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Luminous Mountain

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Tyrant Island (Energy).png

Luminous Mountain was a small island located south of the Main Island that was visible between the 4th of December 2023, and the 1st of January 2024 for the fourth of the Tyrant Events with an Energy theme. The island could also be accessed through the Tyrant Event Button.png button located in the bottom-right corner of the screen. Luminous Mountain Island was the hub for the Tyrant Energy Thematic.

The period of time during the appearance of Luminous Mountain displayed several menus, Tyrant Chest, Tyrant Collection, Dragon Grid and Shop as well the time left for those. The Dragon Grid Event and Dragon Runner Event were featured as the primary events, running for the duration of the Island's visibility and separated into 4 chapters, each a week long.

During the whole period of Luminous Mountain events, the Virtus Rex Dragon was obtainable, not in a single event, but as a result of the other events. To get the Virtus Rex Dragon, the Trainer had to complete the Tyrant Collection collection.

Virtus Rex Dragon.png

Tyrant Collection
Tyrant Chest Button - Luminous Mountain.jpg Tyrant Dungeon II Button - Luminous Mountain.jpg Tyrant Main Event Button - Luminous Mountain.jpg
Tyrant Pass Button - Luminous Mountain.jpg Tyrant Shop Button - Luminous Mountain.jpg


The main events of Luminous Mountain were:

Press a column arrow ▲▼ to sort that column, shift-click additional arrows to sort by more than one.
Year Date Event Type Prize Notes
2023 4 December Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Berry Frost Dragon Icon.png Berry Frost Dragon
Bamboo Dragon Icon.png Bamboo Dragon
Sunset Dragon Icon.png Sunset Dragon
Mechanical Talisman Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 4 December Seasonal Treasure (edit)     Milestone Rewards Bromelia Dragon Icon.png Bromelia Dragon
Heavy Metal Dragon Icon.png Heavy Metal Dragon
2023 4 December Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Aeronaut Dragon Icon.png Aeronaut Dragon
Sprite Dragon Icon.png Sprite Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 4 December Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Crimson Gallus Dragon Icon.png Crimson Gallus Dragon
Hockey Dragon Icon.png Hockey Dragon
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Mitis Venti Dragon
Umbral Aruspex Dragon Icon.png Umbral Aruspex Dragon
Vacivus Lapis Dragon Icon.png Vacivus Lapis Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 4 December Tyrant Collection (edit)     Collection Virtus Rex Dragon Icon.png Virtus Rex Dragon
Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 4 December Talisman Spending (edit)     Milestone Rewards Prana Dragon Icon.png Prana Dragon
Deco Dragon Icon.png Deco Dragon
Garden Dragon Icon.png Garden Dragon
Helper Dragon Icon.png Helper Dragon
Iceberg Dragon Icon.png Iceberg Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 11 December Dragon Runner (edit)     Arcade Porcelain Dragon Icon.png Porcelain Dragon
Slopestyle Dragon Icon.png Slopestyle Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 11 December Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Skullhelm Dragon Icon.png Skullhelm Dragon
Hippo Dragon Icon.png Hippo Dragon
Priestess Dragon Icon.png Priestess Dragon
Mechanical Talisman Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 11 December Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Engine Dragon Icon.png Engine Dragon
Shamrock Dragon Icon.png Shamrock Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 11 December Movie Marathon (edit)     Movie Marathon Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 18 December Dragon Grid (edit)     Dragon Grid Crimson Gallus Dragon Icon.png Crimson Gallus Dragon
Hockey Dragon Icon.png Hockey Dragon
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Mitis Venti Dragon
Umbral Aruspex Dragon Icon.png Umbral Aruspex Dragon
Vacivus Lapis Dragon Icon.png Vacivus Lapis Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 18 December Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Icefeather Dragon Icon.png Icefeather Dragon
Gem Dragon Icon.png Gem Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 18 December Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Penguin Dragon Icon.png Penguin Dragon
Bonewing Dragon Icon.png Bonewing Dragon
Glamorous Dragon Icon.png Glamorous Dragon
Mechanical Talisman Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 22 December Breeding Blitz (edit)     Chain Breeding Siraffe Dragon Icon.png Siraffe Dragon
2023 25 December Tyrant Chest (edit)     Chest Opening Orchid Dragon Icon.png Orchid Dragon
Eyeball Dragon Icon.png Eyeball Dragon
Tundra Dragon Icon.png Tundra Dragon
Mechanical Talisman Icon.png Dragon Pieces Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 25 December Dragon Runner (edit)     Arcade Sweater Dragon Icon.png Sweater Dragon
Ski Dragon Icon.png Ski Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 25 December Movie Marathon (edit)     Movie Marathon Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2023 25 December Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Deep Light Dragon Icon.png Deep Light Dragon
Sparkler Dragon Icon.png Sparkler Dragon
Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png Tyrant (Element) Icon.png 
2024 12 January Bottomless Dungeon (edit)     Bottomless Dungeon Rose-Wing Dragon Icon.png Rose-Wing Dragon
Harvest Dragon Icon.png Harvest Dragon
Catch-Up Dungeon Divine Ticket - Winter Sun (Divine Fest) Icon.png Divine (Element) Icon.png 

