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Unnamed Island

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Unnamed Island

The Unnamed Island is a smaller island attached to the primary area of the Main Island, allowing interaction with other Trainers via Buildings such as those belonging to the Social System. This island comes free when beginning gameplay.


This island has only two 2x2 squares of free space, both are occupied by the Decoration - Medium Tree.png Medium Tree obstacle. Each obstacle costs 4,000 Gold and takes 2 minutes to clear, each giving 160 Experience.


Unlike some other islands, this island houses no Ruins.

Other Structures

This island houses the Clan Fortress, the Arena, the Totem of Friendship, and the Lighthouse.

Island Grid

Formerly this island had 8 placeable squares which were later removed in an update.

See Also

  • Islands, for a complete list, and overview of, Islands, their obstacles, and their costs.


  • See the Islands page History section for the history of all permanent islands.

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