearly, they have been touched by humanity.)
Zeilk Dragon Icon.png (It will take time, but perhaps you CAN help us. Against what's coming, humans may be more helpful than we'd ever thought...)
Lamulyn Dragon Icon.png (Then, finally, we can rest...! But first, it looks like O'won has something to say--)
O'won Dragon Icon.png Zol-to! O-won! Bat-tle!

Divine Fest - The Ultimate PartyDivine Party - A Farewell (22/08/29) (edit)

Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon Icon.png (Master Eliza, Warrior Arya - I entrust you to Anubis, your old friend, in hopes it shall help you ensure that our most important Divine Party is a success.)
Arya.png I-I can understand you! Every word! Eliza! Chrono Erlang Shen! I'm so happy I can barely breathe!
Eliza the Masculine.png E-Easy, Arya - we still have our mission to carry out.
Arya.png Not a mission, our date! My first date, and my first day understanding dragon lanuage! I'm gonna--! I just--!
Anubis Dragon Icon.png (She's passed out…)
Eliza the Masculine.png Ugh… Sorry, Anubis, let me just lug her onto your back, and we'll be on our way.

Anubis Dragon Icon.png (What a lovely entrance hall. Truly befitting of the Divine of Righteous Partying.)
Arya.png Sounds like an entertaining dragon! I hope we'll get to meet it…
Anubis Dragon Icon.png (I suspect you shall. We must likewise ensure that this party is a success… And to do that, I hope you two will have a good time.)
Eliza the Masculine.png I've got a good feeling, Anubis… And I hear a joyous racket further in! Is that a Viking folk song? Let's go investigate!

Dunkelviking.png WAHAHAHA! Give in now, dragon? I can assure you I've got more tricks up my sleeve!
Shuten-Doji Dragon Icon.png (GRARRR! And give up our grappling match? Never! I haven't had this much fun with a human in years!)
Eliza the Masculine.png Brother! I didn't expect to see YOU here. Are you…wrestling the guests?
Shuten-Doji Dragon Icon.png (I am no mere guest! I am the BEST party guest in all Dragolandia! Now show me what you and your dragons are made of!)

Dunkelviking.png HA! I can always count on my dear little sister and Dragon Girl to show up where the action is! What is it this time - world's in trouble? Sick dragon god?
Arya.png Nope - we're on a DATE, Dunky!
Dunkelviking.png WHAT?! Come on now, walk me through this while we mingle - I want to hear EVERY detail.
Shuten-Doji Dragon Icon.png (If you humans are friends of this beast known as the Dunkelviking, then you are fully accepted into Ame-no-Uzume's party manor! Go, party at your leisure.)

Dunkelviking.png Hmm…I didn't think ANYBODY was worthy to date Eliza, but if it's the girl who managed to take ME down, well…maybe you've got a chance.
Dunkelviking.png In fact, she defeated our entire family… Hrm, I wonder what mother will say about this…
Eliza the Masculine.png THAT'S something I'd rather not think on. And we DO have a mission, you know.
Arya.png Yes, a mission to party! Besides, I wanna meet this Ame-no-Uzume Dragon…!

Heinrich the Hideous.png What a pleasant surprise! Two lovely ladies in--
Eliza the Masculine.png Begone, Heinrich. I'm spoken for.
Heinrich the Hideous.png Y-You jest! By whom?
Arya.png By ME! Now, if you're not interested in a bombastic battle, then step aside Heinrich - I've got dragons to chat with!

Arya.png Chronos' Claw, it's a Kitsune Dragon! I was always a little wary of their trickery, but now that I can understand them perfectly, I won't get fooled again!
Kitsune Dragon Icon.png (Yip yip! Yip…?)
Arya.png N-No! Something's wrong! I can't understand it--!
Eliza the Masculine.png Arya, can't you see that mischievous grin? It's just toying with you…

Kitsune Dragon Icon.png (Ahh, thank you for a fine battle. I hope you'll forgive me for teasing you - it's always the earnest ones that give me the best reactions!)
Arya.png Huh? Weird, I don't understand a word this creature is saying…
Kitsune Dragon Icon.png (What?! That's not right--)
Arya.png Fooled ya! Thanks for the battle, Kitsune Dragon. I've got a good feeling about this party!

