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From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Notifications are alerts that notify of an in-game happening. Small, round notifications may indicate counts 3 and other notifications may server as alerts or reminders.

Notification Settings

Some notification settings are controllable in the Options Icon.png Options menu.

  Notifications   – Allows notifications to individually be toggled on or off (all are enabled by default). These are:

Stay Informed Screen.png

For new Trainers, a screen with Arya pops up, asking the Trainer whether to enable their notifications or not. Regardless of the answer chosen, notifications remain active by default and must be manually disabled. Notifications mat be depicted by an Exclamation (Red) Icon.png exclamation mark, or by a number with a count (that tallies either the number of items/tasks that can be completed, or the number of notifications received).

The game may occasionally send a different type of notification that cannot be found under this menu, such as new bundles or events. Disabling these notifications can only be done from the app settings of the device the game is being played on.

Pop-up Notifications

Other notifications provide a pop-up alert or reminder, clicking any of the following notifications to an explanation of its purpose:

See Also

  • Options Menu for other settings and history as related to certain notifications.
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