Tyrant Tickets

Pile of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png

Different colored Tyrant Tickets were available during the event, each for one week/chapter, having the sole purpose of opening the corresponding colored Tyrant Chest:

  • Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png - Chapter 1 (Blue)
  • Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png - Chapter 2 (Dark Purple)
  • Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png - Chapter 3 (Purple)
  • Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png - Chapter 4 (Red)

Tickets could be purchased in exchange for Gems or obtained from various bundles, from Dragon Grid, from other events running during the period, and from the Tyrant Chest itself.

Week Ticket Sack of Tickets Bucket of Tickets Chest of Tickets Cave of Tickets Island of Tickets
1 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (Blue).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
2 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
3 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (Purple).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (Purple).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (Purple).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (Purple).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (Purple).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered
4 Pile of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Sack of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Bucket of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Chest of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Cave of Tyrant Tickets (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Island of Tickets (Not Offered).png
1 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
10 Gems Icon.png
15 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
150 Gems Icon.png
55 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
500 Gems Icon.png
175 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
1,500 Gems Icon.png
550 Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png for
4,500 Gems Icon.png
Not Offered

Tyrant Chest

The Tyrant Chest button allows the Trainer to access the Chest Room, where tickets can be exchanged to open Tyrant Chests. The Tyrant Chest button itself displays the main reward Dragon and the time remaining in the event. The "i" button top right-hand corner, when pressed, displays all possible rewards held in Tyrant Chests and the number of items awarded for each chest opened. The aforementioned information card also displays a i used to bring up the awarding stats. Chests reward event-specific Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces, Decorations Icon.png Decorations, and Talismans Icon.png Talismans. Each chapter/week is represented by a different color chest and a corresponding Chest Opening Event.

Event Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4
Tyrant Chest (23/12/04) Tyrant Chest (23/12/11) Tyrant Chest (23/12/18) Tyrant Chest (23/12/25)
Chest Tyrant Chest (Blue).png Tyrant Chest (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Tyrant Chest (Purple).png Tyrant Chest (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png


The Shop button aggregates further options for accessing Limited-Time Offers, Event Energy (offers for limited currency), Tyrant Tickets (purchasable using Gems), Dragons, and Milestones by using their corresponding buttons.


Pile of Mechanical Talismans.png

Talismans are a form of currency that can be spent only in the Shop's Dragons section, in exchange for Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces. Each Dragon's pieces can be obtained by pressing the Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button on the snapshot of the desired Dragon.

The Dragon Pieces Icon.png Get Pieces button provides a place to "trade in" talismans for Dragon pieces, without the use of a physical altar.

Tyrant Shop,
Discount Chapter:
Dragon Cost Dragon Pieces Icon.png 1x Dragon Pieces Icon.png Cost Amount needed Chapter
Discount Cost
Chapter 1 (4-11 December) Crimson Gallus Dragon Icon.png Crimson Gallus Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 4 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 2,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 1,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png
Chapter 2 (11-18 December) Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Mitis Venti Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 4 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 2,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 1,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png
Chapter 3 (18-25 December) Umbral Aruspex Dragon Icon.png Umbral Aruspex Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 4 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 2,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 1,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png
Chapter 4 (25 December - 1 January) Vacivus Lapis Dragon Icon.png Vacivus Lapis Dragon 500 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 4 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 2,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png 1,000 Mechanical Talisman Icon.png
Source Dragon Cost 1x Dragon Grid Chest.png Gives [1] Amount needed [2]
Dragon Grid Chest.png Grid Chest Hockey Dragon Icon.png Hockey Dragon 350 Dragon Pieces Icon.png 0-1 Dragon Pieces Icon.png[1] 350+ Dragon Pieces Icon.png[2]
  1. 1.0 1.1 In actuality, there is only a chance of getting one dragon piece when using one ticket, it is not guaranteed, as there are other potential items in the Chest Content prize pool.
  2. 2.0 2.1 As there is only a chance of getting one dragon piece when using one ticket, many more than 350 tickets are likely required to get the Dragon, the numbers provided are merely representational of an ideal scenario.