Eliza the Masculine.png It's sort of amazing…not only did you understand that Kitsune Dragon, you also engaged in wordplay with it. When dragons first spoke to me, I freaked out.
Arya.png Well, I had you and Ned to show me what it would be like. Not that you two are great teachers - but I learn best by example anyway!
Eliza the Masculine.png Hmph! Teaching was never on my resume - but I could show you a thing or two about how to steer a Viking longboat!
Eliza the Masculine.png Actually, speaking of Ned, I wonder if he'll make an appearance… Let's see who else is attending this celebration.

Arya.png I hear music! Is that the sound of…dragons singing?
Eliza the Masculine.png The lyrics are odd, aren't they. Ned's been trying to crack the code on dragon poetry and "lyricism", as he puts it. I think it's a waste of time, but…
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Did I hear you two mention Ned? Have you seen him? Haven't been able to track him down for hours…
Arya.png You mean he's here, Otto? We'll keep an eye out!

Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (Oh, it's so nice to have humans at Ame-no-Uzume's ultimate party. Between your kind and the Divines, there is always something exciting happening.)
Arya.png Now THAT'S some interesting phrasing. What do you mean, Cherry Blossom Dragon? Has there been any trouble?
Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (It appears a young human has brought a rather…depressing vibe, or so I hear. It has caused Ame-no-Uzume to become over-anxious.)
Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (But I find talk so dull - give me a good battle, and I shall tell you more!)

Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (In battle and in conversation, you two are fine humans. Your reputation precedes you! Now, as promised…)
Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (I believe it was a boy human. I heard him conversing with the boisterous Viking, and then he skulked away…)
Arya.png Oh, no! It's got to be Ned! Which way did he go?
Cherry Blossom Dragon Icon.png (I know only that he went upstairs… Best of luck!)

Arya.png Found it! Here's the staircase to the upper levels. If we're gonna save this party like the Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon said, we need to find Ned!
Eliza the Masculine.png Wait, I see him! Oh…no, it's just another scrawny guy with horns on his helmet… Hi, Olaf.
Olaf the Pungent.png Eliza! I'm…er…I don't really know how to handle things like this. But I'm glad your date isn't some brutish lug handpicked by mother.
Eliza the Masculine.png I'll have you know Arya is still a brutish lug! But I appreciate it, Olaf…

Eliza the Masculine.png Kya-CHOO! Urgh…we don't have blossoms like this up north…
Gunhilda.png Hrrm? I'd know that sneeze anywhere! Is my useless daughter skulking about this party?
Eliza the Masculine.png Oh no. Arya, Anubis, run!
Arya.png Right behind you! Just keep a look out for Ned while you flee!

Gunhilda.png Stop right there! You think you can get away with not saying hello to your own mother? And what are you doing with that meddlesome Trainer?
Eliza the Masculine.png If you MUST know, mother…we're on a DATE.
Gunhilda.png WHAT?! You're just doing this to annoy me, aren't you…
Gunhilda.png Well, luckily this Sumo Dragon is as stubborn as I am, and if I can defeat you two, you're going on a date of MY choosing, like it or not!

Gunhilda.png Ugh…ungrateful child… I suppose I never could control you, no matter how hard I tried.
Gunhilda.png Fine. Date your little Dragon Girl. At least she's formidable enough to handle the rest of your family…
Eliza the Masculine.png Thanks, mom…
Arya.png That went better than expected! And by the way, Ms. Gunhilda…now I can talk to dragons, too!

Eliza the Masculine.png No sign of Ned here, either - I suppose we'll keep climbing. It's strange, I'm usually annoyed at parties, but despite everything, I feel…good?
Melvin the Malevolent.png Hey, Eliza! Dragon Girl! I'm soooo disappointed in you!
Melvin the Malevolent.png …Just kidding. I'm actually really happy for you guys, I was just worried mother might've been listening.
Melvin the Malevolent.png Oh, and if you're looking for Ned, I think I saw him go upstairs… Some really strong looking dragon was chasing him!

Professor Hogwin.png Hello, you two! I've been hearing all sorts of whisperings about your triumphs. Is it really true, Arya?
Arya.png If you're asking about my new power, and my date with Eliza, then…yes! Both true!
Professor Hogwin.png My goodness, it's enough to bring an old man to tears! To think my young protégé has come so far…
Professor Hogwin.png Ah, but before I get too misty, I'm afraid there's a bit of trouble. Ned's wandered off under mysterious circumstances…won't you help me find him?

