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Category:Tyrant Islands

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A Tyrant Island is a small, sea-floating structure, which appears south of the Main Island only during a special multi-event experience. During the Tyrant event, the island becomes the epicenter of various limited-time events using Tyrant Thematics.

Each Tyrant event has a distinct type of Tyrant Chest, Tyrant Ticket, and (purchasable) Tyrant Ticket Generator isolated to that event. Tyrant Chests are mystical boxes, filled with various resources and specific Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces, which can only be opened through the use of associated Tyrant Tickets. Tyrant Tickets must be used to open the corresponding Tyrant Chest before the Tyrant event ends.

The opportunities to obtain certain Tyrant (classification) Icon.png Tyrant Dragons are what sets the Tyrant Island experience aside from other events. During the visibility of the island, specific Tyrant Dragons can be obtained by completing Tyrant Events, by reaching goals in a Boss Challenge Icon.png Boss Challenge, by Breeding Icon.png Breeding, and by opening Tyrant Chests.


Sticker - Blush.png
The following article is in development.
The information may be incorrect or incomplete, and may change without warning.
# Element Island Visibility Tyrant Chest(s) Tyrant Ticket(s) Talisman
1 Light (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Light).png
Prisoners of the Northern Lights
5 December 2022 - 2 January 2023 Tyrant Chest (Blue).png Tyrant Chest (Green).png

Tyrant Chest (Purple).png Tyrant Chest (Grey).png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Green) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Grey) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (Tyrant Light).png
2 Fire (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Fire).png
The Dormant Volcano
3 April 2023 - 1 May 2023 Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2).png

Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4).png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 2) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (The Dormant Volcano).png
3 Water (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Water).png
The Deepest Waters
7 August 2023 - 4 September 2023 Tyrant Chest (Blue).png Tyrant Chest (Green).png

Tyrant Chest (Purple).png Tyrant Chest (Grey).png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Green) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Grey) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (The Deepest Waters).png
4 Energy (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Energy).png
Luminous Mountain
4 December 2023 - 1 January 2024 Tyrant Chest (Blue).png Tyrant Chest (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png

Tyrant Chest (Purple).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (Luminous Mountain).png
5 Plant (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Plant).png
The Mysterious Jungle
29 March - 26 April 2024 Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 1).png Tyrant Chest (Grey).png

Tyrant Chest (Green).png Tyrant Chest (The Mysterious Jungle - Chapter 4).png

Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 4) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Grey) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Green) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Mysterious Jungle - Chapter 4) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (The Mysterious Jungle).png
6 Void (Element) Icon.png
Tyrant Island (Void).png
The Earth Shattering
26 July - 23 August 2024 Tyrant Chest (Purple).png Tyrant Chest (Blue-Black).png

Tyrant Chest (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png

Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Blue-Purple) Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png

Talisman Generator (The Earth Shattering).png

Tyrant Shrines

Where applicable, Tyrant Shrines (small buildings with limited functionality) are introduced as an additional method of obtaining Tyrant Event Currencies. Each shine produces currencies at a different rate per hour, and their currency-holding capacity varies. Each building gives additional currency upon purchase.

For easier collection, a Notification Icon.png Notification appears above the building to indicate it has accumulated at least 30% of its capacity, while the Notification (Green) Icon.png Notification (Green) appears when the shrine is at 100% capacity. Both icons display the type of currency generated by the building. Apart from this method of collecting, currency can also be collected by pressing the Collect Gold Button.png Collect Gold button after the building is selected or by pressing the  Collect  button from the information screen that appears by pressing the Information Button.png Information button.

Each shrine costs $13.99 USD, it is built instantly, yields no Experience Icon.png Experience points, and has a size of 2×2 squares. It cannot be sold, but it can be stored in the Inventory Icon.png Inventory. While Trainers can buy more than one shrine of a different type, the same shrine can be purchased only once.

These buildings are only functional during the time their associated Tyrant Chest can be accessed, after which they turn into regular decorations. Once a Tyrant Shrine has its functionality limited to that of a Decorations Icon.png Decorations, it still cannot be sold and can only be stored in the inventory. Selecting the shrine and pressing the Information Button.png Information button opens a small description of the generator.


The interface of each Tyrant Island is made up of several buttons, each leading to a specific area or relating to the island itself. The appearance of the interface and its associated buttons change throughout the unfolding of each "chapter" of the event. The interface and the buttons change in accordance with specific ongoing events. Though their appearance is different, some buttons have the same function across different islands, while other buttons lead to an area or event specific to that island.

Tyrant Chest

The Tyrant Chest button allows the Trainer to access the Chest Room, where tickets can be exchanged to open Tyrant Chests. The Tyrant Chest button itself displays the main reward Dragon and the time remaining in the event. The "i" button top right-hand corner, when pressed, displays all possible rewards held in Tyrant Chests and the number of items awarded for each chest opened. The aforementioned information card also displays a i used to bring up the awarding stats. Chests reward event-specific Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces, Decorations Icon.png Decorations, and Talismans Icon.png Talismans. Each chapter/week is represented by a different color chest and a corresponding Chest Opening Event.

Tyrant Collection

The Collection button(s) gives the Trainer direct access to the ongoing Collection Event. The option has the same function as accessing the event through its banner from the list of current events. The button displays the image of the prize Dragon, the number of acquisitions still needed, and the time left until the event ends.


The Shop button aggregates further options for accessing Limited-Time Offers, Event Energy (offers for limited currency), Tyrant Tickets (purchasable using Gems), Dragons, and Milestones by using their corresponding buttons.


The Dragons button provides a list of the Dragon Grid Dragons, their elements, the pieces required to obtain each of them, the Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button, and the number of Dragon Grid levels that need to be completed to unlock each.


Talismans are a form of currency that can be spent only in the Shop's Dragons section, in exchange for Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces. Each Dragon's pieces can be obtained by pressing the Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button on the snapshot of the desired Dragon.

The Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button provides a place to "trade in" talismans for Dragon pieces, without the use of a physical altar.


The Milestones button provided access the Milestone Rewards section directly, to view progress and typically displayed the Currency Generator associated with the event. Premium Milestone Rewards were only activated through the purchase of the event's currency generator. Once activated, additional Milestone Rewards became available.

Dragon Grid

Tyrant Dragon Grid Button - Prisoners of the Northern Lights.jpg

Tyrant Dragon Grid Button - The Deepest Waters.jpg

The Trainer can use the Dragon Grid button to access the current Dragon Grid Icon.png Dragon Grid Event. This option has the same function as accessing the event through its banner from the list of current events. The button displays the Tyrant Dragon of the Top Rewards and the time left until the event ends.

Dragon Runner

The Trainer can use the Dragon Runner button to access the current Dragon Runner Icon.png Dragon Runner Event. This option has the same function as accessing the event through its banner from the list of current events. The button displays the Dragon Runner background, its prizes, and the time left until the event ends.


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