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Malevolent Dragon

From Dragon Mania Legends (DML) Wiki

Apollo Dragon Icon.png
This Dragon was added but has not been made available, its information is preliminary, and likely incorrect. Any information present here or elsewhere is subject to change without notice.

Switch Arrow Left.png    Magnus Horn Dragon Icon.png  Magnus Horn Dragon
Malice Striker  Malice Striker Icon.png    Switch Arrow Right.png

Malevolent Dragon.png
Malevolent Dragon.png
Malevolent Dragon Baby.png
Malevolent Dragon Egg.png
Malevolent Dragons are always up to mischief... Or maybe their devious expressions and naughty smirks are covers for tragic backstories that make them into... sort of anti-hero dragons instead?

Rarity Epic
Shadow Fire Earth
Health 202 Health Icon.png
Attack 67 Attack Icon.png
Gold/Hour 540 Gold Icon.png
Experience 1,100 Experience Icon.png
Selling Cost 11,450 Dragon Selling Icon.png
Base DCP 105 Dragon Collector Points Icon.png

Availability Occasional
Method Events
Cost 1,645 Gems Icon.png


Breeding Time 20 Hours [1]
Hatching Time 1 Day & 4 Hours
VIP Breeding 16 Hours [1]
VIP Hatching 22 Hours & 56 Minutes
Game Update Update 6.0
  1. 1.0 1.1 This Breeding time is merely representative as this Dragon can only be bred during special events.


The Body Shape of the Malevolent Dragon is Saurian.
Malevolent Dragons are always up to mischief... Or maybe their devious expressions and naughty smirks are covers for tragic backstories that make them into... sort of anti-hero dragons instead?

Enchantment Materials Requirements

Enchantment Star 1.png Enchantment Star 2.pngEnchantment Star 2.png Enchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.pngEnchantment Star 3.png Enchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.pngEnchantment Star 4.png Enchantment Star 5.png Enchantment Star 6.pngEnchantment Star 6.png Enchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.pngEnchantment Star 7.png Enchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.pngEnchantment Star 8.png Enchantment Star 9.png Enchantment Star 10.pngEnchantment Star 10.png Enchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.pngEnchantment Star 11.png Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png
14 Average Materials - Shadow.png 21 Good Materials - Shadow.png 25 Excellent Materials - Shadow.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Shadow.png
14 Average Materials - Fire.png 32 Average Materials - Fire.png 25 Excellent Materials - Fire.png 28 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Fire.png
14 Average Materials - Earth.png 32 Average Materials - Earth.png 32 Good Materials - Earth.png 39 Excellent Materials - Earth.png 23 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 25 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 27 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 30 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 33 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 36 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 40 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png 44 Extraordinary Materials - Earth.png


Level Health Attack Gold/Hour
1 202 67 540
10 1,042 347 1,872
20 6,454 2,147 3,352
30 39,959 13,293 4,832
40 247,412 82,308 6,312
50 1,531,907 509,625 7,792
60 9,485,165 3,155,461 9,272
70 58,729,641 19,537,782 10,752
80 363,638,458 120,972,794 12,232
90 2,251,553,484 749,031,653 13,712
100 13,941,025,712 4,637,806,573 15,192
120 534,465,466,253 177,802,372,932 18,152
125 1,329,921,108,987 442,429,200,613 18,892
120Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 42,488,319,506,206 14,134,728,073,351 18,152
125Enchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.pngEnchantment Star 12.png 105,724,535,193,680 35,171,726,559,482 18,892


The Malevolent Dragon is an Event-Only Dragon which can be obtained most frequently through one or more of the various events within the realm of Dragolandia.

Once the Malevolent Dragon is obtained and then subsequently housed on an island, duplicate eggs can be purchased through the Dragon Codex in exchange for 1,645 Gems Icon.png Gems.

Incubating and subsequently hatching the acquired egg of this Dragon takes 1 day, 4 hours and 40 minutes. With an active VIP Status of Level 2 or higher, the hatching time is reduced to 22 hours and 56 minutes.


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