Arya.png Ack! Look out! A shuriken almost took your nose right off, Eliza!
Shinobi Dragon Icon.png (…My mistake. You're humans, but not the human I'm looking for…)
Shinobi Dragon Icon.png (One of you is spreading bad energy. Fouling the sanctity of Ame-no-Uzume's sacred party. I must find this human, and eliminate it.)
Eliza the Masculine.png I've got a bad feeling this Shinobi Dragon is talking about Ned… We'd better distract it before it carries out its mission!

Shinobi Dragon Icon.png (No…I've failed my mission! I'm worthless!)
Arya.png N-No you're not! Listen, could you point us in the direction of Ame-no-Uzume and your, um…target?
Arya.png It's very important. I think me and my friend could help save your party. We're pretty good at it, actually.
Shinobi Dragon Icon.png (If you were strong enough to beat me, then… Fine. Seek the roof garden. I will notify Ame-no-Uzume of your impending arrival…)

Eliza the Masculine.png Hey, Arya…do you think Nedders could be upset because of, well…us?
Arya.png Why? He should be happy, right? He's our friend!
Eliza the Masculine.png *Sigh*…You understand the feelings of dragons so well, but your own species is a huge blind spot.
Arya.png Well, as long as we find him, we can smooth everything out. I'll even pick him up some h'ors d'oeuvres to sweeten the deal!

Anubis Dragon Icon.png (How strange. The energy up in these gardens should be carefree, but instead, I feel an oppressive atmosphere.)
Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon Icon.png (We must clear the air to save the party! The future of all Divine Dragons depends upon it!)
Eliza the Masculine.png I do wish the future god would stop being so cryptic…
Arya.png It's right though, things definitely feel "off" up here. Don't worry, Ned, we're coming!

Ned.png I-I keep telling you, Ame-no-Uzume, it's not that big a deal! So my friends don't care about me! So what?!
Ame-no-Uzume Dragon Icon.png (Nonsense, my dear little human! I forbid bleak thoughts at my celebration! All must spread cheer, or the party shall continue indefinitely until they do!)
Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon Icon.png (It's exactly as I feared…the "eternal party" is becoming a reality!)
Ame-no-Uzume Dragon Icon.png (Ahh, are these two humans the ones who are causing you such distress, Ned Human? Then let us toss them from the premises - and all will be well!)

Ned.png Stop, Ame-no-Uzume! It's okay. I'll just go. I can't believe I had to hear about you two from "Dunky" of all people… I must be worth nothing to either of you!
Eliza the Masculine.png Ned… I get how you must feel--
Ned.png Argh! No! That's not what I mean! I just-- I love you guys. You're my best friends…I wish you had just told me…
Arya.png I'm so sorry! Eliza's right…I'm not great at human feelings. But it would mean a lot if you hung out with us for the rest of the party…even if it lasts forever!

Chrono Erlang Shen Dragon Icon.png (Thank you, all… The party is a success. I can return safely to the future, and Divine Dragons near and far can at last begin their long hibernation.)
Anubis Dragon Icon.png (Ah, a post-party snooze will return our full power after years of activity. I will miss you, my human friends…but I'm sure we'll meet again someday.)
Eliza the Masculine.png Thank you, Anubis Dragon…you've helped me understand dragons a little better. We'll see you soon.
Arya.png I can't believe we got to be part of such a wild party! But now that I can talk to my dragon friends, it seems like I've got a lot to say to my human friends…!
Ame-no-Uzume Dragon Icon.png (Before that, let's have one last dance! Everyone, flap your wings, snap your jaws, clack your claws, and move your feet! Before the curtain closes, we rejoice!)

Origin of VoidDragon Board (22/10/10) (edit)

Chronos Icon.png (Edward Hogvanhog... can you hear me...?)
Ned.png Ugh... Chronos? Is that you? I-I can hear you, but I can't see you...
Chronos Icon.png (What you will witness here will be confusing... and terrifying... but I have equipped you with three gifts. Use them well.)
Chronos Icon.png (All I ask is that you remember what you experience in this forgotten time... and keep the love of dragons alive in your heart...)
Arya.png Ned! Hey! Are you okay? We gotta find out where we are... This place is crazy!
Ned.png S-sure, I just heard Chronos' voice and-- Whoa, Arya, watch out!