Event Energy

Pile of Energy (Blue).png

Different colored Event Energy were available during the event, each for one week/chapter, having the sole purpose of adding rounds in the Dragon Grid event. Energy could only be purchased in exchange for real money.

Week Energy Sack of Energy Bucket of Energy Chest of Energy Cave of Energy Island of Energy
1 Pile of Energy (Blue).png Sack of Energy (Blue).png Bucket of Energy (Blue).png Chest of Energy (Blue).png Cave of Energy (Blue).png Island of Energy (Blue).png
2 Pile of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Sack of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Bucket of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Chest of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Cave of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png Island of Energy (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2).png
3 Pile of Energy (Purple).png Sack of Energy (Purple).png Bucket of Energy (Purple).png Chest of Energy (Purple).png Cave of Energy (Purple).png Island of Energy (Purple).png
4 Pile of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Sack of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Bucket of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Chest of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Cave of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png Island of Energy (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3).png

Dragon Grid

See the Dragon Grid Events page for more information about Dragon Grid events in general.

Dragon Runner

See the Dragon Runner Events page for more information about Dragon Runner events in general.


The Milestones button provided access the Milestone Rewards section directly, to view progress and typically displayed the Currency Generator associated with the event. Premium Milestone Rewards were only activated through the purchase of the event's currency generator. Once activated, additional Milestone Rewards became available.

On Computers, hold the Shift key while scrolling, to scroll → horizontally. 

Talisman Icon.png
Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Seasonal Buff Icon.png
Seasonal Buff
VIP Ticket Icon.png

1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Helper Dragon.png
Food Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Helper Dragon.png
1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Iceberg Dragon.png
VIP Ticket Icon.png

1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Deco Dragon.png
1 Breeding Token Icon.png for:
Garden Dragon.png
Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Food Icon.png

Enchantment Ticket Icon.png

Gems Icon.png

Tyrant Ticket (Blue) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Luminous Mountain - Chapter 2) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (Purple) Icon.png/Tyrant Ticket (The Dormant Volcano - Chapter 3) Icon.png

Arena Energy Icon.png

Gems Icon.png


Talisman Generator

Talisman Generator (Luminous Mountain).png



Dragon Grid

Arya.png Wow... so this is Gustyvale -- Otto's hometown! The Professor took Ned here once or twice, but I've never been. I wonder if it's always so... so... um...
Portia Penanze.png So BRIGHT? Somehow I doubt it, kid. There's twinkling village lanterns and then there's... blinding lights. Something's definitely going on here.
Arya.png I bet it's got SOMETHING to do with the rumors about a weird Energy Dragon up here on the mountain.
Portia Penanze.png I do, too. There's a presence here, exerting influence over this town's electricity. And it's either angry or distressed...
Portia Penanze.png That's probably why nobody's greeted us. If an unfamiliar dragon is making their electricity go haywire, the villagers have a reason to be afraid.
Arya.png Eheh... actually, Ms. Portia, Otto says the villagers are just kind of "like that." He didn't have many friends growing up... until he met Professor Hogwin!
Portia Penanze.png Ahh, that's right. The old bat has family in Twinkle Village nearby. I hear they're not too keen on dragons, but it was generous of them to lend us this Sweater Dragon...
Arya.png Oh, yeah! This little guy knows the area way better than we do -- and with that warm sweater and those fluffy wings, snow will be "s'no" problem!
Portia Penanze.png Hold your puns, child -- the Sweater Dragon seems to be picking up on a sound we can't hear... No, wait, I CAN hear it. It's a high-pitched cry... almost inaudible...
Arya.png Go on, Sweater! Lead the way!

