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From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Duplicates Example (Agave Dragon).png

Duplicates are two or more of the same Dragon species present at the same time, in a Habitat Icon.png Habitat, on an Island, or in the Dragon Vault. Except for Chronos Icon.png Chronos, Chronoids, and Clan Dragons, Trainers can have duplicates of the same species. In extremely rare cases, usually during large-scale events, duplicate Dragons in the Inventory Icon.png Inventory are considered as such. Most Dragons, acquired through methods apart from buying or breeding, cannot be bought as duplicates until they are obtained, hatched, then placed in a habitat or the vault.

Dragons that always can be purchased may include:

  1. Normally-Breedable Dragons.
  2. Dungeon Dragons.
  3. VIP Dragons Icon.png VIP Dragons (if having necessary VIP Level).
  4. Boss Dragons Icon.png Boss Dragons (if beaten on the Campaign Map).
  5. LTD Icon.png Limited-Time Breeding (current) Dragons (except Chain Breeding Events).
  6. Main Shop Icon.png Main Shop promotion or bundle Dragons.

However, the first three categories of Dragons, and Dragons made available through Breeding Tokens Icon.png Breeding Tokens, must first be unlocked as the Trainer progresses through the game. Limited-Time Dragon Limited-Time Dragon Icon.png duplicates whose related event has ended, can only be purchased by tapping their entries in the Dragon Codex tab of the Dragon Codex Icon.png Dragon Codex, they do not appear in the Main Shop.

Dragons purchasable as duplicates are typically buyable in exchange for Gems Icon.png Gems. Base Dragons are always purchasable using Gold Icon.png Gold, while Dungeon Dragons are always purchasable using Dungeon Tokens Icon.png Dungeon Tokens. There is no limit on how many Dragons of the same species can be obtained through breeding, as long as that Dragon is currently breedable. Additionally, Card Dragons (obtained only in exchange for matching Dragon Pieces Icon.png Dragon Pieces) can be obtained as duplicates, as there is no limit on the holding amount of their matching Pieces.

The Trainer cannot possess more than one of the same species of Boss Dragon unless that Dragon is made available for purchase in a bundle, promotion, or sale Sale Icon.png Sale. Since some Dragons must be present on islands to purchase a duplicate, those obtained through a method apart from buying or breeding, will likely never be obtainable again if Sold Icon.png Sold.

See Also

  • Dragons, for Dragon information and categories.
  • Clone Dragons, for a list of Dragons that are different species but very similar in appearance to others.

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