Arya.png Those Lightning and Energy Dragons seemed pretty upset... They wanted to battle, but definitely not for fun!
Tesla Dragon Icon.png (Can you blame them? The Void Tribe is swallowing our world whole -- and us Energy Dragons are some of the last lines of defense!)
Ned.png Wh-what?!
Eel Dragon Icon.png (Do not play dumb. We know you are a servant of the Void... Just look; one of their kind is following you!)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (... ... ...)
Tesla Dragon Icon.png (Like any other Void Dragon, it keeps its secrets... But we'll beat it out of you!)

Ned.png A Dynamo Dragon! When I met the Ancient Energy Tribe, I learned that these guys are sort of like their devotees...
Dynamo Dragon Icon.png (We remain loyal to the Energy Tribe.)
Dynamo Dragon Icon.png (This is why I must demand you give Adatz to us.)
Arya.png Adatz...? I wonder if the Dynamo Dragon is talking about our quiet companion!
Arya.png Well? What do you say, Adatz?
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (I... cannot. Not yet. I request your protection, for now.)

Arya.png Adatz, you said you need our help... But, with what?
Solar Dragon Icon.png (Forget that horrible Void dragon! My companion needs help -- I can't understand it anymore!)
Doomsday Dragon Icon.png (...)
Ned.png Ugh... it's true; I can't tell what the Doomsday Dragon is saying...
Solar Dragon Icon.png (...)
Arya.png And I can't understand the Solar Dragon now, either! But I know that look... They wanna get their claws on us something fierce!

Ned.png Adatz, can't you tell us what's going on? It feels like the end of the world!
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (The end of your world, yes. It's very likely. Despite the efforts of many, Void has nearly overtaken reality as you know it.)
Ned.png W-well why aren't you doing anything about it?! Why shouldn't we stop you right now?!
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (Stopping me will accomplish nothing. I am merely a knowledge database. I gather information, to be deleted when the Void Tribe completes their mission.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (You... are a new source of information. Yet you feel somehow familiar.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (I would like to battle you -- it is the quickest way to learn more about you.)

Ned.png We defeated Adatz, but it's still following us around...
Arya.png I can't help thinking it's more than just a dragon computer. Maybe these two dragons can clear things up?
Ned.png According to the Codex, they have the Energy element, but...
Arya.png I know. I can't understand them, either.
Ned.png And what's worse -- they do NOT seem friendly!
Arya.png Battle time, Ned!

Arya.png Agh! Watch out! That Dark Mech Dragon nearly gave you a close shave!
Ned.png *shudder* And my beard hasn't even started growing in yet...!
Arya.png What's come over all these dragons...? I thought I could understand them now, but--!
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (Creatures like you cannot hope to comprehend them as they are.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (Their only thoughts are of spreading the Void. They are like new hatchlings.)
Arya.png Grr... I'd like to have a "word" with these Void Ancients, but for now we'd better save our own hides!

Arya.png Heeere Doom Dragon... You can't resist a Royal Fig, can you--?
Arya.png YOWCH! It bit me... I guess Adatz was right -- you really can't reason with these dragons!
Ned.png If the best Trainer I know can't wrangle the dragons here, we might be in real trouble...
Arya.png Aww, I'm the best Trainer you know?
Ned.png Th-that's not the point!

Ned.png I-is that the Hel Dragon?! Finally, a dragon we can reason with!
Arya.png Hel Dragon, we're way better friends in the future than we are now, but can't you help us stop the Void Ancients?
Hel Dragon Icon.png (Hm... I seem to remember you two from some hundreds of years ago. You seem as meddling now as you were then.)
Hel Dragon Icon.png (And I happen to believe the Void would provide a lovely improvement to my underworld!)
Hel Dragon Icon.png (So, if you plan on disrupting the plans of the Void Tribe, I'm afraid I may have to disrupt YOU.)

Solum Dragon Icon.png (*bloop* *gloop* *burble*)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (The Void of Abyss, Abrua, approaches. It is impossible for two young humans to defeat it.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (I would like to learn more from you while you are alive, so I suggest you flee. Now. Immediately. Please.)
Arya.png Y-you heard, Adatz, Ned-- P-please, let's hurry! Ned!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Oy! Not so fast, Void beast! You kids have done great -- don't worry. We'll take care of things here.
Heinrich the Hideous.png Surprised to see us, are you? Never fear; we'll make short work of this Void Ancient!