Portia Penanze.png Did you find the source of the cries, Arya? Ugh, my legs aren't as reliable as they used to be...
Arya.png No worries, Ms. Portia! With the Sweater Dragon's help we found a... well, it's a baby dragon, I think. But I've never seen anything like it before!
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png ... Kwee! ... Kwee!
Portia Penanze.png Hrmm... no, I don't recognize it either. But it radiates a sort of power, don't you think?
Arya.png You're not kidding, ma'am! I don't think these mushrooms were, uh... glowing, until we arrived with this little bundle of joy...!
Arya.png Eesh -- suddenly I've got a prickly feeling at the back of my neck. Is it this dragon's power--?
Portia Penanze.png That, my friend, is the feeling of being watched. We're not alone in these woods...
Vacivus Lapis Dragon Icon.png ... ... Hissss...
Arya.png WHOA! Ms. Portia, could this be one of the special dragons you're looking for?!
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Kweee!
Portia Penanze.png Could be, indeed. And it looks like these two know each other--
Arya.png Ah! It slithered away...! Sweater Dragon, can we count on you again to find our slippery friend?

Dragon Grid

Portia Penanze.png ... Now this is interesting. Something, or someone, was being... kept here. Perhaps something powerful.
Arya.png Is that OTTO standing there? I thought he was on an expedition with Ned and the Professor and Paola--!
Heinrich the Hideous.png Hey! I resent that! I'm nothing like that soft-hearted fool! What in Chronos's name are you doing here anyway, dragon girl? And who is your friend--?
Heinrich the Hideous.png ... Ah. I know you. You're Portia Penanze. A thorn in the side of many a Tyrant during the wars... I thought you'd disappeared for good.
Portia Penanze.png I never went away; I only devoted my life to dragons instead of warfare. I'm sure that's something you wouldn't understand... if you are who I think you are--
Arya.png Uh, let's calm down, everyone! Ms. Portia, I know what it looks like, but Heinrich doesn't work with the Tyrants -- he actually devoted himself to the Vikings! Even after Gunhilda rejected his love--
Heinrich the Hideous.png There was NO need to bring that up! *sob*
Portia Penanze.png *grumble* This is getting us nowhere! Why are you here, you Tyrant deserter? If you've been putting dragons in this cell, I'll feed you to them myself!
Heinrich the Hideous.png I've done no such thing! I came back to Gustyvale, my hometown, when I heard the rumors of strange dragons. I... I thought I might know something about them...
Arya.png Heinrich, you've always been a weirdo, but I've never seen you so cryptic. What do you mean? Can you tell us anything about these strange dragons--?
Umbral Aruspex Dragon Icon.png Grrrnngh...?! GROAAAR!
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Kwee! Kwee!
Heinrich the Hideous.png That will have to wait, dragon girl -- the thing that was in here has obviously gotten out... and so should we. Quickly!

Portia Penanze.png Just where have you led us, you strange bald man? What is this bizarre contraption?!
Crimson Gallus Dragon Icon.png Gauuuu! Graauuuwr!!! BANG!
Arya.png T-that big red dragon keeps hitting its head on the weird machine... We've got to stop it before it hurts itself!
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Kwee... Kwee!
Crimson Gallus Dragon Icon.png ...?! Groarrr...
Arya.png Look! It calmed down when it saw the baby dragon! They must know each other... just like this hatchling knew the other dragons on the mountain!
Heinrich the Hideous.png *gulp* I had a feeling this would happen. They're gathering at this secret generator for a very specific reason: Their leader is inside...
Portia Penanze.png However it is you know this... and no matter what sort of dragon is in there... you'd better help us free it!
Heinrich the Hideous.png What?! No! It's a ferocious beast! It's been powering this mountain for centuries, but just because it's woken up is no excuse to--
Portia Penanze.png This beast has been KNOWINGLY exploited?! Arya, help me rally the other dragons! If we work together, I know we can demolish this generator!
Mitis Venti Dragon Icon.png Kwee...! Kwee kwee! (Thankful...!)
Arya.png Hey, we made the little dragon happy... That's reason enough! Let's free that beastie -- WITH Heinrich's help... or else!

Visit the Event Dialogues page for more dialogues.

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