Otto the Dungeon Master.png Ned, Arya... are you two okay? You're not hurt, are you?
Ned.png N-no, we're just freaked out. At least, I am, but I don't think I've ever seen Arya look so scared, either.
Arya.png I-I'm fine... I just wasn't expecting to see Heinrich of all people! What are you two doing here?
Heinrich the Hideous.png Some smug dragon calling itself Chronos sent us to this nightmare. I'VE got no idea why, but Otto seems to know something...
Ned.png Yeah, Otto seems to know a LOT, doesn't he? And he's tight-lipped about it, too!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Grrmm... I'll explain later. For now, let's make sure we don't become dragon food.

Ned.png Thank you for saving us, Otto... but I don't know how I'm supposed to trust you.
Arya.png What are you talking about, Ned? Are you feeling okay?
Ned.png H-he's a Tyrant! He told me so himself, when we were sent to the time of the Energy Ancients!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png I'm sorry... I had my reasons for keepin' it a secret.
Heinrich the Hideous.png Bah! With a reaction like THAT, can you blame him? We Tyrants have been persona non grata in Dragolandia for years now!
Arya.png Y-you too, Heinrich?! Everyone just... COOL IT -- we need to focus on this battle before we reveal any more secrets!

Arya.png So... let me get this straight: Otto, and Heinrich, you two are Tyrants...?
Heinrich the Hideous.png We're also cousins. I bet Otto didn't tell you that either, did he?
Ned.png WHAT?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Well, it ain't like I'm particularly proud of it!
Ned.png We don't have to deal with this, Arya... Let's go.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png No! Like it or not, you two need our help, and we need yours. These dragons are too far gone to show you what I mean... but I promise I'll explain. Soon as I can.

Arya.png Watch it! These dragons are really aggressive, too... Are you sure you can help them, Otto?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Listen. I've read your notes on the history of Dragolandia, Ned, and I saw a common thread: My ancestors, Tyrants, have always worked with dragons.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Except when things got really bad, but, well... If we can get these beasts to remember our shared history...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ...then maybe we'll have a few more allies. We'll stand half a chance against these Void Ancients.
Ned.png ... Maybe a few of the Ancients will listen to you, too. It's worth a shot. Let's see if it works!

Heinrich the Hideous.png Let's try our method on this dragon. Ned, Arya, you can translate for us, can't you?
Heinrich the Hideous.png Tell these dragons... "Remember your place, as the allies of Tyrants!"
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Mmm... too self-important. How about "Remember our friendship, from history's start -- humans and dragons shall never be part... ed."
Ned.png D-does it have to rhyme...? I don't think the meter is quite right--
Arya.png It doesn't matter! We'll get the point across!

Arya.png I think the plan might be working! Dragons are still attacking us, but they feel way less hostile...
Arya.png It's like they're trying to figure out if they can trust us... like they're hatchlings!
Ned.png This entire time, dragons and humans -- Tyrants, even -- had been fighting and making up again...
Ned.png But I had no idea Ancient Dragons could take it this far. It's... scary.
Heinrich the Hideous.png We'll take them down -- never fear! After all, I'd hate to see a future where the Void Tribe succeeds!
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (...)

Ned.png Hey, Adatz... you've been pretty quiet.
Heinrich the Hideous.png It's part of the Void Tribe -- it's probably plotting our downfall, should we get more dragons on our side.
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (I am not on a "side." I am a database. I am merely compiling information.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (However... I contain materials from the Energy Ancient O'won. That part of me... wishes for your safety.)
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (Whatever may happen, I... hope you will not hate my brethren. They are simply doing what is natural to them.)
Arya.png Don't worry, Adatz -- no matter what, there will be people who love dragons!

Heinrich the Hideous.png After seeing all of this, I'm not surprised by Rathorn's decision to keep this power in check. Machines are far easier to control than dragons.
Ned.png All my research points toward Ancient Dragons being forces of nature... Maybe that's why the Tyrants of our time try to rule over the natural world...
Arya.png So... they think dragons are too strong? But that's why Dr. Hogwin had such a hard time convincing people to train dragons! They were afraid!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Unfortunately, they might've had good reason to be fearful...
Arya.png Well, I don't buy it! Let's show these dragons they have a friend in us, and vice versa!
Ned.png Heh... Arya, I'm gonna borrow some of your confidence.

Singularity Dragon Icon.png (Thank you for your efforts. You might be too late. What you see here is the last bit of solid ground in all the world.)
Arya.png I can understand you... but I don't like what I'm hearing!
Singularity Dragon Icon.png (Our only hope is to seek E'mun, and Nihl. If they are defeated, the Void will begin to fade, and Dragolandia will be born anew.)
Singularity Dragon Icon.png (If you really can do it... we will help you. We will lead you to E'mun, at least -- but please, show us you are strong enough.)
Ned.png We've come this far... we can't go back now. Chronos was right -- you three are my gifts!
Arya.png Aww... that's sweet. But don't go making it my new nickname!

Adatz Dragon Icon.png (We are close to Nihl, the creator of Void... This is E'mun, whom Nihl also created. It remains close to its creator...)
Ned.png But... if "Void" is nothingness, then why did Nihl create E'mun? Why did it make something out of nothing?
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (I do not know.)
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Dragons... They're always more complicated than we think.
Arya.png But they all love to battle. I bet E'mun is no different... right, E'mun? Let's try to understand each other.
Adatz Dragon Icon.png (... Be careful.)

Ned.png Ugh... my head... I can't think... Being around this dragon... tears all the thoughts from my head...!
Chronos Icon.png (Ned Human... now you know the truth. This is the event that separated humans and dragons for centuries. This is what birthed Tyrants as we know them...)
Chronos Icon.png (But it must come to pass. The alternative is too terrible.)
Ned.png Wh-why did you send us to the past... if we weren't able to help...?!
Chronos Icon.png (You planted the seeds of friendship in the hearts of Ancients. You will tell the true history of Dragolandia, you will absolve the wrongs of the past--)
Arya.png Ned...! Can you hear me...? Let's finish this together -- and we'll see each other in the future! No matter what it brings...!

The Deepest WatersDragon Grid (23/08/07) (edit)

Professor Hogwin.png I really must thank you, Oddie, for letting us use your undersea machine like this. I know it's a strange request, but it's all in the interest of finding unique dragons, you see!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png It's a "submarine," Hoggie. But you can call it whatever you like. I'm glad to escort you...
Paola Rodrigo.png Um... "Oddie"? "Hoggie"? A-Are we using code names?
Ned.png *sigh* That's Otto and my dad's old pet names for each other...
Paola Rodrigo.png Ooh, I see. ... Can my nickname be "professor"?
Professor Hogwin.png Hoho! That's a fine choice, Paola, but I suppose I'm biased!
Ned.png I realize we don't have Ms. Penanze here to bring us all back to task, but can we PLEASE focus?
Professor Hogwin.png Ahh yes, Portia was strangely taciturn about her decision to remain in Numa with Arya. Paola-- I mean, Professor! Do you have any idea why?
Paola Rodrigo.png Hmm... well, she IS a little claustrophobic... But I think she mostly wanted to assist Ms. Arya with the dragons we've rescued so far.
Ned.png (Actually, I think it's because she doesn't trust Otto... Not that I can really blame her since I learned he has Tyrant heritage, but--) WHOA! Wh-what was that?!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Chronos' Claw! A dragon's attacking the ship-- I can't control it!

Professor Hogwin.png Oof... Is everyone all right? I haven't seen a wild dragon attack a person like that in countless years!
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Urgh... It might not've been US making that dragon mad. It might've been the submarine...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png If these dragons are related to the ancient Tyrants like you say, then this machine--
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Hrmf... Never mind. In any case, I've got no idea where we are now. That beast tossed us way off course...
Ned.png Y-You mean we're lost? Deep under the sea...?
Paola Rodrigo.png Wait! Look! There's a dragon strolling along the ocean floor...!
Laticis Pura Dragon Icon.png (... ... (Fo... llow...!))
Paola Rodrigo.png I think it's friendly... Its hackles aren't raised or anything. Its stance is really relaxed. I don't think it'll give us trouble...
Ned.png Dad, it wants us to follow it...!
Professor Hogwin.png Well, it's the only lead we have right now. I say we follow it -- but before we do, I have a favor to ask one of our dragon friends. Ned, perhaps you can help me translate!
Professor Hogwin.png Our Arcane Dragon has the magical capabilities to get back to Numa, and deliver a message to Portia and Arya. We must let them know where we are, in case we really do need help!
Ned.png Did you get all that, Arcane Dragon...? Okay then... good luck out there.

The Deepest WatersDragon Grid (23/08/21) (edit)

Ned.png Great. A shipwreck. That's not ominous at all...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Nah. I'm much more concerned with what's coming out of it--
Cataegis Migra Dragon Icon.png (*crackle!* GRRR! *bzzt!*)
Paola Rodrigo.png I-I'm sure I don't need to tell you this, but that dragon is furious! Um, Oddie, can you get us out of here?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ... No can do, little Professor. That thing's \shocking\ attack just fried our engine.
Gladiatus Aqua Dragon Icon.png (ROOOAR! (... Stop...!))
Professor Hogwin.png Sweet Chrono Zeus! That helmeted fellow has just saved our hides! Ned, can you tell us what it's saying? Ned--?
Paola Rodrigo.png H-He's fainted, sir, but I can tell this dragon is asserting its dominance over the one that attacked us! It... it seems as though they know each other!
Professor Hogwin.png Hrrm... Oddie, I'd normally forge full speed ahead at a time like this, but I'm worried about the young ones. Perhaps we should retreat for now.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png ... I'm sorry, Hoggie, but even if I wanted to, my pride -- and our engine -- wouldn't let me.
Professor Hogwin.png Your pride? ... What do you mean, old friend?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png If these dragons have anything to do with the Tyrants, like the kids' research notes seem to indicate, then I owe it to the beasts to help 'em out...
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Ah, looks like I won't have to tinker with the engine anyway... We're bein' pulled along by old helmet-head out there!

Professor Hogwin.png Otto -- I trust you, and you're my oldest friend, but... that odd helmeted dragon certainly has dragged us deep down!
Ned.png Ugh... it's telling us not to worry... Easier said than done, stupid dragon...
Professor Hogwin.png Ah! Are you all right, my boy? You fainted dead away just a few moments ago!
Ned.png I know... I wish I was still out cold, so I wouldn't have to see THAT!
Altum Tenebrus Dragon Icon.png (... *gurgle*... #&%$... *bloop*...)
Gladiatus Aqua Dragon Icon.png (... No... afraid... friend...)
Ned.png Th-This is crazy! I don't think that thing means us harm, but... those ruins! Could they be from the time of the Ancient Water Dragons?!
Paola Rodrigo.png Hold that thought, Ned -- the Arcane Dragon we sent for help is back, and it brought... our research notes!
Ned.png Oh, c'mon!!! We need a rescue team, not a pile of paper!
Paola Rodrigo.png No, this is good! Now we can properly study the ruins, AND see if anything we've written down can give us clues about these dragons!
Professor Hogwin.png A professor after my own heart! I'll help you two sort through your notes -- the information you copied from that old Tyrant terminal in our last expedition MUST yield something.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Well, take your time... 'cuz, for now, we're stuck down here. Better get the Arcane Dragon to relay that to our friends on the surface!

The Earth ShatteringDragon Grid (24/08/09) (edit)

Paola Rodrigo.png We're here, Ms. Portia; we found it! The Lost City!
Portia Penanze.png It's "a" lost city. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. Nothing proves that it's "THE" Lost City. We are here to investigate those strange tremors, not old rumors...
Ned.png Old rumors? What do you mean?
Otto the Dungeon Master.png There's an old tale about a Tyrant City that was extinguished, then lost, after one of their creations rebelled against them.
Ned.png And you think it's here... *gulp*
Otto the Dungeon Master.png It's only a story, Ned. But if the strange dragons we're finding really were made by the Tyrants long ago... well, maybe there's some truth to it.
Portia Penanze.png Not many know about that legend. I'm impressed.
Otto the Dungeon Master.png Ah ah... Yes, thank you... *gulp* Why don't we go see what's inside?
Paola Rodrigo.png Yes, let's go! I have my sketchbook ready... Does everyone have a first aid kit? Helmets and kneepads?
Portia Penanze.png Not so fast. First we must make sure that--
Ardenti Umbra Dragon Icon.png Ardenti Umbra Dragon HISSSS! (Intruders...! ... LEAVE!)
Ned.png Eeeek! ... W-w-wait, we're not your enemies!
Portia Penanze.png Quick! Into the city!
Ned.png I thought we needed to be careful!



See Also

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